
View WSQ Course Information in eCampus

Moh Heng Goh on Sep 12, 2021 3:13:31 PM Instructor Briefing

IC_More_WSQ_Implementation_View WSQ Course Information in eCampusWelcome back, this is the "WSQ Instructor Briefing" or WSQ "IB" series that you are reading.  This session focus on the "Course Information" for a module or a specific WSQ course.

By now, you should be reading and have access to the Course Information for the Module or specific WSQ course.

When you are in the WSQ course or Module that you are facilitating.  Look at the top left-hand corner box [1], proceed to click "Course Information" [2] for your module on the lower left-hand side banner

What is Course Information? [3]

  • Introduce the course to the participants [Text with  blue background]
    1. Provide an outline of the module and it is broken down in session 1 and session 2
  • Course Description
  • Course Overview
  • Participant Handbook for:
    • Online class.  Note that this copy is without any blank answer as compared to the brick and mortar onsite version.
    • Onsite workshop.  This copy is printed in hardcopy and participants will need to complete the blank space for the correct answers
    • PowerPoint Slides.  This is an unofficial copy whereby all the PowerPoint slides are presented by the instructor and it can be found in this handbook.
  • BCMPedia
  • Course Schedule
  • Written Assignment
    • Download written assignments by participants
    • Upload completed assignment by participants for review by assessor

Notes that the respective bullet points will be further elaborated as you continue with this IB series.

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View WSQ Course Session 1 and Session 2

Moh Heng Goh on Sep 12, 2021 2:58:18 PM Instructor Briefing

IC_More_WSQ_Implementation_View Course Session 1 and Session 2Welcome back, this is the "WSQ Instructor Briefing" or WSQ "IB" series that you are reading.  This session focus on the "Course Information" for a module or a specific WSQ course.

In each module or WSQ course, for example, WSQ-BCM-310, each module (equivalent to a 1-day onsite course) have two sessions.  Thinks of session 1 as morning and session 2 as the afternoon session for an onsite workshop.  In most online workshops, we recommend that session 1 and session 2 is conducted on two separate days as this will enhance earning.

Session 1

When you are in the module that you are facilitating, look at the top left-hand corner box, once you have clicked the "Course Information", scroll down the lower-left panel to look for "Session 1" which is the morning session for a typical onsite WSQ course.

In each section with click Session 1 [1], this training requirement in Session 1 [2] includes the need for participants to read, download assignments and templates, work before attending the workshop, and upload the completed assignment.

Session 2

Scroll down this module to session 2 [2] or click on the right-hand panel [1].


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WSQ Login to eCampus

Moh Heng Goh on Sep 11, 2021 11:44:06 PM Instructor Briefing

IC_More_WSQ_Implementation_Login to eCampusWhen you are notified to teach, BCM Institute's Program Admin team would have sent you your user id and password.  

You should have access (user id and password issued to you) to one module of the course in eCampus that you will be facilitating from the Program Admin team.

eCampus Login Page

Log into the link provided in the email and you will be landing on this page.

  • [1] Userid
  • [2] Password
  • [3] Login

Access to WSQ BCM Module

If you are attempting WSQ-BCM-310, this is the view. At Dashboard, click WSQ Business Continuity Management for the WSQ-BCM course.

Access to eCampus as a "Teacher": Do note that you are assigned "Teacher" or "Facilitator" privilege which means if you can see all the links that have the word "Hidden from Student" and not vice versa for the "Student."   Please contact us immediately if you cannot view the entire content.

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Overview of WSQ Instructor Briefing

Moh Heng Goh on Sep 11, 2021 11:32:01 PM Instructor Briefing

DR Goh Moh HengWelcome As A Member of Our Competency-based (WSQ) Instructional Team

Thanks for your acceptance to teach for BCM Institute.  As mentioned in our earlier conversation, this is a series of email briefing that serves as part of the induction to our new training system seeking SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) or Malaysia's Human Resource Development Corporation (HRD Corp) funding.

I am walking you through part of the technical "Instructor Briefing" of your course facilitation.  My apology for being long-winded, as this is meant to be a detailed set of briefings.

New call-to-actionDo note that there are two sets of instructions coming from us. 

  • Instructor Briefing: One is from me as part of the WSQ instructor briefing. 
  • Briefing by the BCM Institute's Program Admin team:  The team will continue to send you documentation.  Note that the emails are meant for the participants, and the idea is to keep you in the loop on what the student is getting. 

Meanwhile, for this WSQ instructor briefing series,  I will focus on the technical aspect of this competency-based program, such as the eCampus, as it has made it pretty confusing, especially to instructors. So, therefore, do not reply to any of this series of messages except for any questions and ask questions via WhatsApp messages.

[WSQ] Singapore Workforce Skills Qualification Course CatalogIf you are teaching in one of our WSQ modules soon, you will soon be assigned a user id and password to the eCampus for the module assigned to you.  It is either BCM (3 Module), CM (2 modules), and CC (3 Module).  Please get in touch with me if you do not have a user id and password to proceed.

