Operational Resilience Audit

Operational Resilience Audit Courses

Operational Resilience Audit Courses

Operational Resilience Audit Courses

These operational resilience audit (ORA) courses are designed with BCM professionals operating globally in mind.

Courses are available as Blended Learning (100% Online) as well as Hybrid Learning (50% Online and 50% Onsite) and are divided into three levels of competencies:



At the end of each course, participants would be assessed through assessments and examinations to ascertain his/her level of competency.

They can look forward to receiving an internationally recognised OR certification through any of our OR certification courses.

So, which level would be best for you? Perhaps the table below might help.



Operational Resilience Audit (ORA) Certification Courses


ORA-200 Operational Resilience Audit Planner


This is a one-day introductory course [or 8 hours of self-paced eLearning] on operational resilience (OR) best suited for someone who wants a complete theoretical understanding of the entire operational resilience subject.

Cost: Singapore Dollar or SGD 1,650 [Fully Online]

ORA-300 Operational Resilience Audit Specialist


This two-day [one 8-hour eLearning + two 3-hour online workshops] intermediate operational resilience audit (ORA) course incorporates the OR-200 syllabus on its first day.

This course allows potential OR auditors and appointed reviewers of the OR initiative to be grounded on the fundamentals of operational resilience. Attending the course does not require experience.

Cost: Singapore Dollar or SGD 2,400 [Fully Online]

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ORA-400 Operational Resilience Audit Manager


This advanced 2-day operational resilience (OR) course is a follow-up to those who have attended the ORA-300 Operational Resilience Audit Specialist course. Participants will be taught how to implement, manage and maintain an ORA plan through its different maturity stages.

The course is designed for either fully online or hybrid learning. It is expected to be completed within two weeks for the blended learning approach and one week [two full days onsite] for the hybrid approach.

Course Pre-Requisite:
Must complete the ORA-300 Operational Resilience Audit Specialist

Cost: Singapore Dollar or SGD 2,400 [100% Online]

Cost: SGD 2,700 [100% Onsite with Online exams]

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ORA-5000 Operational Resilience Audit Expert


This is the most comprehensive and holistic operational resilience audit course by the BCM Institute. It covers syllabuses taught in OR-200, ORA-300, and ORA-400 courses.

The course guides participants from OR’s fundamentals to its practical use and assists new and experienced BCM managers in navigating their organisation’s new and maturing BCM Plan.

The course is designed for either fully online or hybrid learning. It is expected to be completed within eight weeks for the blended learning approach and five weeks for the hybrid approach.

Cost: SGD 3,850 [100% Online]; SGD 4,150 [50% Online and 50% Onsite]


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More Information About Operational Resilience Audit ORA-5000 [ORA-5] or ORA-300 [ORA-3] Course

ORCP Operational Resilience Certified Planner CertificationORAS Operational Resilience Audit Specialist Certification OR-300 Operational Resilience Implementer [OR-3] course and the OR-5000 Operational Resilience Expert Implementer [OR-5] course.

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[ORA-4] What is an ORA-400 Operational Resilience Audit Manager Course?

[ORA-4] What is an ORA-400 Operational Resilience Audit Manager Course?

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Overview of the ORA-400 Operational Resilience Audit Manager Course

BCM Institute’s ORA-400 course is conducted in two modules over four weeks. Module 3 and Module 4 are the ORA-400 Operational Resilience Audit Manager* or the ORA-5000 Operational Resilience Audit Expert courses.

*Please be informed that you must complete the ORA-300 OR Audit Specialist course or BL-ORA-3 before starting the ORA-400 course.

This protracted time frame for this blended learning course allows one to understand the concepts taught in digestible bite sizes with targeted online interactions. Care and consideration have been implemented to ensure that the content and syllabus taught are of the same standard and rigour as our onsite classes.

You will learn the same syllabus and be taught by the same industry practitioners as you would onsite. The same practitioner will be available to you during the scheduled online classes.

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The roadmap above provides a snapshot of the programme's content. It is divided into modules 3 to 4.  

