
Marking Guidance for Assignment

Moh Heng Goh on Oct 20, 2022 12:42:28 PM Instructor Briefing

IC_Marking Guidance for AssignmentWelcome back.  This blog described the deployment of the "Marking Scheme" to assist the facilitator in providing high-quality replies and technical comments to the participants.  This is especially true when the participant has put in a lot of effort, and it is BCM Institute's to provide them with superior recommendations.  We are conscious of the time constraint needed by the instructor to grade the assignment comprehensively.

This is the "Instructor Briefing" or "IB" series you are reading.  This session focus on "Marking the Assignment" for a specific module within the course.  Currently, Module 2 for all products has the most submission submitted.  In Module 3 and Module 4, some sessions require this review.

This current "grading of assignment" review system in eCampus is via the “Message Box” function.  It minimises the need for a facilitator to look for the email address of the participants to reply. It also serves as a tracking system for the program admin team to monitor, the instructor has immediate access to review, and the participants can submit and know the outcome in the shortest possible time.

Types of Submissions and Review Expectations 

Tier One Review: There are the types of submission and review standards:

  • Public course (usually of a mix of participants from different organizations)
  • In-house courses (as training and awareness)

Most submission requirements will be based on the minimal requirement of the course.

Tier Two Review: These types of submissions require stricter review

  • In-House training with the requirement to complete their assignment as part of their training-led
    • BCM implementation project or
    • update of the BCM program

Access to eCampus 

eCampus Download Marketing Scheme

This template, downloadable from eCampus (Instructor Marking of Assignment), serves as marking guidance for the review of the submission of the assignments.  The example below is the Risk Analysis and Review (RAR) for the WSQ-BCM-310 course.  This is similar to all of the products that BCM Institute offers.

GM eCampus Download Marketing Scheme

Access Grading for Class or Cohort or "Grade Upload Assignment"

In the eCampus "Instructor's section" Instructor Marking of Assignment, proceed to click to access to grade assignment.

This is the section whereby the participant has uploaded their assignment, and the Facilitator can now review the content of each submission of the participants.

Remember to select the cohort that you are facilitating.


GM eCampus Grade Assignment
Content of Downloaded Marking Scheme

This guidance note has two sections:

  • Overall Grading
  • Technical Grading

Grading Guidance and Reply to Participants

The Marking Scheme start with the cover letter to the participants.  The comments marked as “Model Response” will be inserted as the initial reply to the participants in eCampus.  Note that you are required to insert Text 1 and Text 2.

Cover Letter to Participant

The content of the model response is as follows:

Dear [Name of Participant],

Thank you for the prompt submission of your assignment for the Risk Analysis Review (RAR) Template.

[Text 1] Select from Overall Grading: Model Response for Successful Candidates

You may want to consider additional comments:

[Text 2] Select from Technical Grading: Omissions/Errors

We look forward to seeing you in the upcoming Risk Analysis Review (RAR) session of your BCM journey!

[Name of Instructor]

GM Cover Letter to Participant


Overall Grading: Text 1 Model Response for Successful Candidates

There are three grades for overall grading for the submission of assignments:

  1. Pass (Standard Pass)
  2. Good (Above Average Pass)
  3. Excellent (Great Pass)
  • Remember that the better students had spent at least one hour completing each template and because the instructor is busy, they tend to use terms like "Well Done" or "Keep it up."
  • This section provides you with two to three paragraphs of comments on their effort.
GM Overall Grading
Technical Grading: Text 2 Omissions/Errors

Guidance notes for the grading of the technical content of the assignment

The objective is to provide the participants with the necessary technical feedback on the content upon completing their assignments.

In eCampus, you can view their submission, and after the review, you are expected to grade the assignment and provide comments in the “Message Box”.

GM Technical Grading Text 2

Final Overall and Technical Grading in eCampus

Overall grading for the participant in eCampus (Grade Student function)


GM Overall Grading eCampus and Text 1


Final reply to participants in e Campus.  Instructor to provide comments Text 1 and Text 2 in the “Message Box”.

When you spot any discrepancy in the assignment,  cut and paste from the "Marking Scheme" header and the description of the discrepancy into the content of Text 2 .  Repeat for additional comments.  View the diagram below.

Remember to edit the English to make it read as you have written it.


GM eCampus Text 1 and Text 2
Feedback from Instructor
Email to Dr Goh Moh Heng After each grading, the instructor should cut and paste their additional comments into a word document and send them to Dr Goh Moh Heng.  Use the template below, which can be found at the end of the "Marking Scheme." WhatsApp to Dr Goh Moh Heng



GM Feedback from Instructors


Back To TOC Overview of Instructor Briefing Contact the program admin team if you have any questions. Email to Program Admin Team [BCM Institute]




Access and Mark Assignment

Moh Heng Goh on Nov 27, 2021 11:32:01 PM Instructor Briefing

Welcome back; this is the "Instructor Briefing" or "IB" series you are reading.  This session focus on the "Access and Mark Assignment" by the instructor.

Access and Mark Assignment
IC_More_BCM Imp_Download and Upload Assignment

Proceed to the module [1] that you are facilitating.   [2] Click the "Upload Assignment" link either in the can click [3] the link for "... Assignment: Download Template and Upload ..." links to download the latest templates.


