
Review of Training Philosophy Via Blended Learning

Because of the COVID-19 outbreak and the need to continue to train effectively due to the pandemic restriction, BCM Institute has re-engineered its professional development training and certification program to "Blended Learning" or "BL".  As we progress to the new normal, this training approach will continue to be used for Module 1 (eLearning) and Module 2, the Facilitated Online video workshop via ZOOM.

Blended LearningIC_More_BCM Imp_Review o Training Philosophy Via Blended Learning

Blended learning is a known approach to education that combines online educational materials and opportunities for interaction online with traditional place-based classroom methods.

It requires the physical presence (what we call a compulsory "online, blended learning workshop") of both facilitators like yourself and participants who are BCM professionals, with some elements (such as pre-reading and completion of assignments with the support of guidance notes) of participants control over time, place or pace. 

The key is not to have each physical course day converted into a Module.  As you are aware, this approach in training adopted after COVID-19 is ineffective in learning.

Pre-reading: It is essential that "what can be read" should be "read before the start of the course."  The course will focus on the overview of the topics via the PowerPoint slides and sharing experiences and questions from the participants.

Onsite Vs Blended Learning: While participants still attend "brick-and-mortar" or onsite training courses with a facilitator present, blended learning is online facilitated "ZOOM" workshop practices are combined with computer-mediated activities (e-Learning as Module 1) when you are referring to the content and its delivery.

From 2023 onwards, all Module 1 and Module courses of the 5000 and Audit series will still be conducted online.  Module 3 and Module 4 will be conducted onsite in the specific country, namely in the ASEAN countries.

How is BL Conducted?
  • Blended Learning: Need to prepare pre-course work, attend a series of six online workshops and submit assignments.
  • eLearning: Attend Module 1 with eLearning as learning is purely on acquiring the complete set of knowledge.
  • Online workshops range from 2 to 3 hours.
  • Video Conferencing Platform: ZOOM is its base platform unless provided by the client

Course Schedule: There are four RUNs for each course per year.  It is usually scheduled every quarter. For example, January to March is Quarter 1.  Do note that if you are teaching a particular RUN, usually marked at 2A or with the name of the specific client, it is a particular RUN for an in-house class.

  • 1; 2; 3; 4
  • E.g., Quarter 1 [Jan to Mar]; 2, 3; 4
  • The year 2023
  • "H" is for Hybrid, which is M1 and M2 being online and M3 and M3 being onsite
  • "A" is for all online sessions, but the start time is 9 pm (GMT+8).  It is 9 pm in Singapore but 9 am in the US.

Each Module has 2 Sessions: Lastly, for blended learning, there are two sessions for each module.  For example, Module 2 Session 1 or in short, M2-S1 and Module 2 Session 2, which is M2-S2 from Module 2.  It is essential to note the session as an instructor, you are required to download the PowerPoint slides for the specific session.  For onsite training, Module 2 used to be Day 2.

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Notification from BCM Institute's Program Admin Team: Finally, do remember that when there is any notification sent to you from the Program Admin team, there will be a course code, for example, BL-CM-3 RUN 2, and you are teaching in M2-S1.



What is CRM or Customer Relationship Management?

Moh Heng Goh on Sep 5, 2021 1:52:49 PM Instructor Briefing

IC_More_BCM Imp_What is CRM

Objective of Customer Relationship Management or CRM

We have a CRM Customer Relationship Management, which tracks and manages the enrolment and course progression of the participants.  This is an internal system but note that the program admin team will engage you via this CRM system.

What the CRM

  • Course Registration:  This is the page whereby the student registers for the course.
  • Course Notification: Updates on the course preparation and submission of assignments to participants will be managed by these systems
  • Course Reminders:  Remind participants to attend the course and note that you will be spammed via text messages during such reminders as one student will be one text message to you as an instructor. Still, they are consolidated into one when viewing from your phone.
  • Review of Assignment: Instructor will be reminded to review the submission of your module assignment.

The instructor will receive a series of notifications as an instructor, and it is marked as "Instructor Briefing."


BG Bann_Instructor Briefing Series_BL-CM-5 BG Bann_Instructor Briefing_ITDR_Module 2 Assignment Requirement BG Bann_Instructor Briefing_Audit_Remind To Teach
Back To TOC Overview of Instructor Briefing Contact the program admin team if you have any questions. Email to Program Admin Team [BCM Institute]

Introducing Learning and Supporting Platforms

Moh Heng Goh on Sep 5, 2021 1:47:47 PM Instructor Briefing

ObjectiveIC_More_BCM Imp_Intro_Learning and Support

It is essential to understand the electronics and supporting platforms that are being deployed to execute this course.

Note that in the following few briefings on the technical platform, we will introduce and bring you to the exact location and page in the respective platform.

The program admin team will assign you a module and the user id and password to your account. Please proceed to change the user id and password.

