Operational Resilience Audit

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[ORA] Roles and Responsibilities of Operational Resilience Auditors

[ORA] Roles and Responsibilities of Operational Resilience Auditors

Roles and Responsibilities of Operational Resilience Auditors

ORA Roles and Responsibilities of OR AuditorOperational resilience auditors ensure organisations can withstand disruptions and maintain critical operations. Their responsibilities involve diverse tasks, requiring a unique blend of technical expertise, communication skills, and problem-solving abilities.

Here is a breakdown of their key roles and responsibilities:

Assessment and Evaluation

  • Identify and assess potential threats.   
    • Analyse various sources to understand internal and external factors that could disrupt critical operations.

  • Evaluate existing resilience programs. 
    • Assess the effectiveness of existing controls, plans, and processes in mitigating identified risks.

  • Perform risk assessments. 
    • Utilise various methodologies (e.g., scenario-based, data-driven) to quantify the likelihood and impact of potential disruptions.

  • Conduct audits and investigations.
    • Analyse documentation, interview stakeholders, and test controls to evaluate program effectiveness and identify vulnerabilities.

Planning and Implementation

  • Develop and recommend improvements. 
    • Based on their findings, propose enhancements to existing programs, controls, and processes.

  • Collaborate with stakeholders. 
    • Engage with business units, risk management teams, and senior leadership to understand needs and ensure aligned recommendations.

  • Develop and implement audit plans. 
    • Design the scope, objectives, and methodologies for conducting operational resilience audits.

  • Manage and lead audit teams. 
    • Build, train, and motivate teams with diverse skill sets to achieve audit objectives effectively.

Communication and Reporting

  • Communicate effectively. 
    • Present audit findings and recommendations clearly and concisely to various stakeholders, tailored to their needs and knowledge level.

  • Prepare audit reports. 
    • Draft comprehensive and actionable reports documenting findings, conclusions, and recommendations, adhering to relevant standards and regulations.

  • Facilitate discussion and action. 
    • Collaborate with stakeholders to address concerns, answer questions, and implement agreed-upon actions.

Continuous Improvement and Development

  • Monitor and update assessments.
    • Keep updated with evolving threats, regulatory changes, and industry best practices, and refine assessments and recommendations accordingly.

  • Stay informed about emerging trends. 
    • Learn and adapt continuously to new technologies, techniques, and methodologies in operational resilience auditing.

  • Share knowledge and expertise. 
    • Contribute to the profession's development by sharing best practices, participating in professional organisations, and mentoring others.

Additional Responsibilities and Specific Role

  • Third-party risk assessments. 
    • Evaluate the resilience of critical vendors and suppliers.

  • Regulatory compliance audits. 
    • Ensure adherence to relevant regulations impacting operational resilience.

  • Information security audits. 
    • Assess the cybersecurity posture of systems and controls related to operational resilience.

Summing Up ...

Overall, operational resilience auditors are critical in protecting organisations from disruptions and ensuring business continuity.

They require a comprehensive skill set, critical thinking abilities, and the ability to effectively communicate complex information to diverse stakeholders.

As the field evolves, their responsibilities will continue to adapt and expand, requiring continuous learning and development to address emerging challenges and effectively contribute to organisational resilience.

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Operational Resilience Audit Course Offerings

Operational Resilience Audit Course Offerings

Bann_CourseCatalog_OR AuditThese Operational Resilience Audit (ORA) courses are designed with ORA and ancillary professionals operating globally.

Courses are available in 1, 2 and 4 (modules) days and are divided into three levels of competencies.

New call-to-actionAt the end of each course, participants are assessed through assessments or examinations to ascertain their level of competency. They can look forward to receiving an internationally recognised ORA certification through any of our ORA certification courses.

