Training-led Implementation Series

BCM Institute Blog

Moh Heng Goh
The New BCM Manager: Develop the Plan

The New BCM Manager: Develop and Implement the BCM Plan


Moh Heng Goh
Understanding Business Continuity Management Policy

BL-OR-3-5 Blog Under Construction

Understanding Business..

Moh Heng Goh
Understanding the Business Continuity Management Framework

Exploring the Business Continuity Management Framework


Moh Heng Goh
Business Continuity Management: Framework vs Policy

New call-to-actionDecoding the..

Moh Heng Goh
[ITL] [4] [BCS] Training-led BCM Implementation: Evaluating the Business Continuity Strategy

Overview of BCM-320 (Session 1)

Evaluating the Business Continuity Strategy


Steve Sobak
[ITL] [2] [RAR] Training-led BCM Implementation: Running the Risk Assessment

Overview of BCM-310 (Session 1)

Running the Risk Assessment

At this stage, the..

Dr Lim Yew Ban
[ITL] [6] [TE] Training-led BCM Implementation: Executing Tests and Exercises

Overview of BCM-320 (Session 1 & 2)

Executing Tests and Exercises


Goh Hua Wei
[ITL] [5] [PD] Training-led BCM Implementation: Implementing the Business Continuity Plan

Overview of BCM-320 (Session 2)

Implementing the Business Continuity Plan


Moh Heng Goh
[ITL] [1-6] Training-led BCM Implementation: Overview

Overview of "Competency-based" Training with an Option for Implement or Update..

Steve Sobak
[ITL] [3] [BIA] Training-led BCM Implementation: Executing the Business Impact Analysis

Overview of BCM-310 (Session 2)

Business Impact Analysis

You are about to..

Moh Heng Goh
Assessing Your Risk: Descriptor for Risk Rating and Risk Level

Descriptor for Risk Rating and Risk Level

Once you have read the "Risk..

Rose Lam
Assessing Your Risk: Descriptor for Seven Risk Impact Area

Descriptor Risk Impact AreaDescriptor for..

Steve Sobak
Assessing Your Risk: Sample Content for Each Risk Impact Level & Risk Impact Area

Descriptor Risk Level and Risk ImpactSample Content for..

Moh Heng Goh
Assessing Your Risk: Risk Rating and Risk Level

Before developing a business continuity management (BCM) program, a New Manager..

Moh Heng Goh
[HRDC] [4] [BCS] BCM Training and Project: Evaluating the Business Continuity Strategy

Evaluating the Business Continuity Strategy

At this stage, you would have..

Goh Hua Wei
[HRDC] [5] [PD] BCM Training and Project: Implementing the Business Continuity Plan


At this stage, you are about to attend the second HRD Corp claimable..

Moh Heng Goh
[HRDC] [1-6] HRD Corp Funded BCM Training and Project: Overview

Overview of HRD Corp Claimable "Competency-based" Training with an Option for..

Steve Sobak
[HRDC] [2] [RAR] BCM Training and Project: Running the Risk Assessment

Running the Risk Assessment

At this stage, your appointed business unit (BU)..

Moh Heng Goh
[BL] [1-6] WSQ Funded BCM Training and Project: Overview

Overview of Training-led with Project Implementation

If you read this blog,..

Goh Hua Wei
[BL] [5] [PD] WSQ Funded BCM Training and Project: Implementing the Business Continuity Plan


At this stage, you are about to attend the second WSQ BCM workshop..

Steve Sobak
[BL] [2] [RAR] WSQ Funded BCM Training and Project: Running the Risk Assessment

Running the Risk Assessment

At this stage, your appointed business unit (BU)..

Moh Heng Goh
[BL] [4] [BCS] WSQ Funded BCM Training and Project: Evaluating the Business Continuity Strategy

Business Continuity Strategy

You have completed your RAR and BIA workshops and..

Moh Heng Goh
[EL] [RAR] Training Led BCM Consultancy Project: Running the Risk Assessment


At this stage, you are about to attend the first BCM workshop..

Rose Lam
[BL] [3] [BIA]: WSQ Funded BCM Training and Project: Executing the Business Impact Analysis

Business Impact Analysis

At this stage, you are about to attend the second..

Moh Heng Goh
[1a] [PM] Training Led BCM Consultancy Project: Starting the Project


This series is part of the reading for professionals designated to be..

Steve Sobak
[BL-WSQ] 310-320-330: Introduction to WSQ BCM Blended Learning Program


At this stage, you are about to attend the first or the continuation..

Goh Hua Wei
[1C] [PM] WSQ Funded BCM Project: Request for Information

Request for Information for HBP Town Council

This is an initial list of request..

Suhana Sunreh
[BL-B-5] You As A Business Unit BCM Coordinator: What is My Time Commitment to the  Funded Blended Learning BCM Project

How Much Time is Required of Me As a Business Unit BCM Coordinator?

What is..
Dr Lim Yew Ban
[BL-WSQ] 330 [TE] Executing Tests and Exercises


This is the final course and implementation stage whereby you are..

Aqmar Azizi
Case Study Exercise [3]: Business Continuity Strategy

BL-B-5 Case Study Back to Table of ContentBusiness..