Below is a snapshot of what you can expect from the programme. It is divided into the respective modules 3 to 4.  Find out each module's syllabus by clicking any of the two [Course Content] buttons.  The content has been carefully crafted to ensure that your participation and outcome match each day of the ORA-5000 Operational Resilience Audit Expert competency level.  Click any of the two buttons [Course Requirement] to learn more about your participation and involvement in this course.

The course fee is SGD 2,400 for 100% online and SGD 2,700 for onsite, payable before the class starts. 



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Course Content

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Course Requirement

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Breakdown of the Time Spent

Module Mode of Study Flexible (Hours) Mandatory & Fixed Timing (Hours)
New call-to-action Online Training and Discussion Workshop (2 Hours Reading/ Assignment + 3-Hour Schedule Online Classes) 2 6 (3-hour x 2 separate sessions)
[BL-ORA] [4] [5] M4 What is ORA-5000? Online Training and Discussion Workshop (2 Hours Self Reading/ Assignment + 3 Hours Schedule Online Classes) 2 6 (3-hour x 2 separate sessions)
  Total Hours 4 12

Attempt Qualifying Examination

Question Duration
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Operational Resilience Audit Expert (ORAE) after ORA-5 course

100 3 and 1/2 hours

What are the Differences and Concerns?

Hybrid vs Blended Learning OR Audit

Click the icon on the right to learn more about the difference between Blended Learning and Hybrid Learning offered by BCM Institute.

The entire process is redesigned with pre-reading (at your own time and pace) and preparatory work (rather than one hour doing the work in class) supported by proprietary guidance notes. In fact, after several cohorts, the content from those who had attended our other advanced-level courses highlights a better way to provide the same outcome.

Instructors: Note that instructors delivering the modules will remain the same as those providing the onsite training.  At BCM Institute, most instructors still practise BCM and risk management professionals (in this case, operational resilience and operational risk) with a minimum of 12 years of direct BCM experience as they hold regional or global resilience responsibilities.

International Participation: Another significant change will be the participation of more international delegates compared to the traditional majority of Asian participants.  Be expected to discuss and work as teams from around the world.

New call-to-actionBe expected to have more pre-readings as the objective is to ensure that knowledge that could be acquired via reading should be done outside the training session.  More time is allocated to sharing experiences between the participants and facilitators.

Schedule for Courses: This is the schedule and dates for the start of the next course.  Click "ORA-5000 Course Calendar" to learn more about the "RUNs" for the year.

Find out more about ORA-5000 [ORA-5] & ORA-300 [ORA-3]
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Please feel free to send us a note if you have any of these questions.

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[BL-ORA-5] [Run 2A] ORA-5000 Blended Learning Course Schedule 2024

[BL-ORA-5] [Run 2A] ORA-5000 Blended Learning Course Schedule 2024

Calendar_2024_ORA_Run 2ANew call-to-actionThis is Run 2A of the ORA-5000 Operational Resilience Audit Expert  [ORA-5] course for 2024.

Click the left icon to return to the master schedule.

The detailed schedule for Run 2A is appended below.

Year & Run [BL-ORA-5] 2024 Run 2A
Quarter TWO (Jun to Jul 2024)
Module IC_ORA-300_Module 1 IC_ORA-300_Module 2 IC_ORA-300_Module 3 IC_ORA-300_Module 4
Start date 4 Jun 24 18 Jun 24 4 Jul 24 18 Jul 24
End date 11 Jun 24 25 Jun 24± 11 Jul 24 25 Jul 24+

± ORAS Qualifying exam is required for BL-ORA-3 participants.

+ Participant is required to sit for the ORAE Qualifying exam (See note after Module 4).

Click the icons "Course Content" and "Course Requirement" at each Module to find out more about the course content (Syllabus) and course requirement (What is your involvement and participation?) for each module.