So, which level would be best for you? Perhaps the table below might help

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Attend ORA Course

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Name of Course

OR Expert Auditor

OR Auditor

OR Planner

Course Code

ORA-400/ 5000 



Competency Level




Course Fees (Singapore Dollar)
Blended Learning




Hybrid Learning


Online Only

Online Only

Certification Application and Eligibility
Certification Eligibility New call-to-action Operational Resilience Audit Specialist (ORAS) Certification ORCP Operational Resilience Certified Planner Certification
Certification Type Operational Resilience Audit Expert Operational Resilience Audit Specialist Operational Resilience Certified Planner
Certification Application Fee SGD 150 SGD 75 SGD 50
OR Body of Knowledge 8 of 15 OR BoK 4 of 15 OR BoK Not Required
Year of Experience > Three years > One year Not Required

More Information About Operational Resilience ORA-5000 [ORA-5] or ORA-300 [ORA-3] Course

To learn more about the course and schedule, click the buttons below for the ORA-3 Blended Learning ORA-300 Operational Resilience Audit Implementer course and the OR-5 Blended Learning ORA-5000 Operational Resilience Audit Expert Implementer course.

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Level of Expertise ORA

Level of Expertise [ORA]

Operational Resilience Audit Learning RoadmapORA Learning Roadmap Know-Do-Manage

Operational Resilience Audit Certification Level Vs Expertise Level and Competency Level

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Operational Resilience Audit Competency Level Vs Training Requirement

Linking closely to the Operational Resilience Body of Knowledge or OR BoK, there are two building blocks to support our participants' learning journey. 

One is the Competency Level or CL, and the other is the Level of Expertise or Expertise Level.


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Expertise Level

New call-to-actionAll training syllabi within BCM Institute have been designed to assist professionals in upgrading their competency using the "Know", "Do", and "Manage" level of expertise.

This applies to the Operational Resilience (OR) domains respective areas, including the Operational Resilience Audit (ORA).


For professionals who want to be acknowledged for their fundamental understanding of operational resilience. It usually includes personnel who are involved in the OR project or programme but are led by a designated OR professional (For example, the Operational Resilience Coordinator at the department or division level and for senior management being led by the Organisation Operational Resilience Coordinator))



For professionals who would like to be acknowledged for their understanding and training of the intricacies and maintenance of their organization's plans, be it for OR or ORA. To obtain any of the disciplines’ (OR or ORA) Specialist certification, one has to have at least one year of experience in the discipline of choice, pay an application fee and pass the relevant qualifying examination.



Professionals tasked to oversee and manage the organisation’s program and plans would like to know how to plan, implement, and sustain the program. They will be given the Expert certification only upon passing the appropriate qualifying Expert examination and demonstrating to the Certification Review committee that they have at least three years of experience and paying an application fee.

Comparison Between Expertise, Competency and Certification Level


Competency Level Expertise Level Course Level Certification Level (OR)
1 Know Foundation Certified Planner
2 Do Intermediate Audit Specialist
3 Manage Advanced Audit Expert

 The Competency Level (CL) is a set of building blocks for BCM Institute's training and certification requirements. Each subject domain is broken into three distinct levels:

  1. Foundation (CL 1)
  2. Intermediate (CL 2)
  3. Advanced (CL 3)

The breakdown for each of the domains for ORA [Operational Resilience Audit] are CL 1ORA, CL 2ORA and CL 3ORA

   Expertise Level Know Do  Manage
Domain (Discipline) Course Code Competency Level (with Code)
Operational Resilience Audit  ORA CL 1 ORA CL 2 ORA CL 3 ORA

The arrangement of the tiers represents the increasing specificity and specialization of the operational Resilience (OR) and Operational resilience audit (ORA) skills and knowledge content.

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ORA: Summarise Findings

ORA Planning [4] Summarise Findings

Operational Resilience Audit Planning Step

Summarise Findings

Detailed Steps to Summarise FindingsORA Planning Level Summarise Findings Stage 4

When conducting an operational resilience audit, the findings and recommendations are crucial in guiding the organization's efforts to enhance its resilience capabilities.

The following are detailed steps for summarising key findings and developing actionable recommendations:

  1. Summarise Key Findings
  2. Identify Strengths
  3. Analyse Weaknesses
  4. Prioritise Findings
  5. Develop Actionable Recommendations
  6. Provide Clear Guidance
  7. Align with Industry Best Practices
  8. Emphasise Continuous Improvement
  9. Consider Resource Constraints
  10. Validate Recommendations
  11. Document Findings and Recommendations
  12. Present Findings and Recommendations

Summarise Key Findings

  • Review all the identified gaps, vulnerabilities, and non-compliance issues from the audit.
  • Summarise the key findings clearly and concisely, focusing on the most significant operational resilience areas.
  • Provide a balanced view that includes both strengths and weaknesses observed during the audit.