Fistri Abdul Rahim
Case Study Exercise [4]: Change in Scenario [A]

Change in Scenario [A]

Scenario Change and Local Monetary Authority Directives

Azizah Nurdin
Case Study Exercise [4]: Key Concepts [B]

Key Concept [B]

[1] Maximum Tolerable Downtime (MTD)

Moh Heng Goh
Case Study Exercise [1]: Risk Analysis and Review [A]
BL-B-5 Case Study Back to Table of Content

Risk Analysis..

Goh Hua Wei
Case Study Exercise [2]: Business Impact Analysis [B]

Business Impact Analysis Phase [B]


Suhana Sunreh
Goh Hua Wei
Case Study Exercise [2]: Business Impact Analysis [A]

BL-B-5 Case Study Back to Table of ContentBusiness Impact..

Moh Heng Goh
What and How to Develop the Key Planning Scenario?

Due to limitations in resources, and also as a matter of better management of..

Fistri Abdul Rahim
You As BCM Project Manager: What is My Time Commitment to the SSG Funded BCM Project

How Much Time is Required As BCM Project Manager?

What is a SSG Funded..
Moh Heng Goh
Deploying Competency Based Training to Update Current BCM Plans

Maintaining BCM Competency  

Some organisation upon implementing its business..

Vincent Fong
[6] [TE] SSG Funded BCM Project: Executing Tests and Exercises


This is the "Testing and Exercising" module of the BCM-5000 course...

Irene Lye
[5] [PD] SSG Funded BCM Project: Implementing the Business Continuity Plan


At this stage, you are about to attend the "Plan Development" Funded..

Moh Heng Goh
[4] [BCS] SSG Funded BCM Project: Evaluating the Business Continuity Strategy


At this stage, you would have completed your RAR and BIA workshops and..

Goh Hua Wei
[3] [BIA] SSG Funded BCM Project: Executing the Business Impact Analysis


At this stage, you are about to attend the half day BCM workshop..

Steve Sobak
[2] [RAR] SSG Funded BCM Project: Running the Risk Assessment


At this stage, you are about to attend the first funded BCM workshop..

Moh Heng Goh
[1B] [PM] SSG Funded BCM Project: Developing BCM Structure and Framework


This series is part of the reading for participants embarking on a BCM..

Suhana Sunreh
[1A] [PM] SSG Funded BCM Project: Starting the Project


This series is part of the reading for participants embarking on a BCM..

Suhana Sunreh
[7A] [PgM] SSG Funded BCM Project: Complete the Examination Requirement for Funding


At this stage, you would have completed the "Testing and Exercising"..

Moh Heng Goh
[1B] [PM] Training Led BCM Consultancy Project: Developing BCM Structure and Framework


This series is part of the reading for participants embarking on a BCM..

Moh Heng Goh
[2] [RAR] Training Led BCM Consultancy Project: Running the Risk Assessment


At this stage, you are about to attend the first BCM workshop..

Dr Lim Yew Ban
[BL] [6] [TE] WSQ Funded BCM Training and Project: Executing Tests and Exercises

Testing & Exercising

This is the final course and implementation stage, during..

Goh Hua Wei
[5] [PD] WSQ Funded BCM Project: Implementing the Business Continuity Plan


At this stage, you are about to attend the second WSQ BCM workshop..

Moh Heng Goh
[4] [BCS] WSQ Funded BCM Project: Evaluating the Business Continuity Strategy


At this stage, you would have completed your RAR and BIA workshops and..

Rose Lam
[BL-WSQ] 310 [BIA]: Executing the Business Impact Analysis


At this stage, you are about to attend the second of the one-day WSQ..

Steve Sobak
[2] [RAR] WSQ Funded BCM Project: Running the Risk Assessment


At this stage, you are about to attend the first WSQ BCM workshop..

Moh Heng Goh
[BL] [1B] [PM] WSQ Funded BCM Training and Project: Developing BCM Structure and Framework


This series is part of the reading for participants embarking on a BCM..

Rose Lam
Develop the Plan [3]: Plan Writing

Plan development is the phase in the BCM Planning Methodology followingBC..

Moh Heng Goh
What Are the Types of Business Continuity Strategy?

What Are the Types of Business Continuity Strategies?


Goh Hua Wei
Assessing Your Risk: Treating Your Risk

This is the second part of the "Assessing Your Risk" for "The New Manager" for..

Moh Heng Goh
Assessing Your Risk: Risk Analysis

Before developing a business continuity management (BCM) program, a New Manager..

Steve Sobak
The New BCM Manager: Start Testing and Exercising Your Plan

Testing and Exercising

The most important phase in the BCM Planning Methodology..
Goh Hua Wei
Develop the Plan [2a]: Procedure Development

Procedure Development

Procedures are a series of steps conducted in a..

Moh Heng Goh
Develop the Plan [1]: What Encompass Plan Development?

Plan development is the phase in the BCM Planning Methodology following the..

Azizah Nurdin
Develop the Plan [2b]: Implementation Plans

Implementation Plans

In the earlier business continuity strategy or crisis..

Moh Heng Goh
How Does A Business Impact Analysis Actually Work?

Have you read "What You Need To Know Before You Start Your Business Impact..

Moh Heng Goh
What is MBCO or Minimum Business Continuity Objective?

What is MBCO or Minimum Business Continuity Objective?What is MBCO?



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