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Module 1 [M1]

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Web Training & Discussion Workshop


Duration 4 to 11 Jun 2024 Start and end date for Module 1 IC_BL-OR-2
Week 2 Elapsed time assigned for this module  
Self Study (Total) 3 hours Total time (in hours) needed for offline pre-reading, self-study and completion of the assignment. IC_BL_PreReading
Outcome 6 hours Compulsory attendance for scheduled sessions scheduled time allocated.  Facilitators would be online to guide you and your workshop discussions. IC_BL_TE


Session Code Learning Activity Duration (Hour) Date/  Deadline Time (GMT+8) Compulsory Attendance
M2-S1 Pre-reading 1/2  31 Jul - IC_BL_PreReading
Template Completion 1 3 Jun  - IC_BL_Result
Workshop  3

4 Jun

Compulsory Attendance

9:00 pm GMT+8

Submit Assignment 1/2 6 Jun 11:59 pm  IC_BL_PD
M2-S2 Pre-reading 1/2 7 Jun - IC_BL_PreReading
Template Completion 1 10 Jun - IC_BL_Result
Workshop 3

11 Jun

Compulsory Attendance

9:00 pm GMT+8

Submit Assignment 1/2 13 Jun 11:59 pm IC_BL_PD



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Module 2 [M2]

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Web Training and Discussion Workshop


Duration 18 to 25 Jun 2024 Start and end date for Module 2 IC_ORA-300
Week 2 Elapsed time assigned for this module  
Self Study (Total) 3 hours Total time (in hours) needed for offline pre-reading, self-study and completion of the assignment IC_BL_PreReading
Attend Workshop (Total) 6 hours Compulsory attendance for scheduled sessions scheduled time allocated.  Facilitators would be online to guide you and your workshop discussions.  IC_BL_TE


Session Code Learning Activity Duration (Hour) Date/  Deadline Time (GMT+8) Compulsory Attendance
M2-S1 Pre-reading 1/2  14 Jun - IC_BL_PreReading
Template Completion 1 17 Jun  - IC_BL_Result
Workshop  3

18 Jun

Compulsory Attendance

9:00 pm GMT+8

Submit Assignment 1/2 20 Jun 11:59 pm  IC_BL_PD
M2-S2 Pre-reading 1/2  21 Jun - IC_BL_PreReading
Template Completion 1 24 Jun - IC_BL_Result
Workshop 3

25 Jun

Compulsory Attendance

9:00 pm GMT+8

Submit Assignment 1/2 27 Jun  11:59 pm IC_BL_PD


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Module 3 [M3]

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Web Training and Discussion Workshop


Duration 4 to 11 Jul 2024

Start and end date for Module 3

Week 2 Elapsed time assigned for this module  
Self Study (Total) 2 hours Total Hour Needed for offline pre-reading, self-study and completion of the assignment IC_BL_PreReading
Attend Workshop (Total) 6 hours Compulsory attendance for scheduled sessions scheduled time allocated.  Facilitators would be online to guide you and your workshop discussions. IC_BL_TE


Session Code Learning Activity Duration Date/  Deadline Time (GMT+8) Compulsory Attendance
M3-S1 Pre-reading NIL  2 Jul  - IC_BL_PreReading
Workshop  3 hours

4 Jul

Compulsory Attendance

9:00 pm GMT+8

M3-S2 Pre-reading 1 hour 8 Jul  - IC_BL_PreReading
Case Study Preparation 1 hour 9 Jul  -  
Workshop 3 hours

11 Jul

Compulsory Attendance

9:00 pm GMT+8

Submit Project Assignment  - 15 Jul 11:59 pm IC_BL_HomeWork


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Module 4 [M4]

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Web Training and Discussion Workshop


Duration 18 to 25 Jul 2024 Start and end date for module 4 IC_ORA-5000
Week 2 Elapsed time assigned for this module  
Self Study (Total) 2 hours Total Hour Needed for offline pre-reading, self-study and completion of the assignment IC_BL_PreReading
Attend Workshop (Total) 6 hours + 1-hour assignment Compulsory attendance on scheduled time allocated.  Workshops are scheduled sessions that you would need to attend. Facilitators would be online to guide you and your workshop discussions. IC_BL_TE


Session Code Learning Activity Duration Date/  Deadline Time (GMT+8) Activity
M4-S1 Pre-reading 1 hour 16 Jul - IC_BL_PreReading
Workshop  3 hours

18 Jul

Compulsory Attendance

9:00 pm GMT+8

M4-S2 Pre-reading 1 hour 23 Jul - IC_BL_PreReading
Workshop 3 hours

25 Jul 

Compulsory Attendance

9:00 pm GMT+8

M4-S3 Submit Project Assignment 1 hour 29 Jul 11:59 pm IC_BL_PD



ORAE Examination

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Qualifying ORAE Examination
[Apply to all]



30 Jul 2024 E-proctoring
Duration 3 -1/2 hour The maximum time allocated for online multiple choice question (MCQ) examination.
Exam 100 MCQ This 100 multiple-choice question (MCQ) examination is conducted on the week following the last workshop.