BackTo_WSQ Instructor BriefingThis will be the agenda for our discussion, and it is sent via a series of emails to you. 

Meanwhile, proceed to walk through the icon below, starting from left to right. Remember to click the "Back to Table of Content WSQ Overview of Instructor briefing" to return to this page.


View WSQ Course Information in eCampus View WSQ Course Session 1 and Session 2 Introduce WSQ Course Type and Delivery Introduce WSQ Course Name and Code
New call-to-action New call-to-action New call-to-action Introduce WSQ Course Name and Code
View WSQ Instructor Toolkit WSQ Login eCampus   WSQ Back to Table of Content WSQ Instructor Briefing
New call-to-action New call-to-action   Back to Table of Content WSQ Instructor Briefing
WSQ Business Continuity Management Courses WSQ Crisis Management Courses WSQ Crisis Communication Courses  
New call-to-action New call-to-action New call-to-action  


It starts by

  • [Row 1] share the blending learning (BL) philosophy and get you to log in to your course in eCampus.
  • [Row 2] introduce the various platforms that are adapted to support this online BL initiative.
  • {Row 3 and 4] guide you through the functionalities of the systems before you embark on your online assignment.
Review of Training Philosophy Via Blended Learning [IB] Introduce eCampus or Learning Management System Login to eCampus [IB] View Course Information in eCampus 1
Introduce Learning and Supporting Platform [IB] What is CRM Content Management [IB] What is CRM or Customer Relationship Management [IB] What is BCMPedia and Course Website 2
[IB] Introduce Course Name and Code [IB] View Course Content [IB] View Course Schedule Download Powerpoint Slides 3
[IB] View Pre-reading Material Download and Upload Assignment [IB] View Guidance Notes [IB] View List of Course Participants 4

Note that if this is the first time you are viewing this document, try to read the content and not lick any other in the blogs. Then, click the (Back to) button shown on the right to return to this "Instructor Briefing" page.


Dr Goh Moh Heng
President of BCM Institute
WhatsApp +65 96711022


Overview of Instructor Briefing

Moh Heng Goh on Sep 6, 2021 12:12:24 PM Instructor Briefing

DR Goh Moh HengWelcome As a Member of Our Instructional Team

Thanks for your acceptance to teach at BCM Institute.  As mentioned in our earlier conversation, this is a series of email briefings that serves as part of the induction to our new training system. 

I am walking you through part of the technical "Instructor Briefing" of your course facilitation.  My apology for being long-winded, as this is meant to be a detailed set of briefings.

Do note that there are two sets of instructions coming from us. 

IC_More_BCM Imp_Instructor Brief
  • Instructor Briefing (Onboarding): This briefing is part of the onboarding for new instructors joining our team.  There is a change in approach, philosophy and electronic support.
  • Briefing by the BCM Institute's Program Admin team: The team will continue to send you documentation marked as "Instructor Briefing." 
  • Participants Briefing: Note that some emails are meant for the participants and also directed to you.  The idea is to keep you in the loop on what the student is getting. 

Meanwhile, for this instructor briefing series, I will focus on the technical aspect of this program, such as the eCampus, as it has made it pretty confusing, especially for instructors. So, therefore, do not reply to any of this series of messages except for any questions and ask questions via WhatsApp.

If you are teaching in one of our modules soon, you will quickly be assigned a user id and password to the eCampus for the module given to you.  It is either Module 2 or 3, or 4.  Please contact me if you do not have a user id and password to proceed.

This will be the agenda for our discussion and will be sent via email. 

Meanwhile, walk through the icon below, starting from left to right.  It starts with:

  • [Row 1] share the blending learning (BL) philosophy and get you to log in to your course in eCampus.
  • [Row 2] introduces the various adapted platforms to support this online BL initiative.
  • {Row 3, 4 and 5 ] guide you through the systems' functionalities before you embark on your online assignment.
Review of Training Philosophy Via Blended Learning [IB] Introduce eCampus or Learning Management System Login to eCampus [IB] View Course Information in eCampus 1
Introduce Learning and Supporting Platform [IB] What is CRM Content Management [IB] What is CRM or Customer Relationship Management [IB] What is BCMPedia and Course Website 2
[IB] Introduce Course Name and Code [IB] View Course Content [IB] View Course Schedule Download Powerpoint Slides 3
[IB] View Pre-reading Material Download and Upload Assignment [IB] View Guidance Notes [IB] View List of Course Participants 4
Marking Guidance for Assignment     Back To TOC Overview of Instructor Briefing


If this is the first time you have viewed this document, try to read the content and not lick any other in the blogs. Then, click the (Back to) button to return to this "Instructor Briefing" page.


Dr Goh Moh Heng
President of BCM Institute

WhatsApp to Dr Goh Moh Heng Email to Dr Goh Moh Heng


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