The objective of the corrective action report is to avoid repeating mistakes.
- Create a report whenever anything goes wrong.
- Accept that at least something is better than nothing, until skilled report writers are developed.
- Develop the habit of writing a report at the slightest provocation. Soon you and your associates will become proficient enough to enjoy the reporting.
- Create a simple monitoring system to control the meeting of deadlines for required actions.
- "Simple" encourages the continuation of the process.
- "Complex" causes it to be soon set aside
- Consider the costs of NOT taking the time to create a Corrective Action Report.
- Understand costs can be in the form of lost or dissatisfied customers, ineffective products, unhappy staff and foregone opportunities while discussing a repeating problem.
- Make Fewer mistakes. At least, fewer repeated mistakes.
- Force a manager to examine the Who, What, Where, When and Why of operational systems.
- Progress toward flawless operational systems.
- Provide better staff morale.
- Develop a better attitude, mindset and style in all participants.
- Provide the manager has greater efficacy and pride in managing well; the essence of managing.
- Prepare an organization for the ultimate mark of excellence—ISO certification
Format for a Corrective Action Report
- Description of problem
- Source or nature of the non-conformance
- A brief outline of details without a lengthy narrative.
- Things such as background, records of conversations and related events can be placed in an appendix.
- Main reason for non-conformity/ corrective action/ preventive action:
- Where was the departure from the BCM policy? Why?)
- Non-conformity is a common term in most Quality Control Systems.
- Corrective action to be taken, responsibility and date for completion:
- What is the corrective action mechanism?
- What were the activities or checks that were performed to identify the source and resolve the problem?
- Dependent on the severity of the problem.
- May require the input of well-considered options by those with vested interests.
- How is the resolution documented?
- Preventive action to be taken, responsibility and date for completion:
- This is the main benefit derived and that which justifies initiating and continuing the exercise.
- Management representative approval signature and date of effective resolution:
- This is a requirement when a Quality Control System is in place
Goh, M. H. (2016). A Manager's Guide to Auditing and Reviewing Your Business Continuity Management Program. Business Continuity Management Series (2nd ed.). Singapore: GMH Pte Ltd.
Extracted from "Appendix 12: Sample Corrective Action Report"
Singapore Government Funding for BCM-8530 Course
The next section applied to Singaporean and Singapore permanent residents. Click button "Government Funding Available" to find out more about the funding that is available from the Singapore government. This include the CITREP+, SkillsFuture Credit and UTAP.
Find out more about Blended Learning BCM-8530 [BL-A-5] & BCM-8030 [BL-A-3]
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