Identify Strengths

  • Highlight the organisation's existing strengths related to operational resilience.
  • These could include well-defined critical business services, robust incident response protocols, effective communication channels, or a culture of continuous improvement.
  • Acknowledge these strengths to ensure a balanced perspective and encourage the organisation to build upon its capabilities.

Analyse Weaknesses

  • Provide a detailed analysis of the weaknesses and areas of concern identified during the audit.
  • Articulate these weaknesses' root causes and potential consequences, emphasizing their impact on critical business functions, operations, and the organization.

Prioritise Findings

  • Prioritise the identified weaknesses based on the organisation's potential impact, likelihood, and risk appetite.
  • Consider the criticality of the affected functions, the severity of potential disruptions, and the organization's overall objectives.
    • This prioritisation will help focus efforts on addressing the most critical areas first.

Develop Actionable Recommendations

  • Based on the identified weaknesses and prioritised findings, develop actionable recommendations to enhance operational resilience.
  • Ensure each recommendation is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
  • Tailor the recommendations to address the organisation's specific context and capabilities.

Provide Clear Guidance

  • Provide clear guidance for each recommendation on how to implement it effectively. Include step-by-step instructions, necessary resources, and suggested timelines.
  • Clarify the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders involved in implementing the recommendations.

Align with Industry Best Practices

  • Ensure that the recommendations align with recognized industry best practices for operational resilience.
  • Consider relevant standards, frameworks, or guidelines such as ISO 22301, NIST Cybersecurity Framework, or industry-specific standards.
  • Align recommendations with industry best practices enhances their credibility and effectiveness.

Emphasise Continuous Improvement

  • Highlight the importance of a culture of continuous improvement.
  • Encourage the organisation to view operational resilience as an ongoing process, not a one-time exercise.
  • Emphasise the need for regular review, testing, and updating of plans, procedures, and capabilities to address emerging risks and changes in the business environment.

Consider Resource Constraints

  • Consider the organization's resource constraints, both in terms of budget and personnel.
  • Develop recommendations that are realistic and feasible within the available resources.
  • Prioritise recommendations that have a significant impact while considering resource limitations.

Validate Recommendations

  • Validate the recommendations with key stakeholders, including senior management and subject matter experts.
  • Incorporate their feedback to ensure the recommendations are practical, achievable, and aligned with the organisation's strategic goals.
  • Address any concerns or questions raised during the validation process.

Document Findings and Recommendations

  • Document the key findings, strengths, weaknesses, and actionable recommendations clearly and organised.
  • Use appropriate formatting, headings, and subheadings to enhance readability.
  • Include supporting evidence, examples, and references to relevant audit data and industry best practices.

Present Findings and Recommendations

  • Prepare a comprehensive report or presentation to communicate the findings and recommendations to senior management, relevant stakeholders, and the audit team.
  • Articulate the purpose, methodology, key findings, and recommended actions. Use visuals, charts, and graphs to enhance understanding and highlight key points.

By following these detailed steps, the findings and recommendations of an operational resilience audit can provide valuable insights and guidance for the organization to enhance its resilience capabilities effectively.

Operational Resilience Audit Planning Steps ORA Planning Level Planning Stage 1 ORA Planning Level Data Collection Stage 2 ORA Planning Level Analysis Stage 3 ORA Planning Level Summarise Findings Stage 4 ORA Planning Level_Reporting Stage 5
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ORA: Data Analysis

ORA Planning [3] Data Analysis

Operational Resilience Audit Planning Step

Data Analysis

Detailed Steps for Data AnalysisORA Planning Level Analysis Stage 3

When reviewing collected data, identifying gaps and vulnerabilities, and assessing compliance during an operational resilience audit, it is crucial to conduct a comprehensive analysis.

The following are detailed steps for this process:

  1. Review Collected Data
  2. Identify Critical Business Services and Dependencies
  3. Assess Preparedness
  4. Analyse Response and Recovery Plans
  5. Evaluate Testing and Exercising
  6. Review Governance Framework
  7. Assess Compliance with Regulatory Requirements
  8. Benchmark Against Industry Best Practices
  9. Identify Gaps and Vulnerabilities
  10. Document Findings
  11. Prioritize Findings
  12. Develop Recommendations
  13. Validate Findings and Recommendations

Review Collected Data

  • Examine all collected data thoroughly, including documentation, interview notes, incident reports, testing results, and quantitative data.
  • Ensure that the data is complete, accurate, and reliable.

