Business Continuity Management
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BCM Institute Blog

Business Continuity Management Certified Planner-Specialist-Expert
Moh Heng Goh
[BCM] [CM] [Vs] Business Continuity Management Versus Crisis Management

Terms Used in Business Continuity Management Versus Crisis Management


Moh Heng Goh
PD 17: Recovery Procedures: Corporate Communications

Recovery Procedures: Corporate Communications

17.1 Critical Business..

Moh Heng Goh
PD 16: Sample Procedures: Insurance Claims Processing

Sample Procedures: Insurance Claims Processing

16.1 Critical Business..

Moh Heng Goh
[BCM] [OD] Introduction to BCM Planning Methodology

New call-to-action

Objectives and Detailed..

Moh Heng Goh
[BCM] [OD] Project Management Phase for Business Continuity Management Planning Methodology

Project Management Phase for Business Continuity Management Planning Methodology

Moh Heng Goh
[BCM] [OD] Risk Analysis and Review Phase for Business Continuity Management Planning Methodology

Risk Analysis and Review Phase for Business Continuity Management Planning..

Moh Heng Goh
[BCM] [OD] Business Impact Analysis Phase for Business Continuity Management Planning Methodology

Business Impact Analysis Phase for Business Continuity Management Planning..

Moh Heng Goh
[BCM] [OD] Business Continuity Strategy Phase for Business Continuity Management Planning Methodology

Business Continuity Strategy Phase for Business Continuity Management Planning..

Moh Heng Goh
[BCM] [OD] Plan Development Phase for Business Continuity Management Planning Methodology

Plan Development Phase for Business Continuity Management Planning Methodology


Moh Heng Goh
[BCM] [OD] Testing and Exercising Phase for Business Continuity Management Planning Methodology

Testing and Exercising Phase for Business Continuity Management Planning..

Moh Heng Goh
[BCM] [OD] Program Management Phase for BCM Planning Methodology

Program Management Phase for BCM Planning Methodology


Moh Heng Goh
Cyber Resilience vs. Cybersecurity: A Comprehensive Guide

Cyber Resilience vs. Cybersecurity: A Comprehensive Guide



Azizah Nurdin
[B-2] What is a BCM-200 Business Continuity Management Planner Course?

Business Continuity Management Fundamentals e-Learning Packages

This package..

[BCM] [EL] Lesson 8: Program Management

Lesson 8: Program Management


[BCM] [EL] Lesson 7: Testing and Exercising

Lesson 7: Testing and Exercising


[BCM] [EL] Lesson 6: BC Plan Development

Lesson 6: BC Plan Development


[BCM] [EL] Lesson 5: Business Continuity Strategy

Lesson 5: Business Continuity Strategy


[BCM] [EL] Lesson 3: Risk Analysis and Review

Lesson 3: Risk Analysis and Review


[BCM] [EL] Lesson 4: Business Impact Analysis

Lesson 4: Business Impact Analysis


[BCM] [EL] Lesson 2: Project Management

Lesson 2: Project Management


[BCM] [EL] Lesson 1: Overview of Business Continuity Management

Lesson 1: Overview of Business Continuity Management


Moh Heng Goh
[BCM] Case Study: Implementing Business Continuity Management (BCM) for a University in Singapore

BL-OR-3-5 Blog Under ConstructionCase Study:..

Moh Heng Goh
[BCM] [SMU] Case Study: Executing BIA to Determine Critical Business Functions for a University

Case Study: Critical Business Functions for Singapore Management University..

Moh Heng Goh
[BCM] Best Practices for Securing Management Support for BCM Initiatives
{% module_block module "widget_dd1f5b0b-d7cc-4a1d-9c52-817d8f260877" %}{%..
Moh Heng Goh
[BCM] How Can Business Continuity Management (BCM) and Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Complement Each Other?
{% module_block module "widget_dd1f5b0b-d7cc-4a1d-9c52-817d8f260877" %}{%..
Moh Heng Goh
[BCM] Validating Recovery Time Objectives (RTO) and Recovery Point Objectives (RPO)
{% module_block module "widget_dd1f5b0b-d7cc-4a1d-9c52-817d8f260877" %}{%..
Azizah Nurdin
Business Continuity Management Courses

Business Continuity Management Courses

Business Continuity Management (BCM) is..

Moh Heng Goh
[ESG-3] Drive Resilience Using Data

The article highlights the power of using data from technologies like IoT to..

