Operational Resilience Audit

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Suhana Sunreh

Difference between Hybrid Learning [HL-ORA-5] Onsite ORA-5000 and its Blended Learning [BL-ORA-5] Counterpart

Difference between Hybrid Learning [HL-ORA-5] Onsite ORA-5000 and its Blended Learning [BL-ORA-5] Counterpart

Returning to the New Normal

ORCP_ORAS_ORAE_Cert LevelBCM Institute is reintroducing its on-site courses. However, due to extensive training and development enhancement work on our courses, the first two modules continue to be offered online.

We have observed and learned that the grounding of BCM works best with some self-paced work and preparatory work undertaken by each participant. 

New call-to-actionThis is independent of the experience level. Module 1 is the "Know" competency, and Module 2 is the "Do" competency, which is completed over four weeks before commencing Modules 3 and 4.

BCM Institute will continue its blended learning courses (100% online) and re-launch its hybrid learning courses with the last two modules as onsite "brick-and-mortar" courses.   You will work with our senior experienced practitioners to complete the training to reach this course's "Manage" competency.

As travel restrictions are relaxed, we note that it is still challenging for our global participants to join us physically.  Hence, blended learning will continue to be our main delivery mode.

Difference between Hybrid Learning [HL] with Onsite and its Blended Learning [BL] Counterpart

Current Situation.  Many organizations are returning to their offices, with the new normal, which is hot desking for a few days in the office and remote working at home.

Onsite Vs Online.  While professionals generally still prefer to attend an onsite classroom-based course with a facilitator or instructor being present, (electronic) online face-to-face classroom practices are fast gaining momentum and becoming acceptable.

Transformation of courses.  The major change is not to have another four days of continuous web training.  Firstly, we believe that learning online for more than three hours may be ineffective for the learner.  Hence, the course is re-resigned in byte-sized portions to meet the objectives and learning outcomes of the advanced-level courses. 

Blended Learning.  BCM Institute crafted the OR-5000 Blended Learning [BL-OR-5] to answer the global requests for conducting the on-site OR-5000 Operational Resilience Expert Implementer course.  The high acceptance and participation rates by professionals outside of Asia testify to our training approach's effectiveness.  The major challenge is that the course is stretched over 8 to 10 weeks.

Major Change to Training Philosophy.  The significant change is that participants should acquire static knowledge at their own pace and offline. 

Self-paced learning depends on your experience.  In module 2, the focus is to complete the mandatory content for the specific templates.  This must be conducted before attending the onsite or online workshop to make the learning more effective as each of us has a different learning goal, approach, and personal experience.  With these considerations, our courses are now spread for non-discussion, and non-experience sharing activities conducted offline and at your own pace.

Hybrid vs Blended Learning OR AuditHybrid Learning. The onsite learning option started in 2023, with the first two modules being online and the next two being onsite.  The two physical face-to-face onsite workshops are now fully interactive with discussions with expert professionals.

Find out more about Operational Resilience Audit ORA-5000 [ORA-5] & ORA-300 [ORA-3]

ORAS Operational Resilience Audit Specialist Certification (Size 75)New call-to-actionTo learn more about the course and schedule, click the buttons below for the ORA-300 Operational Resilience Audit Specialist [ORA-3] course and the ORA-5000 Operational Resilience Audit Expert [ORA-5] course.

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Banner [BL-5-Catalog] What Expert Level Blended Learning Courses that are Available?

[BL-3-Catalog] What Specialist Level Blended Learning Courses that are Available?
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[ORA-4] What is an ORA-400 Operational Resilience Audit Manager Course?

[ORA-4] What is an ORA-400 Operational Resilience Audit Manager Course?

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BL-OR-3-5 Blog Under Construction

Overview of the ORA-400 Operational Resilience Audit Manager Course

BCM Institute’s ORA-400 course is conducted in two modules over four weeks. Module 3 and Module 4 are the ORA-400 Operational Resilience Audit Manager* or the ORA-5000 Operational Resilience Audit Expert courses.