Identify Critical Business Services and Dependencies

  • Identify and understand the organization's critical business functions and their dependencies.
  • Review the business impact analysis and assess if critical functions have been correctly identified.
  • Identify any gaps or inconsistencies in the understanding of dependencies and interdependencies.

Assess Preparedness

  • Evaluate the organization's level of preparedness to withstand disruptions.
  • Determine if each critical business service has documented and up-to-date response and recovery plans.
  • Review the adequacy and effectiveness of these plans in addressing potential risks and operational disruptions.

Analyse Response and Recovery Plans

  • Evaluate the response and recovery plans in place, considering their alignment with industry best practices and regulatory requirements.
  • Assess if the plans address disruptions and clearly define roles, responsibilities, and communication protocols.
  • Identify any gaps, ambiguities, or missing elements in the plans.

Evaluate Testing and Exercising

  • Assess the organisation's testing and exercising mechanisms for operational resilience.
  • Review the frequency, scope, and realism of the tests and exercises.
  • Evaluate if the tests adequately cover the identified risks and vulnerabilities.
  • Determine if lessons learned from testing exercises are effectively incorporated into the organisation's resilience practices.

Review Governance Framework

  • Evaluate the governance framework and accountability structures related to operational resilience management.
  • Assess if there is clear ownership and accountability for different aspects of resilience.
  • Evaluate decision-making processes, escalation paths, and the involvement of senior management in resilience-related decisions.

Assess Compliance with Regulatory Requirements

  • Review applicable regulatory requirements related to operational resilience. Evaluate if the organization's practices align with these requirements.
  • Identify any gaps or non-compliance issues and note them as areas requiring improvement.

Benchmark against Industry Best Practices

  • Compare the organization's practices with recognized industry best practices for operational resilience.
  • Consider standards, guidelines, and frameworks such as Central Banks’ OR policies, ISO 22301, or industry-specific standards.
  • Identify areas where the organisation falls short of these best practices and note them as improvement opportunities.

Identify Gaps and Vulnerabilities

  • Identify gaps, vulnerabilities, and areas of concern within the operational resilience framework based on the review and analysis.
  • Consider areas where the organization's practices do not meet regulatory requirements or industry best practices.
  • Pay attention to potential single points of failure, dependencies on critical suppliers, or outdated procedures.

Document Findings

  • Document all identified gaps, vulnerabilities, and non-compliance issues.
  • Clearly articulate the root causes and provide supporting evidence from the collected data.
  • Ensure that the findings are objective, specific, and actionable.

Prioritise Findings

  • Prioritize the identified gaps and vulnerabilities based on their potential impact and likelihood.
  • Consider the criticality of the affected functions, the severity of potential disruptions, and the organization's risk appetite.
    • This prioritisation will help focus efforts on addressing the most significant areas of concern first.

Develop Recommendations

  • Based on the identified gaps and vulnerabilities, develop actionable recommendations to enhance operational resilience.
  • Provide clear guidance on addressing the identified issues and improving the organization's practices.
  • Ensure the recommendations are practical, feasible, and aligned with industry standards.

Validate Findings and Recommendations

  • Validate the findings and recommendations with key stakeholders, including senior management and relevant subject matter experts.
  • Incorporate their feedback and ensure the findings and recommendations accurately reflect the organization's operational resilience status.


By following these detailed steps, reviewing collected data during an operational resilience audit will result in a comprehensive assessment of the organization's resilience capabilities, identifying gaps and vulnerabilities, and compliance with regulatory requirements and industry best practices.

Operational Resilience Audit Planning Steps ORA Planning Level Planning Stage 1 ORA Planning Level Data Collection Stage 2 ORA Planning Level Analysis Stage 3 ORA Planning Level Summarise Findings Stage 4 ORA Planning Level_Reporting Stage 5
Find out more about Blended Learning ORA-5000 [BL-ORA-5] & ORA-300 [BL-ORA-3]


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