Business Continuity Management
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BC Planning for Haze Scenario: Introduction to BC Plan

The table of contents is a general outline for a business continuity plan specific to a haze scenario.

This section aims to provide an overview of the Haze Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and its objectives. It serves as an introduction to the BC plan for Haze, setting the context for the rest of the document.

Moh Heng Goh
Business Continuity Management Certified Planner-Specialist-Expert

BC Planning for Haze Scenario

Introduction to BC Plan

The table of contents is a general outline for a business continuity plan specific to a hazeNew call-to-action

This section aims to provide an overview of the Haze Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and its objectives. It serves as an introduction to the BC plan for Haze, setting the context for the rest of the document.


1. Purpose

This blog aims to provide an overview of the Haze Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and its objectives. It serves as an introduction to the BC plan for Haze, setting the context for the rest of the document.

2. Objective

This section aims to define the purpose and goals of the Haze BCP clearly. It helps stakeholders understand the importance of the plan and its role in ensuring the organization's resilience and ability to continue its critical operations during a haze incident.

3. Purpose Statement

The purpose statement should briefly describe the primary reason for developing the Haze BCP. It may include the following elements:

  • Establishing a proactive approach to mitigate the impact of haze incidents on the organization's operations, employees, customers, and stakeholders.
  • Minimizing disruptions and maintaining essential services and operations during a haze incident.
  • Ensuring the safety and well-being of employees and promoting their ability to perform their duties effectively.
  • Protecting the organization's reputation, brand, and relationships with customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders.
  • Complying with regulatory requirements related to emergency preparedness and business continuity.

4. Objectives

The objectives of the Haze BCP should align with the purpose statement and address the specific goals and outcomes the plan aims to achieve. Some possible objectives include:

  • Establishing a comprehensive framework to respond to and recover from haze incidents effectively.
  • Identifying and prioritizing critical business functions, processes, and resources to minimize the impact of haze on operations.
  • Developing strategies and procedures for communication, employee safety, resource management, and infrastructure readiness during a haze incident.
  • Establishing clear roles, responsibilities, and lines of authority for the incident response and recovery efforts.
  • Testing, validating, and maintaining the effectiveness of the Haze BCP through regular exercises and reviews.
  • Enhancing collaboration and coordination with external stakeholders, such as government agencies, emergency services, suppliers, and business partners.
  • Facilitating a timely and effective return to normal operations following a haze incident.

5 Scope

The scope of the Haze BCP should be clearly defined to outline the extent of its coverage. It may include the following elements:

5.1 Geographic Scope
  • Specify the geographic area or locations covered by the Haze BCP.
  • This may be a specific region, city, or area where the organization operates or is susceptible to haze incidents.
5.2 Haze Incident Scenarios
  • Identify the types of haze incidents considered within the plan's scope. 
  • Depending on the organization's context, this may include factors such as air quality index levels, visibility reduction, or specific sources of haze.
5.3 Timeframe
  • Define the timeframe for which the Haze BCP is applicable. 
  • This may include the duration of a haze incident, including pre-incident preparedness, immediate response, and post-incident recovery and restoration.
5.4 Business Functions and Processes
  • Specify the critical business functions, processes, and operations the Haze BCP covers. 
  • These activities must be prioritized and protected during a haze incident to ensure the organization's continued viability.
5.5 Departments and Roles
  • Identify the departments, teams, and individuals responsible for implementing and executing the Haze BCP. 
  • Clarify the roles and responsibilities of each department or team during different phases of the plan, such as incident response, recovery, and restoration.
5.6 Supporting Systems and Resources
  • Outline the systems, resources, and infrastructure included in the Haze BCP scope. 
  • This may encompass IT systems, communication networks, power supply, transportation, and other critical resources necessary for business operations during a haze incident.
5.7 External Stakeholders
  • Specify the external stakeholders or organizations involved or affected by the Haze BCP. 
  • This may include suppliers, customers, regulatory authorities, emergency services, and other relevant parties.

Supplementary Blogs to Elaborate Haze-Specific Details

Refer to the table of content above,  Additional blogs highlighted in green are created to elaborate on the selected section. Click the icon below to access the additional readings for the specific section.

Project Management  Risk Analysis and Review Plan Development
[PM] Objective and Scope of Plan [RAR] Haze Scenario Overview [PD] Preparedness Measures
1.1 to 1.2 2.1 5.1 to 5.7
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Plan Development    
[PD] Incident Response and Recovery   Back to Table of Content
5.8 to 5.13    
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