Electronic Platform

BCM Institute has three primary electronic platforms to manage its program and engage its participants.  The other is its BCM Institute's website, whereby all the essential information for the course is provided in the public domain.

The heart of learning is our Learning Management System (LMS) or what we call "eCampus."  This is where you are an instructor will be getting your latest PowerPoint slides and templates to be discussed during the online workshop.  The other two are the Customer Relationship System or CRM.    There is "Content Management", which concerns you as an instructor, and the "Customer Relationship Management", which supports the logistics and program administration of the entire operations of the course


eCampus Content Management Customer Relationship Management BCMPedia
[IB] Introduce eCampus or Learning Management System
[IB] What is CRM Content Management [IB] What is CRM or Customer Relationship Management [IB] What is BCMPedia and Course Website


Note that onsite training (i.e., in-house or at the hotel) will not be accessed the eCampus unless the course is spread over three weeks and not back-to-back within three days.

Back To TOC Overview of Instructor Briefing Contact the program admin team if you have any questions. Email to Program Admin Team [BCM Institute]


What is CRM Content Management?

Moh Heng Goh on Sep 5, 2021 1:46:58 PM Instructor Briefing

ObjectiveIC_More_BCM Imp_CRM Content Management

We have a CRM Content Management System that serves as the knowledge depositary for all course content and readings.

CRM: Content Management

  • Articles: Serve as pre-reading by the participants
  • Course Content/ Overview: Present the syllabus of each Module and Session
  • Course Requirement/ Description: Describe the expectations of the participants for this specific module/ session
  • Course Schedule (Calendar): Present the schedule for all the runs for the year
  • Course Schedule for RUN: Describe a specific schedule with dates and deadlines for the participants to lock in their dates
  • Case Study: Participants are provided MS Word or PDF versions of the case study.  As an instructor, you can use the electronic version to conduct the discussion
    • We have added Word versions of the Case Study and the workbook into the CMS.  As an instructor, you can use this for the presentation instead of using the PDF or Word document.


Article (Blog) Course Content Course Requirement Course Schedule Course Schedule for RUN Case Study
[BL-B-5] What is a BCM-5000 Blended Learning Course? New call-to-action New call-to-action New call-to-action New call-to-action BL-B-5 AllSafe Bank Case Study Table of Content
Back To TOC Overview of Instructor Briefing Contact the program admin team if you have any questions. Email to Program Admin Team [BCM Institute]

Introduce eCampus or Learning Management System

Moh Heng Goh on Sep 5, 2021 1:00:00 PM Instructor Briefing

ObjectiveIC_More_BCM Imp_Intro_eCampus

eCampus or BCM Institute's Learning Management System will serve as the "heart" of the learning journey.  It is the depositary of all documentation for both the participants and the instructors.

Introduction to eCampus

eCampus is the BCM Institute's Learning Management System and it is central to the learning requirement of the students.

  • [IB] View Pre-reading MaterialPre-readings
    • There is re-reading prior to each module (which used to be a day of your facilitation).
    • Instructor:  Be aware of what the participants have read before you facilitated the course.

  • Download and Upload AssignmentDownload Templates and Workbook
    • The student will download all their templates (assignment) from eCampus and also upload them once the templates are completed.
    • Instructor: Download all the templates that the participants are expected to download as these are the Word, Excel or PowerPoint templates that you will need to display during the classroom or online session.
  • [IB] View Course Information in eCampusCourse Information for Module
    • All of the information for this module is appended in this eCampus Module.
    • Instructor:  Read the "Course Content" and then the "Course Requirement" to have a clearer view of the syllabus for this specific module that you are facilitating. 

Instructor Requirement in eCampus

These are some of the activities required by instructors to conduct his or her course:

  • Download PowerPoint slides for the Module/Session
  • Download Templates and workbook to be discussed or presented by participants
  • Access to Guidance note to complete the base templates e.g. RAR, BIA, BCS and PD in Module 2.
eLearning Platform

eCampus host our Module 1 or eLearning system for BCM, CM, CC and IT DR

Access to Content

eCampus acts as the intermediary to access the specific product content.  The Content Management System is where all information can be found for both the participants and instructors for their specific courses


The Lead Instructor from BCM Institute will use the eCampus link to BCM Institute's YouTube channel to allow access to instructors who may want to have a preview of this lesson being taught on ZOOM previously.

Do note that the videos on BCM and IT DR are available at the moment.  These videos are not accessible to participants unless they are confirmed medically unfit on the day of the lesson that you are conducting.  Please consult the Program Admin team.


Login Process Specific Course Information Pre-readings
Login to eCampus [IB] View Course Content [IB] View Pre-reading Material
Download Template Course Information for Module Download PowerPoint Slides
Download and Upload Assignment [IB] View Course Information in eCampus Download Powerpoint Slides

There are several emails following this eCampus introduction and it is sent separately for ease of reading as part of the onboarding as an instructor.

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