Access Module and Click "Upload Assignment"

eCampus Access and Mark Assignment Pic 1


Do note that the students will be uploading their assignments via this link.

Upload Assignment

The participants will use this link [3] to upload their assignments.  The deadline is usually two to three calendar days after the completion of the session.

The Program Admin team will inform you to go back to this link to review the assignment submitted by the participants. 


View Grading Summary

eCampus Access and Mark Assignment Pic 2

View Participants Submission

eCampus Access and Mark Assignment Pic 3

Access Participant Assignment


eCampus Access and Mark Assignment Pic 4

Grade Assignment and Insert Comments


eCampus Access and Mark Assignment Pic 5


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Introduce WSQ Course Type and Delivery

Moh Heng Goh on Sep 12, 2021 4:09:30 PM Crisis Management, Instructor Briefing

IC_More_WSQ_Implementation_Introduce Course Type and DeliveryObjective

This briefing provides you with an overview of the type of delivery mode for our WSQ courses.

For WSQ courses offered by BCM Institute, you will have three delivery modes.


  • Physical training conducted in office or client's location


  • Exact replication of the onsite course except it is purely on online video conferencing

Blended Learning

  • Composite of eLearning training leading to BCCP and 50 to 60% online facilitation
    • The model is awaiting approval from SSG

Move Towards Online Training Workshops

The reason is that our online or blended learning training had evolved and been enhanced many times during the COVID-19 outbreak, and the program is heavily supported by several electronic platforms such as Learning Management System, or we called it eCampus, instructions via blogs which we call CRM Content Management, instructions to participants via the Customer Relationship System (CRM) whereby you will also get a copy or even a reminder (spammed to you as an SMS to your mobile as for each student attending, you will get one SMS)

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Introduce WSQ Course Name and Code

Moh Heng Goh on Sep 12, 2021 3:58:30 PM Crisis Management, Instructor Briefing

IC_More_WSQ_Implementation_Introduce Course Name and CodeObjective

This briefing provides you with an understanding of how you identify our WSQ "course code" and "course name".

Structure of Course

Before we start, it is essential that you know what is the course that you are facilitating.  We seldom use the word "Day 1" or "Day 2" or "Day 3" now except for the brick-and-mortar or onsite training course.  Day 1 will be known as Module 1.  For example, we use the module or WSQ course code "WSQ-BCM-310" and it consists of Session 1 or Session 2.

The reason is that we seldom organize a full-day WSQ training for reason that video conferencing online training tends not to be effective after 4 hours per day. However, we are still having clients who insist on conducting it in one day, in that case, we will accede to their request.

Each WSQ course will have 2 sessions (the equivalent of morning and afternoon sessions).  For the BCM series of WSQ courses, they tend to be one module (or per day) while both the crisis management (CM) and crisis communication (CC) have a 2-day and 3-day course duration.

Each session is expected to run for a maximum of 3 1/2 to 4-hour duration unless you are specifically informed of the change in the duration.  Hence, please note (or check your schedule on your course calendar) which session you will be facilitating.  Note also that SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) expect BCM Institute to conduct an 8-hour training session per day and hence, the 4-hour duration for each session.


These are the acronyms for the course.  So for Business Continuity Management will be "BCM", crisis communication will be "CC".  There is no IT Disaster Recovery and "Audit" in the WSQ series.

Business Continuity Management
  • BCM (Implementation Series)
    • WSQ-BCM-310
    • WSQ-BCM-320
    • WSQ-BCM-330

  • BCM (Implement Training Roadmap)
    • WSQ-BCM-470
Crisis Management
  • CM
    • WSQ-CM-360
    • WSQ-CM-460
Crisis Communication
  • CC
    • WSQ-CC-350
    • WSQ-CM-450

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View WSQ Instructor Toolkit

Moh Heng Goh on Sep 12, 2021 3:36:03 PM Instructor Briefing

IC_More_WSQ_Implementation_View Instructor Toolkit

This section of the module is specifically grouped for access to the instructor. 

The content includes:

  • View video introductory explanation of this course
    • The instructor can "play" this video before the start of session 1
    • Alternatively, this course introductory video can be replaced by the instructor verbally explaining the course and the requirement as required by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG)
  • "Course Overview" and "Course Description"
  • Program Structure
    • This includes the lesson plan and the mapping of the competency mapping as per the WSQ framework
  • Facilitator Guide
    • This is the instructor guide and it corresponds to the "onsite' handbook
  • Download PowerPoint Slides (Instructor Copy)
  • Download Participants' Nominal Roll
  • Provide you with a list of participants for the workshop
    • If this list is not available if you are accessing eCampus because the participant name list is yet to be finalised, you can go into the eCampus and click on the top of the left-hand panel and look for  "Participants" and "select "Code of the course" to view the list online.
  • Participant Self-introduction
    • The first instructor of the course will encourage the participants to introduce themselves and this is the edited video
    • From the 2nd lesson onwards, you as the incoming instructor can view and listen to the self-introduction of the participants.  The objective is not to annoy the participants by getting them to introduce themselves when a new instructor is facilitating.

You should be expecting more videos from previous lesson should you be facilitating this course for the first time.

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