*Please be informed that you must complete the ORA-300 OR Audit Specialist course or BL-ORA-3 before starting the ORA-400 course.

This protracted time frame for this blended learning course allows one to understand the concepts taught in digestible bite sizes with targeted online interactions. Care and consideration have been implemented to ensure that the content and syllabus taught are of the same standard and rigour as our onsite classes.

You will learn the same syllabus and be taught by the same industry practitioners as you would onsite. The same practitioner will be available to you during the scheduled online classes.

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The roadmap above provides a snapshot of the programme's content. It is divided into modules 3 to 4.  

Below is a snapshot of what you can expect from the programme. It is divided into the respective modules 3 to 4.  Find out each module's syllabus by clicking any of the two [Course Content] buttons.  The content has been carefully crafted to ensure that your participation and outcome match each day of the ORA-5000 Operational Resilience Audit Expert competency level.  Click any of the two buttons [Course Requirement] to learn more about your participation and involvement in this course.

The course fee is SGD 2,400 for 100% online and SGD 2,700 for onsite, payable before the class starts. 



New call-to-action [BL-ORA] [4] [5] M4 What is ORA-5000?

Course Content

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Course Requirement

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Breakdown of the Time Spent

Module Mode of Study Flexible (Hours) Mandatory & Fixed Timing (Hours)
New call-to-action Online Training and Discussion Workshop (2 Hours Reading/ Assignment + 3-Hour Schedule Online Classes) 2 6 (3-hour x 2 separate sessions)
[BL-ORA] [4] [5] M4 What is ORA-5000? Online Training and Discussion Workshop (2 Hours Self Reading/ Assignment + 3 Hours Schedule Online Classes) 2 6 (3-hour x 2 separate sessions)
  Total Hours 4 12

Attempt Qualifying Examination

Question Duration
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Operational Resilience Audit Expert (ORAE) after ORA-5 course

100 3 and 1/2 hours

What are the Differences and Concerns?

Hybrid vs Blended Learning OR Audit

Click the icon on the right to learn more about the difference between Blended Learning and Hybrid Learning offered by BCM Institute.

The entire process is redesigned with pre-reading (at your own time and pace) and preparatory work (rather than one hour doing the work in class) supported by proprietary guidance notes. In fact, after several cohorts, the content from those who had attended our other advanced-level courses highlights a better way to provide the same outcome.

Instructors: Note that instructors delivering the modules will remain the same as those providing the onsite training.  At BCM Institute, most instructors still practise BCM and risk management professionals (in this case, operational resilience and operational risk) with a minimum of 12 years of direct BCM experience as they hold regional or global resilience responsibilities.

International Participation: Another significant change will be the participation of more international delegates compared to the traditional majority of Asian participants.  Be expected to discuss and work as teams from around the world.

New call-to-actionBe expected to have more pre-readings as the objective is to ensure that knowledge that could be acquired via reading should be done outside the training session.  More time is allocated to sharing experiences between the participants and facilitators.

Schedule for Courses: This is the schedule and dates for the start of the next course.  Click "ORA-5000 Course Calendar" to learn more about the "RUNs" for the year.

Find out more about ORA-5000 [ORA-5] & ORA-300 [ORA-3]
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[ORA-5] [M4] What is Needed to Complete Module 4 of the ORA-5000 Blended Learning Course?

[ORA-5] [M4] What is Needed to Complete Module 4 of the ORA-5000 Blended Learning Course?

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What Are You Required to Complete for Module 4 of the ORA-5000 Programme?


IC_ORA-300_Module 4Module 4: Web Training and Discussion Workshop

To complete Module 4 of the ORA-5000 Blended Learning (ORA-5) course, participants must attend two 3-hour sessions. 

The participants must review and audit the OR requirements of an operational resilience program based on a case study organization.