Moh Heng Goh
[ESG-4] Internal Coordination to Organise BCP and ESG

The article highlights the missed opportunities when BCP and ESG teams work..

Moh Heng Goh
[ESG-2] Embed BCP into ESG

The article highlights how a robust BCP minimises negative impacts on all..

Moh Heng Goh
[ESG-1] Embed ESG into BCP

The article "Embed ESG into BCP" highlights how considering ESG factors during..

Moh Heng Goh
[BCM] Influence of ESG on BCM Strategies

Influence of ESG on BCM Strategies 

Establishing solid metrics ensures that ..

Moh Heng Goh
[BCM] BCM Principles Incorporated into ESG Programs

Metrics to Establish and Ensure that BCM Principles are Incorporated into the..

Business Continuity Management Certified Specialist (BCCS)

Business Continuity Management Certified Specialist

Pre-requisites for BCCS


Business Continuity Certified Planner (BCCP)

Business Continuity Management Certified Planner

Pre-requisites for BCCP


Business Continuity Management Certified Expert (BCCE)

Business Continuity Management Certified Expert (BCCE)

Pre-requisites for BCCE

Azizah Nurdin
Business Continuity Management Certification

[LP] Certification [BCM] Business Continuity Management

Suhana Sunreh
Exploring Your BCM Course Options: Levels and Pricing

Frequently, whether they are new or seasoned in the field of Business..

Moh Heng Goh
BNM Business Continuity Management Policy (Part A) by Bank Negara Malaysia

BNM Business Continuity Management Policy by Bank Negara Malaysia Part ABusiness..

Moh Heng Goh
Moh Heng Goh
BC Planning for Haze Scenario: Preparedness Measures

BC Planning for Haze Scenario

Preparedness Measures

The table of contents is a..

Moh Heng Goh
BC Planning for Haze Scenario: Introduction to BC Plan

BC Planning for Haze Scenario

Introduction to BC Plan

The table of contents is..

Moh Heng Goh
BC Planning for Haze Scenario: Incident Response

BC Planning for Haze Scenario

 Incident Response and Recovery

The table of..

Moh Heng Goh
BC Planning for Haze Scenario: Risk Analysis and Review

 Planning for Haze Scenario

Risk Analysis and Review


Moh Heng Goh
BNM R9C Business Continuity Management Policy by Bank Negara Malaysia: Essential Services

Business Continuity Management Policy by Bank Negara Malaysia

Part B Policy..

Moh Heng Goh
BNM R9D Business Continuity Management Policy by Bank Negara Malaysia: Recovery Strategy

Business Continuity Management

Policy by Bank Negara Malaysia


Moh Heng Goh
BNM R9J Business Continuity Management Policy by Bank Negara Malaysia: Testing and Exercises

Business Continuity Management Policy by Bank Negara Malaysia


Moh Heng Goh
BNM R9F Business Continuity Management Policy by Bank Negara Malaysia: Crisis Communication

Business Continuity Management Policy by Bank Negara Malaysia


Moh Heng Goh
BNM R9G Business Continuity Management Policy by Bank Negara Malaysia: Interdependencies

Business Continuity Management Policy by Bank Negara Malaysia


Moh Heng Goh
BNM R9E Business Continuity Management Policy by Bank Negara Malaysia: CM, BC and DR plans

Business Continuity Management Policy by Bank Negara Malaysia


Moh Heng Goh
BNM R9I Business Continuity Management Policy by Bank Negara Malaysia: Critical Business Information Records

New call-to-actionBusiness..

Moh Heng Goh
BNM Table of Content Business Continuity Management Policy by Bank Negara Malaysia

Business Continuity Management Policy by Bank Negara Malaysia

On December 19,..

Moh Heng Goh
BC Planning for Haze Scenario: Table of Content

This blog provides a table of contents (TOC) for a business continuity plan..

Moh Heng Goh
BNM R9 Business Continuity Management Policy by Bank Negara Malaysia: Part B BCM Framework and Methodology

Business Continuity Management Guidelines by Bank Negara Malaysia

Part B Policy..