Do you have any questions about our ORA-300 Blended Learning [ORA-3] and ORA-5000 Blended Learning [ORA-5]?  

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More Information About Operational Resilience ORA-5000 [ORA-5] or ORA-300 [ORA-3] Course

To learn more about the course and schedule, click the buttons below for the ORA-3 Blended Learning ORA-300 Operational Resilience Audit Specialist course and the ORA-5 Blended Learning ORA-5000 Operational Resilience Audit Expert course.

BL-OR-2 Blended Learning Operational Resilience Planner
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BL-ORA-3 Blended Learning ORA-300 Operational Resilience Audit Specialist
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BL-ORA-5 Blended Learning ORA-5000 Operational Resilience Audit Expert
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Feel free to email us if you have any questions.
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[ORA-3] What is an ORA-300 Operational Resilience Auditor Course?

[ORA-3] What is an ORA-300 Operational Resilience Auditor Course?

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Overview of ORA-300 Blended Learning Course

In BCM Institute’s ORA-300 Blended Learning course, the onsite ORA-300 Operational Resilience Auditor two-day course is now conducted in 2 modules (or four compulsory 3-hour sessions) across four weeks.

This course allows potential OR auditors and appointed reviewers of the OR initiative to be grounded on the fundamentals of operational resilience.

[BL-OR] [3] What is BL-OR-3 Course? This two-module course is offered as the "OR Implementer" or OR-300 in the OR-5000 course.  This OR audit specialist track was the foundation for auditors to advance to OR audit modules 3 and 4.  Note that attending Module 1 and 2 for ORA-5000 is mandatory. ORA-300

This protracted time frame allows one to understand the concepts taught in digestible bite sizes with targeted online interactions. Care and consideration have been implemented to ensure the content and syllabus are of the same standard and rigour as our onsite classes.

You will learn the same syllabus taught by the same industry practitioners you would have onsite. However, the same practitioner and many OR experts from other regions will be available during the scheduled online classes. 

We have catered for the two-time zone.  One course starts at 2 pm (GMT+8) and the other at 9 pm (GMT+8).  Google your city time versus Singapore to find your start time from where you are.

Below is a snapshot of what you can expect from the program. Each module's syllabus [Course Content] has been carefully crafted to ensure that the outcome [Course Requirement] matches each day of the OR-300 Operational Resilience Implementer competency level.


  Module (Day) Course Content Course Requirement  
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  [BL-ORA] [3] M2 What is ORA-300? New call-to-action New call-to-action  

Operational Resilience Audit for Financial Institutions

An array of regulatory developments impacting the financial services industry, such as refining the managing of disruptions, increasing interconnectedness and third-party/ outsourcing dependencies and dependencies on IT and rapid digitalisation, means operational resilience will remain a significant area of concern for the board, regulators, policymakers, investors and customers.

The challenge is organisations' approaches to dealing with differing regulations globally. In terms of resilience structure, organisations have looked at their governance frameworks and ensured they are fit for purpose, as well as utilising stress and scenario testing to assess their capabilities, which is more than their existing business continuity and crisis management programs.

What are the Differences and Concerns?

Concerns: The primary concern with blended learning is that it will be another eLearning training over video channels. After more than two years of continuous improvement, the entire blended learning (100% online) process is designed such that the content will provide the same outcome or, in fact, better.

Instructors: Note that instructors delivering the modules remain the same as the onsite training.  They are involved in risk management with solid business continuity and crisis management backgrounds and have worked or are still working at a financial institution.

International Participation: Another significant change will be the participation of more international delegates compared to the traditional majority of Asian participants.  Be expected to discuss and work as teams from around the world.  Feedback from past participants highlights that they have learnt many practices from Asia-Pacific and other regions.

