Program Management: Maintenance
BC Maintenance
The Auditor should review the procedures for updating the BC plan to reflect the various types of changes that may occur.
- If members of the recovery team are to be transferred to another location, might there be any terminations and resignations?
- Is there a process to update, change, revise or alter the:
- Telephone and mobile numbers and contact data for other team members?
- Computer hardware configurations need?
- The software configurations?
- Telecommunications topology?
- Applications software?
- Scope and nature of the off-site backup services?
- Scope and nature of the service level agreements with various contractors?
- Is there a schedule for the review and maintenance of the business unit’s BC plan?
- Is the frequency adequate?
- Does the schedule include provision for review due to any major changes to the business functions, processes, staffing, a line of business, hardware/software requirements?
- Has the BC plan been reviewed in accordance with the schedule?
- Who reviews the plan?
- Does the review compare the BC plan against the original Business Impact Analysis?
- If it is updated by the responsible executive, is it reviewed by BU Heads?
- Are the older versions of the BCP being replaced by acceptable, newer copies?
- How are changes in the business unit processes/systems fed into the organizational plan?
- How complete and accurate are the data gathered to ensure the BC plan?
- Can the organization demonstrate that its BC plan is kept up-to-date?
Components of Up-to-date Document
The area the BCM questionnaire aims to identify is the key components and how to ensure that they are up-to-date.
- Have the triggers, for example, new business processes or acquisitions, personnel changes and new technology, for the Plan maintenance identified?
- Are the notification procedures from critical business units in the event of changes in their business processes prepared?
- Is a regular review, which may encompass a re-evaluation of the risks and threats to the organization and random samples of adherence to procedures, scheduled for the BC Plan? This.
- Is there documentation for the procedure of incorporating new business processes into the BC Plan?
- Is the procedure to incorporate alterations into the BC Plan prepared? This must be performed in a structural fashion and all copies should be version and number controlled.
- Has a distribution list for the BC Plan been determined? Plans should be issued with identifying codes to ensure all copies have been updated and distributed.
- Are the procedures for the distribution of Plan alterations prepared? This is to ensure all appropriate sections are replaced and distributed.
- Are there in place procedures to ensure that the BC Plan is independently reviewed on a regular basis? This can be conducted by Auditors and/or the Executive Management to ensure the Plan is relevant and accurate.
Goh, M. H. (2016). A Manager's Guide to Auditing and Reviewing Your Business Continuity Management Program. Business Continuity Management Series (2nd ed.). Singapore: GMH Pte Ltd.
Extracted from "BCM Questionnaires 9: Program Management: Maintenance"
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