Business Continuity Management

Which BCM E-learning  Package to Attend?

This online learning is ideal for new BCM practitioners who want to know the end-to-end process of starting a BCM plan for their organisation. 

There are two different packages that you can choose from.  One focuses on the planning methodology, while the IS0 22301 package provides comprehensive project and program management modules.

Suhana Sunreh
Business Continuity Management Certified Planner-Specialist-Expert

BCCP E-Learning Banner

With immediate effect, all Module 1 training for BCM-300 or BCM-5000 courses will be attended via the online e-learning module.

By attending the online e-learning course, you could learn in the comfort of your office or home and acquire the BCCP certification awarded by BCM Institute.  You may want to enquire about the availability of specialist and expert level courses conducted via web and video conferencing training.

How do I receive the BCCP certificate after I complete the course?

After you have completed the course, our Certification team will email you the soft copy certificate to your email address within five working days.


How long am I given to complete the course?

You will be given 14 days to complete the course (the schedule shall follow the available course run).


Will I be getting the full set of ISO22301 manuals?

No, the complete set of ISO22301 manuals will not be provided. You will only have access to the slides during the course program. However, you will get a LITE copy of the Manager's Guide to ISO22301 BCMS.

Online Packages

New Call-to-actionFor those who are taking the online route, they can learn at their own pace the fundamentals and the ISO22301 package of BCM through either of these courses:

1 BCM Fundamentals SGD 1,350 BCM Fundamental Package
2 ISO 22301 BCMS Fundamentals SGD 1,650 ISO22301 BCMS Fundamental Package


Differences between the 2 Packages

New BCM Planning MethodologyThe main difference between the two programs is that the ISO 22301 Fundamentals package covers two additional modules on project and program management and explores management system concepts as pertain to BCM.

If you intend to go for ISO 22301 certification or want to know more about ISO 22301, this eLearning package will be suitable. Except for the complimentary Overview of BCM module, all other modules end with an online assessment of up to 10 multiple-choice questions.

Successfully passing the assessments for all modules in a package will earn the online student a Business Continuity Certified Planner (BCCP) certification, equivalent to that conferred on students attending our brick-and-mortar classroom courses. 

BCM Certification 

BCCPUpon completion of these modules, they are awarded the basic internationally recognized BCM certification, Business Continuity Certified Planner (BCCP)

Note that these courses teach you the theory and basic concepts of BCM. 

BCCS-02Can I pursue the next level of BCM Institute's Specialist certification online?

New call-to-actionThe BC Certified Specialist certification is on day 2 of the BCM-300 course. It is now available as blended learning.

It is now available online and facilitated by senior BCM professionals with assignments as the final assessment. Click and find out more about our blended learning (BL) program. 


Elearning banner

E-learning modules

We do have standalone modules, too at Singapore dollars (SGD) $275  each:

eLearning Overview of BCM New call-to-action New call-to-action E-Learning B3 Business Impact Analysis

Overview of Business Continuity Management

Project Management

Risk Analysis and Review

Business Impact Analysis

E-Learning B4 Business Continuity Strategy E-Learning B5 Plan Development E-Learning B6 Testing and Exercising E-Learning B7 Program Management

Business Continuity Strategy

BC Plan

Testing and Exercising

Program Management


If you are keen to pursue the specialist or expert-level certification, click BL-B-3 for the BCM-300 specialist level and BL-B-5 for the BCM-5000 expert-level certification.  Do note that the E-Learning module forms module 1 of either course.
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