Moh Heng Goh
BNM R8 Business Continuity Management Policy by Bank Negara Malaysia Part B Requirement 8

Business Continuity Management Policy by Bank Negara Malaysia:


Moh Heng Goh
BNM R10 Business Continuity Management Policy by Bank Negara Malaysia: Requirements 10

Business Continuity Management Guidelines by Bank Negara Malaysia: 


Azizah Nurdin
BCM-5000 Hybrid (Online and Onsite) Course Schedule 2023

As we exit the endemic stage, BCM Institute is launching its "hybrid learning",..

Azizah Nurdin
BCM Institute Physical Course Schedule (Q1) 2023

BCM Institute's 'brick and mortar' course schedule for 2023 is now available.


Azizah Nurdin
FAQ on BCM, CM, CC, DR and OR E-learning Course

Welcome to the frequently asked questions or FAQ for BCM Institute's E-learning..

Moh Heng Goh
LR 14: Worksheet to Develop BCM Training and Learning Roadmap

Worksheet to Develop BCM Training and Learning Roadmap

Introduction to..

Moh Heng Goh
LR 5: Business Unit (BU) BCM Coordinator

Profile of Business Unit (BU) BCM Coordinator

The key responsibility of the..

Moh Heng Goh
Table of Content: Assess Risk and Threats

When completing the RAR; IT RAR, or CRA templates, this Table of Content..

Aqmar Azizi
Which BCM E-learning Package Should I Attend?

Welcome to BCM Institute's E-learning introductory page on the planner courses..

Azizah Nurdin
Attend 200-level Planner or E-Learning Courses and Be Certified

Which BCM E-learning Package Should I Attend?Welcome to..

Suhana Sunreh
Frequently Asked Questions for E-learning Course

Welcome to the frequently asked questions or FAQ for BCM Institute's E-learning..

Azizah Nurdin
BCM Institute Physical Course Schedule (Q1 - Q2) 2022

BCM Institute's 'brick and mortar' course schedule for 2022 is now available.


Azizah Nurdin
[HRD] What is the Specific Funding for the Intermediate Level Certification Courses?

What is HRD Corp?

Human Resource Development Corporation (HRD Corp), or..
Azizah Nurdin
[HRD] What is HRD Corp?

What is HRD Corporation?

Human Resource Development Corporation (HRD..
Moh Heng Goh
What is Plan Development?

What is Plan Development?

This chapter provides an overview of the entire..
Moh Heng Goh
LR 4: Learning Roadmap for Organisation BCM Coordinator

LR 4: Learning Roadmap for Organisation BCM CoordinatorProfile of..

XX T28: Terminology

This is a series of useful templates that you can use to develop the Testing..

Fistri Abdul Rahim
T27: Background Notes and Ground Rules

This is a series of useful templates that you can use to develop the Testing..

Suhana Sunreh
T23: Opening Narrative

This is a series of useful templates that you can use to develop the Testing..

Azizah Nurdin
T22: IT Related Activities

This is a series of useful templates that you can use to develop the Testing..

Moh Heng Goh
LR 3: Overview of BCM Competency Requirement

Objections to Implement Learning Roadmap

Management had recognised that..

Moh Heng Goh
LR 2: Planner-Specialist-Expert Certification

“Novice to Expert” BCM Learning Roadmap

This chapter describes the basics of..

Moh Heng Goh
T20: Test Participants
Table of Content [2] for BCM Testing and Exercising

This is a series..

Rose Lam
T17: BC Exercise Manual

Table of Content [2] for BCM Testing and ExercisingThis is a series..

Irene Lye
T16: Test Result Exception Form

Table of Content [2] for BCM Testing and ExercisingThis is a series..

Moh Heng Goh
Table of Content [2] for BCM Testing and Exercising

Testing and ExercisingTable of Content [Part 2] Advanced Level 


Steve Sobak
T14: Record of Exceptions Noted During Test

Table of Content [1] for BCM Testing and ExercisingThis is a series..

Goh Hua Wei
T13: Memorandum for BCM Call-Tree Test

Table of Content [1] for BCM Testing and ExercisingThis is a series..

T12: Table of Content for BCM Test Folder

Table of Content [1] for BCM Testing and ExercisingThis is a series..

Suhana Sunreh
T10: Test Planning Checklist

Table of Content [1] for BCM Testing and Exercising

This is a series..

Moh Heng Goh
PgM 3: What is BCM Plan Maintenance?

BC Plan Maintenance is the first major activity to start the entire Program..

Moh Heng Goh
PgM 10: Stage 2 - Analyze BCM Training Needs

Stage 2 - Analyze Training Needs

The need to train BC teams is well..
Moh Heng Goh
PgM 1: Overview of Program Management

Program Management in the BCM Process

You will have completed most of the..

