Operational Resilience Audit

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[ORA-2] What is an ORA-200 Operational Resilience Audit Planner Course?

[ORA-2] What is an ORA-200 Operational Resilience Audit Planner Course?


Operational Resilience Audit (ORA) Fundamentals Package

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  • Overview of Operational Resilience
  • Update on Regulatory Positions
  • Operational Resilience Framework, Principles, and Cycle
  • Types of operational disruptions and critical business services
  • Impact tolerances and mapping operational resilience
  • Inter-dependencies across the organization
  • Types of scenario testing.

Overview of ORA-200 (OR-200) Operational Resilience Planner Course

New call-to-actionORA-200 [or OR-200] course is an eLearning course. The course stretches over two weeks (or two three-hour workshops in each session) with an examination on completion of the course. 

This protracted time frame allows one to understand the concepts taught in digestible bite sizes with targeted online interactions. Care and consideration have been taken to ensure that the content and syllabus are of the same standard and rigour as our onsite classes.

You will learn the same syllabus taught by the same industry practitioners you would have onsite. The same practitioner will be available to you during the scheduled online classes. We have catered for the two-time zone. One course starts at 2 pm (GMT+8), and the other starts at 9 pm (GMT+8). Just google your city time versus Singapore to find out your start time from where you are.

Course Content of OR-200

Below is a snapshot of what you can expect from the programme.

Each module's syllabus [Course Content] has been carefully crafted to ensure that the outcome [Course Requirement] matches each day of the OR-300 Operational Resilience Implementer competency level. 

Note that ORA-200 is Module 1 of ORA-300.


  IC_ORA-300_Module 1 New call-to-action New call-to-action  

Estimated Duration

  • 8 hours.

Certification Awarded

  • ORCP Operational Resilience Certified Planner Certification6 Certificate of Completion (COC)
  • 1 Operational Resilience Certified Planner (ORCP) Certificate


You Have Completed Your ORA-200 eLearning package. What's Next?

New call-to-actionThe Operational Resilience Audit Specialist course [ORA-3] consists of two modules. Module 1 is an eLearning approach (which you may have already completed), while Module 2 consists of two facilitated online workshops. 

ORA Learning Roadmap Know-Do-Manage

Course Content of ORA-300

Below is a snapshot of what you can expect if you continue your journey to the Crisis Management Implementer course. Each module's syllabus [Course Content] has been carefully crafted to ensure the outcome [Course Requirement]. 


IC_ORA-300_Module 2 New call-to-action

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Ready to take charge during turbulent times? Within 90 days of finishing Module 1, you can continue your Operational Resilience Implementer journey for only SGD 1,005 (the usual price is SGD 1,300). Don't miss out; turn challenges into triumphs!



Find out more about ORA-5000 [ORA-5] & ORA-300 [ORA-3]

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Operational Resilience Audit Courses

Operational Resilience Audit Courses

Operational Resilience Audit Courses

These operational resilience audit (ORA) courses are designed with BCM professionals operating globally in mind.

Courses are available as Blended Learning (100% Online) as well as Hybrid Learning (50% Online and 50% Onsite) and are divided into three levels of competencies:



At the end of each course, participants would be assessed through assessments and examinations to ascertain his/her level of competency.

They can look forward to receiving an internationally recognised OR certification through any of our OR certification courses.

So, which level would be best for you? Perhaps the table below might help.



Operational Resilience Audit (ORA) Certification Courses


ORA-200 Operational Resilience Audit Planner


This is a one-day introductory course [or 8 hours of self-paced eLearning] on operational resilience (OR) best suited for someone who wants a complete theoretical understanding of the entire operational resilience subject.

Cost: Singapore Dollar or SGD 1,650 [Fully Online]

ORA-300 Operational Resilience Audit Specialist


This two-day [one 8-hour eLearning + two 3-hour online workshops] intermediate operational resilience audit (ORA) course incorporates the OR-200 syllabus on its first day.

This course allows potential OR auditors and appointed reviewers of the OR initiative to be grounded on the fundamentals of operational resilience. Attending the course does not require experience.

Cost: Singapore Dollar or SGD 2,400 [Fully Online]

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ORA-400 Operational Resilience Audit Manager


This advanced 2-day operational resilience (OR) course is a follow-up to those who have attended the ORA-300 Operational Resilience Audit Specialist course. Participants will be taught how to implement, manage and maintain an ORA plan through its different maturity stages.

The course is designed for either fully online or hybrid learning. It is expected to be completed within two weeks for the blended learning approach and one week [two full days onsite] for the hybrid approach.

Course Pre-Requisite:
Must complete the ORA-300 Operational Resilience Audit Specialist

Cost: Singapore Dollar or SGD 2,400 [100% Online]

Cost: SGD 2,700 [100% Onsite with Online exams]

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ORA-5000 Operational Resilience Audit Expert


This is the most comprehensive and holistic operational resilience audit course by the BCM Institute. It covers syllabuses taught in OR-200, ORA-300, and ORA-400 courses.

The course guides participants from OR’s fundamentals to its practical use and assists new and experienced BCM managers in navigating their organisation’s new and maturing BCM Plan.