Readings: Be expected to have more pre-readings as the objective is to ensure that knowledge that could be acquired via reading should be done outside the training session.  More time is allocated to sharing experiences with the participants and facilitators.

Onsite Versus Remote Learning

The "brick-and-mortar" operational resilience courses are available in the capital cities, such as Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The good news is that you can attend the course via our 100% online version.

ZOOM Screenshot MTE 26 Nov 2020 COVID-19  (2)

New call-to-actionDuring the last three years of conducting blended learning (online), the participants felt that our re-engineered online learning is not another 2-days of continuous training but rather a package of self-paced, self-directed.

Also, most face-to-face exposure is to learning directly from experts and fellow international participants. 

We hope to see you at our next session.


Find out more about ORA-5000 [ORA-5] & ORA-300 [ORA-3]
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Please feel free to send us a note if you have any of these questions.

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FAQ on ORA-300 OR Audit Specialist [ORA-3] Course

FAQ on ORA-300 OR Audit Specialist [ORA-3] Course

BG Bann_ORA_ORA-300 General BannerWelcome to the frequently asked questions or FAQ for BCM Institute's ORA-300 Blended Learning course.

Should I attend ORA-300 or ORA-5000?

This is the course to attend if you are exploring to understand operational resilience audit.

However, if you are designated as part of the ORA audit team, proceed to attend the ORA-5000 course.  The OR Audit Expert or ORA-5000 course will provide the participants with a complete framework to plan for the ORA initiative, implement the ORA program, and sustain the ORA program.

For our colleagues operating in financial institutions, OR-5000 should be your pre-requisite.

What is included in the course fee?

When you are attending the course, the fee of Singapore Dollar (SGD) 2,400 includes:

During the course:
  • Access to the complete set of soft copy templates.
    • Note that hard copies of the templates are only provided for a classroom-based course
After the course:
  • The award of an ORCP e-certificate (upon completion of module 2 and passing the examination conducted at the end of the course)
  • Review of assessments
  • ORCS application processing fees
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However, the ORAS application must be completed within three months from the notification of passing the ORA-300 course.

An application processing fee of SGD 75 will be payable for the application for ORAS certification.  Please opt for processing fees included in the invoice if you are applying for the specific certification.

  • Yes. Module 1 is compulsory as it forms the initial assessment for the "grounding" of operational resilience knowledge.  
  • ORCP Operational Resilience Certified Planner CertificationOnce you have completed Module 1, you will attend Module 2.
  • The successful completion of the course will allow the participants to be awarded the "Operational Resilience Certified Planner" certification.
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    Operational Resilience Audit Specialist (ORAS) Certification
Do I need to complete the ORAS exam while attending a Blended Learning course?
  • Yes
I noticed that the course is held at Asian Timing. Is there any time for me, as I reside outside the Asia Pacific Region?
The timing of the sessions is catered for two zones:
  • US/ Europe/ Middle East
  • Asia Pacific

Class Starting at 2 pm (GMT+8).  Beware of daylight saving time in your region.
  • The time of the 3-hour online workshop is set at Singapore Timing, which is Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT) + 8 hours.
    • 2:00 (pm) Singapore (SG) Time is 10:00 (am) as Dubai is GMT+4 Hours
    • 2:00 (pm) Singapore (SG) Time is 11:30 (am) as Mumbai is GMT+5.5 Hours

Class Starting at 9 pm (GMT+8).  The course schedule or "RUN" will have an "A" suffix, e.g. RUN 4A. Beware of daylight saving time in your region.
  • 9:00 (pm) Singapore (SG) Time is 1 pm as London is GMT+0 Hours
  • 9:00 (pm) Singapore (SG) Time is 9 am as New York is GMT-12 Hours

What Certificates will I be Receiving Upon Competing in the course?

As the blended learning course is conducted over four weeks, you will be expected to receive a certificate of completion (COC) and an initial "Operational Resilience Certified Planner" certification.

Learn more by reading about What Certificates I will receive After Completing OR-300 (Blended Learning).

Let us know if you need further clarification; we'll gladly help.


More Information About Blended Learning ORA-5000 [ORA-5] or ORA-300 [ORA-3]

Contact our friendly course consultant colleagues to learn more about our blended learning program and when the next course is scheduled.

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