Moh Heng Goh
PgM 2: What is BCM Program Management?

Once the BC project is completed, the next challenge is to keep the BCM..

Moh Heng Goh
[BCM] [Pgm] [14] Content for Training & Awareness

Content for Training & Awareness

Areas of Concentration

Moh Heng Goh
PgM 22: Concluding Thoughts

What are the Benefits?

The benefits of establishing a BC awareness program for..
Moh Heng Goh
PgM 9: Stage 1 - Identify BCM Training Groups

Determine Audience Types

Both BC awareness and training programs are widely..
Moh Heng Goh
PgM 19: What is Advanced BCM Exercising & Testing?
This article gives an overview of the testing and exercising process. It..
Moh Heng Goh
PgM 20: What is BCM Audit?
Why Audit?
BC planning is similar to any other business activity that is..
Moh Heng Goh
PgM 6: Stage 3 – BCM Maintenance Support Tools

Determine BC Tools Selection Process

Many organizations use the basic word..

Moh Heng Goh
PgM 7: What is BCM Training & Awareness?

What is Training & Awareness?

The successful embedding of a BC management..

Moh Heng Goh
PgM 15: Frequency of Training

Training Program Implementation

When it comes to training program..

Moh Heng Goh
PgM 5: Stage 2 - Change Control Procedures

Change Management and Control Procedures

Change Management and Control are..

Moh Heng Goh
RAR 31: Appendix 15: Risk Analysis & Review (RAR) Project Presentation

RAR Project Presentation to Management

This blog is a detailed elaboration of..

Moh Heng Goh
Risk Analysis and Review (RAR) Template and Guidance Notes to Complete the Template

Risk Analysis and Review (RAR) Template

This template is provided to all..

Moh Heng Goh
RAR 6: Step 2: Identify Organization Assets

Step 2: Identify Organization Assets

List Critical Organizational Assets


Moh Heng Goh
[BC] [BIA] [16] Sample BIA Report Format

Sample BIA Report Format

This is a sample template for developing a typical BIA..

Moh Heng Goh
RAR 1: Overview of Risk Analysis & Review

Risk Analysis & Review Phase in the BCM Process

The Risk Analysis & Review..

Rose Lam
Writing the Business Impact Analysis Report

Preparing the Business Impact Analysis Report

There is no standardized format..

Moh Heng Goh
Table of Content [1] for BCM Testing and Exercising

Testing and ExercisingTable of Content (Part 1)

TI T2 T3
Design Profile..
Moh Heng Goh
BIA 4: Frequently Asked Questions When Conducting Risk Analysis and Review

This blog attempts to provide answers to some typical questions that I am..

Moh Heng Goh
PD 1: Plan Development: Where Do We Start?

Plan Development in the BCM Planning Methodology

Before arriving at this phase..

Moh Heng Goh
PD 3: Plan Structure Concepts

Concepts Related to Plan Structure

There is often confusion about terms used..
Moh Heng Goh
RAR 3: What is Risk Analysis & Review?

What is Risk Analysis & Review?

RA is the detailed analysis of risks,..

Moh Heng Goh
BCS 2: What is Business Continuity Strategy?

Disaster Lifecycle

Before starting to develop the BC strategy, it is important..

Moh Heng Goh
BIA 8: Step 2: Verify and Analyze Information

Review of Submission

After the business units return the BIA Questionnaires..

Moh Heng Goh
What is Business Impact Analysis?

What is Business Impact Analysis?

Business Impact Analysis or BIA refers to..

Moh Heng Goh
BCM Project Management Steps

BCM Project Management Steps

This blog is dedicated to providing a fundamental..

Moh Heng Goh
Step 8: Establish a Budget

Reaching that financial number requires the BCP project team to define..

Moh Heng Goh
Step 9: Obtain Commitment and Approval

Get Executive Management to Buy-In

If it is going to be effective, a BC plan..

Moh Heng Goh
Step 11: Build and Maintain Teamwork

Communicate and Participate

The Organization BCM Coordinator should conduct..

Moh Heng Goh
Step 1: Establish the Need for BC Planning

Most disasters happen without warning, and when they do, there is no time for..

Moh Heng Goh
Step 7: Develop an Action Plan and Schedule

Establish Timescale

This is the suggested time schedule (elapse time) for..

