This book aims to prepare the novice and the experienced Auditor for auditing..
This book aims to prepare the novice and the experienced Auditor for auditing..
The pre-requisites are:
The pre-requisites..
BCM Institute continues its innovative "hybrid learning" approach, combining..
Marking and Grading BCM Assignment
This is an instruction briefing series for..
This is a typical BCM Audit Non-conformity Report format.
The entire BCM Audit Process involves the..
This is a list of sample documentation for audit review and checklist, audit..
This list of BCM Questionnaires is intended..
It is essential when reading this book to remember that it aims..
Business Continuity Management or BCM is “a holistic management process that..
An example is a Business Continuity Management (BCM) audit, it is seen as a..
Crisis Management or CM is the overall coordination of.. |
A Program Management is for:
Audit Working Paper
Explanation This is a typical BCM Audit Working Paper..
This section consists of a list of commonly..
This is the interview schedule template to be used during the..
This section provides the reader with..
Testing and Exercising are subjecting the.. |
A Plan Development is a process to determine the.. |
A Business Continuity Strategy is the conceptual summary of.. |
A Business Impact Analysis (BIA) analyzes the.. |
A Risk Analysis and Review, or RAR identifies.. |
Project Management is a phase.. |
Roles and.. |
Planning for recovery from a disaster in most organizations has..
As an independent function, an audit can play a very constructive..
BC Planning (BCP) is similar to any other business..
Once the opening meeting is completed and it is time to start..
The idea of Training is to have a planned and.. |
Thank you for your interest in learning more about BCM Institute's ISO 22301..
This is the outline of a typical BCM Audit course designed for BCM..
Once the opening meeting is completed and it is time to start..
Once the opening meeting is completed and it is time to start..
This audit schedule is developed during the..
This is the interview schedule template to be..
This audit schedule is developed during the..
This is a summary of the report contents...
The Closing or Exit Meeting is scheduled between the..
When assessing for non-conformity, these are the..
A non-conformity is serious in nature. It is..
An Audit Objective is the defined purpose or aim of..
Before the start of any BCM audit, there is..
Corrective actions are taken to eliminate the cause..
An Audit Checklist is for keeping the Auditor..
An Audit Checklist is for keeping the Auditor..
A non-conformity is any failure to meet a requirement...
This is a sample of a BCM audit report
An audit..
Working Papers are documentary evidence..
Often times when one wants to attend BCM Institute's audit courses (e.g. ..
While writing this blog, there are two terms that..
The objective of the corrective action report is to avoid repeating..
Thank you for your interest in learning more about BCM Institute's ISO 22301..
These are the major activities to be executed..
The key activities for the..
This is the second stage of the BCM Audit Process...
The goal of the Audit Planning and..
Becoming BCM-ready is a process businesses providing essential services to..
When you read..
In a auditing scenario, when an organizations seeks for compliance to..
BCM-8030 is the first installment of the BCM-8530: BCMS ISO 22301 Lead..
BCM-8530 ISO22301 BCMS Lead Auditor course is a four day or four modules..
Congratulations. You have successfully completed our certification course and..
Ever wondered what the difference is between BCM Institute's auditor courses? ..
This workshop is primarily designed for senior BCM professionals with audit..
A BCM-ready business is highly regarded and prized as a supplier, largely..