Ensuing group discussions are conducted to crystallize the concepts, an experienced lead auditor facilitates their sharing of their challenges and learning.

In summary, participants should be able to:

  • Determine audit findings of OR requirements
  • Write audit reports
  • Know the areas for follow-up and corrective actions after the audit
[M4-S1] Audit Review and Reporting
  • Summarise Findings and Categorise Impact
  • Prepare a Final Audit Report [Audit Reporting]
[M4-S2] Audit Follow-up
  • Understand and Anticipate Challenges of Executing and Finalising the OR Audit [Audit Challenges]
2Phase ORA-5000
The Sequence of A Typical Module 4 1/2 Day Session

A typical  1/2 day session consists of the following:

  1. Pre-reading [Maximum of one hour]

  2. Attend Facilitated Online Workshop [Maximum of three hours]

Managing the Operational Resilience Audit program includes the following core steps:

  • Introduce Cultural Change Management
  • Develop Communication Strategy
  • Implement Training and Awareness 
  • Provide Self-assessment
  • Conduct Independent Quality Review 


New call-to-action1. Presentation and discussion with the facilitator [Three Hours]

Click the "Course Content" icon on the right to view the detailed course content of Module 4.


 [1] Pre-reading


New call-to-action2 to 4 blog articles extracted from the chapters of A Manager’s Guide to Audit & Review Your Operational Resilience Program.

Participants are recommended to complete them before the session as it serves as  'bite-sized' background information, allowing participants to familiarize themselves with the concepts to be discussed. 

It would also assist participants in completing their assignment in the following  1 hour online session.

Time Requirement

Module 4 [S1]
One Hour 
Module 4 [S2]
One Hour


[2] Attend Facilitated Online Training and Discuss with the Facilitator

All Blended Learning ORA-5000 course participants are to attend two 3-hour sessions. The first 3-hour session would require them to participate in a facilitated online training session.

Facilitated by an industry practitioner and armed with the pre-reading knowledge, this session would need participants to focus on the detailed aspect of audit review and reporting:

  • Write audit findings
  • Present audit findings (severe findings resulting in non-compliance)
  • Write and issue the final audit report
  • Present final audit report
  • Conduct exit or closing meeting

This would be followed by another 3-hour session on a different day where participants could wrap up the auditing of the case study and navigate how to coordinate and manage the closure of an audit report. 

The course will end with sharing and discussing the anticipated challenges of executing and finalising the OR Audit.

Both sessions are compulsory and run at the pre-determined online schedule. There would not be a repeat or substitute session for anyone who missed it.


Time Requirement

Module 4 [S1] Three Hours
Module 4 [S2] Three Hours

Breakdown of Time Spent

Here is a breakdown of the time spent:

Module Mode of Study Hours

Online Training and Discussion Workshop

  • 1 Hour Self Study (Self-pace offline pre-reading)
  • One 3-Hour Online Session

Online Training and Discussion Workshop

  • 1-Hour Self Study (Self-pace offline pre-reading)
  • One 3-Hour Online Session
  Total Hours 8


More Information About Blended Learning Operational Resilience Audit (ORA) Courses

BCM Institute offers two levels of OR auditing courses BL-ORA-3 Blended Learning ORA-300 Operational Resilience Audit Specialist and the BL-ORA-5 Blended Learning ORA-5000 Operational Resilience Audit Expert.

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OR Specialist Book Series: A Manager's Guide to Audit and Review Your Operational Resilience Program

OR Specialist Book Series: A Manager's Guide to Audit and Review Your Operational Resilience Program

A Manager's Guide to Audit and Review Your Operational Resilience Program

[Book is available on 1 July 2024]

New call-to-actionAn operational resilience audit is a comprehensive assessment and evaluation process conducted within an organization to determine its ability to withstand and recover from various disruptions while maintaining critical business functions. 

This audit aims to identify vulnerabilities, assess risks, and evaluate the effectiveness of strategies and processes to ensure continuity in the face of adverse events.