Moh Heng Goh
Step 6: Establish a BC Planning Organization

Identify a Planning Committee and Team

Before the start of the BC planning..

Moh Heng Goh
Step 5: Manage the BCP Process

BCM Planning Process

A BCP project plan should be established to manage the..

Moh Heng Goh
Step 4: Define the Scope, Objectives and Assumptions

Unclear Objectives and Deliverables

I have often found the objectives of the..

Moh Heng Goh
Step 2: Research Your Work

Whether you have some BCM background or are a newcomer, there are many..

Moh Heng Goh
Step 3: Develop a BCP Framework

Develop BCP Framework

Many organizations that I have reviewed have told me..

Moh Heng Goh
Step 10: Manage Project Deadlines and Milestones

Manage Project Deadlines and Milestones

Break Activities into Measurable Tasks
Azizah Nurdin
Speaking Opportunity @ Meet-the-Experts Webinar

Call for Speakers

What would you like to share with the audience? We would like..

Moh Heng Goh
Typical Program for Major Exercise

This is a series of useful templates that you can use to develop the Testing..

Moh Heng Goh
Exercise Incident Sheet Samples

This is a series of useful templates that you can use to develop the Testing..

Azizah Nurdin
T9: Test Project Plan Activities

Table of Content [1] for BCM Testing and ExercisingThis is a series..

Rose Lam
T6: Design Profile for Partial Simulation

Table of Content [1] for BCM Testing and ExercisingThis is a series..

Dr Lim Yew Ban
T7: Design Profile for Full Simulation

Table of Content [1] for BCM Testing and ExercisingThis is a series..

Suhana Sunreh
T21: Exercise Logs

This is a series of useful templates that you can use to develop the Testing..

Irene Lye
T2: Design Profile for Telephone Notification Test

Design Profile for Telephone Notification Test


David Tay
T19: Feedback from Test Participants

Table of Content [2] for BCM Testing and ExercisingThis is a series..

Vincent Fong
T18: Post Exercise Critique Form

Table of Content [2] for BCM Testing and ExercisingThis is a series..

Hairil Hazwan
T15: Telephone Call Tree Log

Table of Content [1] for BCM Testing and ExercisingThis is a series..

Moh Heng Goh
The New BCM Manager: What is Your Job Description?

CTA KMA Know More About BCM

ISO 22301’s..

Dr Lim Yew Ban
T11: Annual Test Schedule

Table of Content [1] for BCM Testing and ExercisingThis is a series..

Moh Heng Goh
T24: Exercise Incident Sheet (Master)

This is a series of useful templates that you can use to develop the Testing..

Steve Sobak
Designing a Detailed Test Profile (Plan)

This is a series of useful templates that you can use to develop the Testing..

Suhana Sunreh
T8: Overall Test and Exercise Schedule

Table of Content [1] for BCM Testing and Exercising

This is a series..

Moh Heng Goh
[BCS] [P2] Obtain Acceptance of the Business Continuity Strategy Report

[P2] Finalising Your Business Continuity Strategy & Obtain Acceptance

This is..

Moh Heng Goh
Report and Present Risk Analysis and Review Findings to Executive Management

Reporting and Presenting Risk Analysis Findings to Executive Management


Moh Heng Goh
Document Your Business Impact Analysis Report and Present Findings

Documenting Your Business Impact Analysis Report and Presenting Findings


Moh Heng Goh
[BCS] [P1] Finalising Your Organisation Consolidated Business Continuity Strategy

[P2] Finalising Your Business Continuity Strategy

As part 2 of the BCM-5000..

Moh Heng Goh
Table of Content for Exercise Assignment to Case Study

Table of Content

Exercise Assignment Sheet for Case Study 

This case study..

Moh Heng Goh
Meet-the-Expert  Webinar Pandemic Influenza and Infectious Diseases Series

MTE Webinar Pandemic Influenza and Infectious Diseases Series [2020]

This is a..

Dr Lim Yew Ban
T5: Design Profile for Incident Simulation

Table of Content [1] for BCM Testing and ExercisingThis is a series..

Aqmar Azizi
T4: Design Profile for Integrated Test

Table of Content [1] for BCM Testing and ExercisingThis is a series..

Azizah Nurdin
T3: Design Profile for Walk-through Test

Table of Content [1] for BCM Testing and ExercisingThis is a series..

