Operational Resilience Audit Series
Bg Bann_OR_Audit Expert_Course Description

[ORA-5] [M4] What is Needed to Complete Module 4 of the ORA-5000 Blended Learning Course?

After completing Module 1 and the intermediate online course of Module 2, participants continuing with the Blended Learning ORA-5000 (Course code: BL-ORA-5), whereby, you would proceed to complete the blended learning Module 3.

Module 4 is the last part of the course.  Similar to Module 2 and 3, Module 4 is an extended hand-on session that focuses on management reporting of an OR Audit for the organisation.

Suhana Sunreh

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What Are You Required to Complete for Module 4 of the ORA-5000 Programme?


IC_ORA-300_Module 4Module 4: Web Training and Discussion Workshop

To complete Module 4 of the ORA-5000 Blended Learning (ORA-5) course, participants must attend two 3-hour sessions. 

The participants must review and audit the OR requirements of an operational resilience program based on a case study organization.

Ensuing group discussions are conducted to crystallize the concepts, an experienced lead auditor facilitates their sharing of their challenges and learning.

In summary, participants should be able to:

  • Determine audit findings of OR requirements
  • Write audit reports
  • Know the areas for follow-up and corrective actions after the audit
[M4-S1] Audit Review and Reporting
  • Summarise Findings and Categorise Impact
  • Prepare a Final Audit Report [Audit Reporting]
[M4-S2] Audit Follow-up
  • Understand and Anticipate Challenges of Executing and Finalising the OR Audit [Audit Challenges]
2Phase ORA-5000
The Sequence of A Typical Module 4 1/2 Day Session

A typical  1/2 day session consists of the following:

  1. Pre-reading [Maximum of one hour]

  2. Attend Facilitated Online Workshop [Maximum of three hours]

Managing the Operational Resilience Audit program includes the following core steps:

  • Introduce Cultural Change Management
  • Develop Communication Strategy
  • Implement Training and Awareness 
  • Provide Self-assessment
  • Conduct Independent Quality Review 


New call-to-action1. Presentation and discussion with the facilitator [Three Hours]

Click the "Course Content" icon on the right to view the detailed course content of Module 4.


 [1] Pre-reading


New call-to-action2 to 4 blog articles extracted from the chapters of A Manager’s Guide to Audit & Review Your Operational Resilience Program.

Participants are recommended to complete them before the session as it serves as  'bite-sized' background information, allowing participants to familiarize themselves with the concepts to be discussed. 

It would also assist participants in completing their assignment in the following  1 hour online session.

Time Requirement

Module 4 [S1]
One Hour 
Module 4 [S2]
One Hour


[2] Attend Facilitated Online Training and Discuss with the Facilitator

All Blended Learning ORA-5000 course participants are to attend two 3-hour sessions. The first 3-hour session would require them to participate in a facilitated online training session.

Facilitated by an industry practitioner and armed with the pre-reading knowledge, this session would need participants to focus on the detailed aspect of audit review and reporting:

  • Write audit findings
  • Present audit findings (severe findings resulting in non-compliance)
  • Write and issue the final audit report
  • Present final audit report
  • Conduct exit or closing meeting

This would be followed by another 3-hour session on a different day where participants could wrap up the auditing of the case study and navigate how to coordinate and manage the closure of an audit report. 

The course will end with sharing and discussing the anticipated challenges of executing and finalising the OR Audit.

Both sessions are compulsory and run at the pre-determined online schedule. There would not be a repeat or substitute session for anyone who missed it.


Time Requirement

Module 4 [S1] Three Hours
Module 4 [S2] Three Hours

Breakdown of Time Spent

Here is a breakdown of the time spent:

Module Mode of Study Hours

Online Training and Discussion Workshop

  • 1 Hour Self Study (Self-pace offline pre-reading)
  • One 3-Hour Online Session

Online Training and Discussion Workshop

  • 1-Hour Self Study (Self-pace offline pre-reading)
  • One 3-Hour Online Session
  Total Hours 8


More Information About Blended Learning Operational Resilience Audit (ORA) Courses

BCM Institute offers two levels of OR auditing courses BL-ORA-3 Blended Learning ORA-300 Operational Resilience Audit Specialist and the BL-ORA-5 Blended Learning ORA-5000 Operational Resilience Audit Expert.

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