The ORA book covers the components of operational resilience audit, and it includes:

  • Audit Planning
  • Data Collection
  • Data Analysis
  • Summarise Findings
  • Audit Reporting
  • Audit Challenges

This book provides the principles and steps of the Operational Resilience (OR) Audit and shows you how to apply them in developing an effective and detailed operational resilience plan. It also includes a practical “fast track” how-to-do-it template to assist persons without previous experience in Operational Resilience planning in preparing their Operational Resilience plan.

The BCM Series presents a step-by-step program to equip your organization with a complete understanding of the process of Operational Resilience planning.  It also provides detailed documentation, explanations, and templates that are invaluable reference materials.  This book series will support some critical concepts in OR, such as crisis and incident management, business continuity, IT disaster recovery, cyber security, and supply chain resilience.

ISBN: 978-981-18-9326-1

Published Year: 2024

A Manager's Guide to Audit and Review Your Operational Resilience Program

  • An understanding of the many concepts and definitions of operational resilience (OR)
  • A good practice and recognized OR Planning process or methodology with a robust framework in conceptualizing, developing, and maintaining an effective and efficient OR Programme.
  • A structural and procedural approach to developing an OR Plan for the entire business infrastructure and services that are required for its critical business services
  • Practical OR Guidelines, considerations, practices, and samples beneficial for OR practitioners to facilitate and manage the OR Planning process.
  • Practical management justifications and OR services sourcing approach to assist new OR practitioners in initiating management support for implementing the OR Plan.

This book is handy for anyone who needs to conceptualize and develop an OR Plan. It provides an extensive framework for identifying and evaluating OR disruptions, impact tolerance due to the interruption, OR requirements, and prioritization.

At the same time, this book follows a structural development approach that will save time and cost in developing a cost-effective OR Plan that addresses all aspects of the business requirements for OR services.

Purchase [Click book icon] your copy of "A Manager's Guide to Implement Your Operational Resilience" now.


More Information About Blended Learning Operational Resilience Audit (ORA) Courses

BCM Institute offers two levels of OR auditing courses: ORA-3 Blended Learning ORA-300 Operational Resilience Audit Specialist and the ORA-5 Blended Learning ORA-5000 Operational Resilience Audit Expert.

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Operational Resilience Audit Course Offerings

Operational Resilience Audit Course Offerings

Bann_CourseCatalog_OR AuditThese Operational Resilience Audit (ORA) courses are designed with ORA and ancillary professionals operating globally.

Courses are available in 1, 2 and 4 (modules) days and are divided into three levels of competencies.

New call-to-actionAt the end of each course, participants are assessed through assessments or examinations to ascertain their level of competency. They can look forward to receiving an internationally recognised ORA certification through any of our ORA certification courses.

So, which level would be best for you? Perhaps the table below might help

Find Out More ...

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Attend ORA Course

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Name of Course

OR Expert Auditor

OR Auditor

OR Planner

Course Code

ORA-400/ 5000 



Competency Level




Course Fees (Singapore Dollar)
Blended Learning




Hybrid Learning


Online Only

Online Only

Certification Application and Eligibility
Certification Eligibility New call-to-action Operational Resilience Audit Specialist (ORAS) Certification ORCP Operational Resilience Certified Planner Certification
Certification Type Operational Resilience Audit Expert Operational Resilience Audit Specialist Operational Resilience Certified Planner
Certification Application Fee SGD 150 SGD 75 SGD 50
OR Body of Knowledge 8 of 15 OR BoK 4 of 15 OR BoK Not Required
Year of Experience > Three years > One year Not Required

More Information About Operational Resilience ORA-5000 [ORA-5] or ORA-300 [ORA-3] Course

To learn more about the course and schedule, click the buttons below for the ORA-3 Blended Learning ORA-300 Operational Resilience Audit Implementer course and the OR-5 Blended Learning ORA-5000 Operational Resilience Audit Expert Implementer course.

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