Suhana Sunreh
T1: Design Profile (Master)

Table of Content [1] for BCM Testing and ExercisingThis is a series..

Azizah Nurdin
Aqmar Azizi
FAQ [BCM-5000] on Singapore Government Funding for ISO22301 BCMS Expert Implementer Course

Frequently Asked Questions on CITREP+ Government Funding?


Moh Heng Goh
What is Crisis Management Vs Business Continuity Management? Often Confused.

Business Continuity Management (BCM)

Business Continuity (BC) Management is a..

Suhana Sunreh
Advanced Level BCM Certification Course [BCM-5000] and The Certification You Get

What is the advanced level BCM certification course?

This course is a BCM..

Irene Lye
What Are the Stakeholders or Interested Parties?

Interested Parties

Interested Parties, or stakeholders, are any person, group,..

Goh Hua Wei
Your Step-by-step Start to BCM Implementation

Business Continuity Management or BCM is “a holistic management process that..

Suhana Sunreh
What Does My Business Unit BCM Coordinator Need to Improve Their BCM Competency and Skill?

New call-to-actionCompetence as an..

Moh Heng Goh
Getting Ready for Your BCM Course and Certification Examination by First Knowing the Terminology

Preparing for Your BCM Course & Certification Examination

When you are reading..

Moh Heng Goh
What is a BCM Learning Roadmap?

What is A Training and Learning Roadmap?

In the BCM context, a "Training and..

Azizah Nurdin
Attend the Planner Level (BCM-200) Course: ISO 22301 BCMS Planner

BCM Institute’s introductory 1-day foundation course on the fundamentals of..

Aqmar Azizi
FAQ on ISO22301 BCMS Manager [BCM-400] Course

BCCE Business Continuity Certified Expert Certification (Size 400)Welcome to BCM..

Suhana Sunreh
FAQ [BCM-5000] on ISO22301 BCMS Expert Implementer  Course

Thank you for your interest in learning more about BCM Institute's ISO 22301..

Moh Heng Goh
Living in a World of BCM Acronyms and Words that Have Different Meanings

Those of us who spend our business lives immersed in the Business Continuity..

Aqmar Azizi
FAQ on ISO22301 BCMS Implementer [BCM-300] Course

Welcome to BCM Institute's introductory page on the ISO 22301 BCMS Implementer..

Suhana Sunreh
Which BCM E-learning Package to Attend?

With immediate effect, all Module 1 training for BCM-300 or BCM-5000 courses..

Aqmar Azizi
Complete Your Final Installment of Advanced Level [BCM-400] Training Course

BCM Managers who have completed the pre-requisite, BCM-300 ISO 22301 Business..

Aqmar Azizi
How Do I Prepare and Train The Rest of My Organisation Staff Members on BCM?

The focus of a typical BCM program is to ensure the competency of the..

Moh Heng Goh
The New BCM Manager: What are the Various Roles?

CTA KMA Know More About BCMBefore embarking..

Suhana Sunreh
What BCM Competency and Skill Should My Senior Management Have?

BCM Competency and Skill for Senior Management


Moh Heng Goh
Moh Heng Goh
The New BCM Manager: Understand Your Organisation

In my previous post, we discussed the importance of getting the BCM manager..

Moh Heng Goh
The New BCM Manager: Build Competency

The New BCM Manager: Build CompetencyThe previous..

Fistri Abdul Rahim
Embarking Your BCM Learning Journey by Attending the Intermediate [BCM-300] Course

This is a 2-day intermediate business continuity management (BCM) course that..

Azizah Nurdin
[BCM-5000] Most Comprehensive Business Continuity Management Course

Is this the Right Business Continuity Management Course for You?

  • ..
Moh Heng Goh
How Do I Start My BCM Learning Journey?

Congratulations, you’ve just been appointed as the new BCM manager in your..

Moh Heng Goh
The New BCM Manager: Common Mistakes to Avoid

I Am New - What Should I Work First?


Moh Heng Goh
The New BCM Manager: What Can I Do To Improve My BCM Competency and Skill?

What Can I Do To Improve My BCM Competency and Skill?


Moh Heng Goh
Crisis Management and Business Continuity Management: Why Is It Often Confused?

The Crisis management (CM) plan is often embedded into the business continuity..

Moh Heng Goh
What Exactly is BCM?

Often, as part of the discussion on business continuity management (BCM), there..


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