BCM Audit Series
BGBann_Mgr CM Book_Crisis Management

Online eBook: Table of Content: A Manager's Guide to Auditing and Reviewing Your BCM Program

This book aims to prepare both the novice and the experienced Auditor for the process of auditing a BC Plan, BCM program, and BCM system. The content focuses on the planning and formulation of an audit plan.

This is followed by a review, documentation, prioritization of audit findings and non-conformances. Finally, it presents the audit reporting, and the preparation and corrective actions are taken before and after an audit report.

Moh Heng Goh
BCMS Audit Certified Planner-Specialist-Expert

Bann_Managers Guide Book_Audit_

This book aims to prepare the novice and the experienced Auditor for auditing a BC Plan, BCM program, and BCM system. The content focuses on the planning and formulation of an audit plan.

This is followed by a review, documentation, and prioritization of audit findings and non-conformances. Finally, it presents the audit reporting and the preparation and corrective actions are taken before and after an audit report.

Table of Content


BCM Audit Process: Stage 1 to Stage 4

BCM  Audit Questionnaires (C9 to C15) Audit Workpapers, Checklists, Reports and Templates
Table of Content Table of Content Table of Content
BCM Audit Process Stage 1 to Stage 4
BCM Audit Questionnaires Audit Workpapers, Checklists, Reports and Templates
C1 C1  C2.3
Why Read This Book? Learning Objectives Types of Audits
Why Read This BCM Audit Book? What is the Learning Objectives?  What are the Types of BCM Audit?
C5-9 C2 C3
Conduct the Audit Auditing BCM Activity Roles and Responsibilities in a BCM Audit
Conducting A BCM Audit IC_Morepost_Auditing BCM Activity IC_Morepost_Roles and Responsibilities in a BCM Audit
C4  C5 C6
Stage 1: Audit Planning and Preparation Stage 2: Audit Fieldwork Stage 3: Audit Review and Reporting

Stage 1: Audit Planning and Preparation


Stage 2: Audit Fieldwork [BL-A-WSQ] Stage 3: Audit Review and Reporting
C7 C8 C9
Stage 4: Audit Follow-up Conclusion BC Roles and Responsibilities
Stage 4: Audit Follow-up


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C10 C11 C12
 Project Management Risk Analysis and Review  Business Impact Analysis
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C13 C14 C15
 Business Continuity Strategy Plan Development  Testing and Exercising
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C16 C17  
    What is considered Non-conformity in ISO22301?
    What is Considered Non-Conformity in ISO22301?
C19 C26 C31
Appendix 1: Audit as a Support Team Appendix 8: List of Commonly Overlooked Areas Appendix 13: Auditing BCM Course

Audit Function Participating As a Business Unit During the BCM Project

List of Commonly Overlooked Areas

What Should be in an Auditing BCM Course Curriculum?
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Do You Want to Continue Audit Training After COVID-19?

  Certification Course
A Manager’s Guide to Auditing & Reviewing Your Business Continuity Management Program [BL-3-Catalog] What Specialist Level Blended Learning Courses that are Available? [BL-5-Catalog] What Expert Level Blended Learning Courses that are Available?

Reference Guide

Goh, M. H. (2010). A Manager's Guide to Auditing and Reviewing Your Business Continuity Management Program. Business Continuity Management Specialist Series (1st ed., p. 192). Singapore: GMH Pte Ltd.

Note:  This version is the 2nd Edition being updated in 2021. The numeric in the square bracket {C##] is the cross-referencing of the actual chapters in 2010 Edition.

More Information About Auditing BCMS Courses

BCM Institute offers two levels of BCM auditing courses: A-3 or BCM-8030 ISO23401 BCMS Auditor and the A-5 or ISO23401 BCMS Lead Auditor.

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Government Funded Program

Singaporean and Malaysians are eligible for government funding. Click the button to find out more.

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