Operational Resilience Audit

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OR Specialist Book Series: A Manager's Guide to Audit and Review Your Operational Resilience Program

OR Specialist Book Series: A Manager's Guide to Audit and Review Your Operational Resilience Program

A Manager's Guide to Audit and Review Your Operational Resilience Program

[Book is available on 1 July 2024]

New call-to-actionAn operational resilience audit is a comprehensive assessment and evaluation process conducted within an organization to determine its ability to withstand and recover from various disruptions while maintaining critical business functions. 

This audit aims to identify vulnerabilities, assess risks, and evaluate the effectiveness of strategies and processes to ensure continuity in the face of adverse events.

The ORA book covers the components of operational resilience audit, and it includes:

  • Audit Planning
  • Data Collection
  • Data Analysis
  • Summarise Findings
  • Audit Reporting
  • Audit Challenges

This book provides the principles and steps of the Operational Resilience (OR) Audit and shows you how to apply them in developing an effective and detailed operational resilience plan. It also includes a practical “fast track” how-to-do-it template to assist persons without previous experience in Operational Resilience planning in preparing their Operational Resilience plan.

The BCM Series presents a step-by-step program to equip your organization with a complete understanding of the process of Operational Resilience planning.  It also provides detailed documentation, explanations, and templates that are invaluable reference materials.  This book series will support some critical concepts in OR, such as crisis and incident management, business continuity, IT disaster recovery, cyber security, and supply chain resilience.

ISBN: 978-981-18-9326-1

Published Year: 2024

A Manager's Guide to Audit and Review Your Operational Resilience Program

  • An understanding of the many concepts and definitions of operational resilience (OR)
  • A good practice and recognized OR Planning process or methodology with a robust framework in conceptualizing, developing, and maintaining an effective and efficient OR Programme.
  • A structural and procedural approach to developing an OR Plan for the entire business infrastructure and services that are required for its critical business services
  • Practical OR Guidelines, considerations, practices, and samples beneficial for OR practitioners to facilitate and manage the OR Planning process.
  • Practical management justifications and OR services sourcing approach to assist new OR practitioners in initiating management support for implementing the OR Plan.

This book is handy for anyone who needs to conceptualize and develop an OR Plan. It provides an extensive framework for identifying and evaluating OR disruptions, impact tolerance due to the interruption, OR requirements, and prioritization.

At the same time, this book follows a structural development approach that will save time and cost in developing a cost-effective OR Plan that addresses all aspects of the business requirements for OR services.

Purchase [Click book icon] your copy of "A Manager's Guide to Implement Your Operational Resilience" now.


More Information About Blended Learning Operational Resilience Audit (ORA) Courses

BCM Institute offers two levels of OR auditing courses: ORA-3 Blended Learning ORA-300 Operational Resilience Audit Specialist and the ORA-5 Blended Learning ORA-5000 Operational Resilience Audit Expert.

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