The course is designed for either fully online or hybrid learning. It is expected to be completed within eight weeks for the blended learning approach and five weeks for the hybrid approach.

Cost: SGD 3,850 [100% Online]; SGD 4,150 [50% Online and 50% Onsite]


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More Information About Operational Resilience Audit ORA-5000 [ORA-5] or ORA-300 [ORA-3] Course

ORCP Operational Resilience Certified Planner CertificationORAS Operational Resilience Audit Specialist Certification OR-300 Operational Resilience Implementer [OR-3] course and the OR-5000 Operational Resilience Expert Implementer [OR-5] course.

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[ORA-5] ORA-5000 Blended Learning Course Schedule 2024

[ORA-5] ORA-5000 Blended Learning Course Schedule 2024

New call-to-actionORA-5000 Operational Resilience Audit Expert  2024 Course Schedule

Click any of the "Run #" icons in each table below to learn more about the course schedule you are interested in.  The breakdown of each run by Modules 1 to 4 is also illustrated.

The schedule is appended below. 


Year & Run [BL-ORA-5] 2024 Run 2
Quarter Two (May to Jun 24) 
Calendar_2024_ORA_Run 2
New call-to-action [BL-ORA] [3] M2 What is ORA-300? New call-to-action [BL-ORA] [4] [5] M4 What is ORA-5000?
Start Date 8 May 24 24 May 24 7 Jun 24 21 Jun 24
End Date 15 May 24 31 May 24 14 Jun 24 28 Jun 24

NOTE: Run 2 class starting at 2 PM GMT+8


Year & Run [BL-ORA-5] 2024 Run 2A
Quarter Two (Jun to Jul 24) 
Calendar_2024_ORA_Run 2A
New call-to-action [BL-ORA] [3] M2 What is ORA-300? New call-to-action [BL-ORA] [4] [5] M4 What is ORA-5000?
Start Date 4 Jun 24 18 Jun 24 4 Jul 24 18 Jul 24
End Date 11 Jun 24 25 Jun 24 11 Jul 24 25 Jul 24

NOTE: Run 2A class starting at 9 PM GMT+8

Click FAQ icon to check the timing for your region.  Read, "I noticed that the course is held at Asian time. Is there any time for me as I reside outside the Asia Pacific Region?"

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Year & Run [BL-ORA-5] 2024 Run 3
Quarter Three (Jul to Sep 24) 
Calendar_2024_ORA_Run 3 New call-to-action [BL-ORA] [3] M2 What is ORA-300? New call-to-action [BL-ORA] [4] [5] M4 What is ORA-5000?
Start Date 31 Jul 24 14 Aug 24 26 Aug 24 9 Sep 24
End Date 13 Aug 24 21 Aug 24 2 Sep 24 17 Sep 24

NOTE: Run 3 class starting at 2 PM GMT+8

Note that 16 Sep 24 is a Public Holiday in Malaysia (Prophet Muhammad's birthday). The class will resume on the following day, i.e. 17 Sep 24


Year & Run [BL-ORA-5] 2024 Run 3A
Quarter Three (Sep to Oct 24) 
Calendar_2024_ORA_Run 3A New call-to-action [BL-ORA] [3] M2 What is ORA-300? New call-to-action [BL-ORA] [4] [5] M4 What is ORA-5000?
Start Date 6 Sep 24 27 Sep 24 10 Oct 24 24 Oct 24
End Date 19 Sep 24 4 Oct 24 17 Oct 24 30 Oct 24

NOTE: Run 3A class starting at 9 PM GMT+8


Year & Run [BL-ORA-5] 2024 Run 4
Quarter Four (Oct to Dec 24) 
Calendar_2024_ORA_Run 4 New call-to-action [BL-ORA] [3] M2 What is ORA-300? New call-to-action [BL-ORA] [4] [5] M4 What is ORA-5000?
Start Date 27 Oct 24 6 Nov 24 21 Nov 24 5 Dec 24
End Date 10 Nov 24 13 Nov 24 28 Nov 24 12 Dec 24

NOTE: Run 4 class starting at 2 PM GMT+8


Year & Run [BL-ORA-5] 2024 Run 4A
Quarter Four (Oct to Dec 24)
Calendar_2024_ORA_Run 4A
New call-to-action [BL-ORA] [3] M2 What is ORA-300? New call-to-action [BL-ORA] [4] [5] M4 What is ORA-5000?
Start Date 27 Oct 24 11 Nov 24 27 Nov 24 11 Dec 24
End Date 10 Nov 24 18 Nov 24 4 Dec 24 18 Dec 24

NOTE: Run 4A class starting at 9 PM GMT+8


+ For ORCP/ ORAS/ ORAE Qualifying Examination:

The program manager will advise on the next step once you enrol in the course.


More Information About Blended Learning Operational Resilience Audit (ORA) Courses

BCM Institute offers two levels of OR auditing courses: ORA-3 Blended Learning ORA-300 Operational Resilience Audit Specialist and the ORA-5 Blended Learning ORA-5000 Operational Resilience Audit Expert.

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Operational Resilience Audit Specialist (ORAS) Certification
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