
Introduce WSQ Course Type and Delivery

Moh Heng Goh on Sep 12, 2021 4:09:30 PM Crisis Management, Instructor Briefing

IC_More_WSQ_Implementation_Introduce Course Type and DeliveryObjective

This briefing provides you with an overview of the type of delivery mode for our WSQ courses.

For WSQ courses offered by BCM Institute, you will have three delivery modes.


  • Physical training conducted in office or client's location


  • Exact replication of the onsite course except it is purely on online video conferencing

Blended Learning

  • Composite of eLearning training leading to BCCP and 50 to 60% online facilitation
    • The model is awaiting approval from SSG

Move Towards Online Training Workshops

The reason is that our online or blended learning training had evolved and been enhanced many times during the COVID-19 outbreak, and the program is heavily supported by several electronic platforms such as Learning Management System, or we called it eCampus, instructions via blogs which we call CRM Content Management, instructions to participants via the Customer Relationship System (CRM) whereby you will also get a copy or even a reminder (spammed to you as an SMS to your mobile as for each student attending, you will get one SMS)

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Introduce WSQ Course Name and Code

Moh Heng Goh on Sep 12, 2021 3:58:30 PM Crisis Management, Instructor Briefing

IC_More_WSQ_Implementation_Introduce Course Name and CodeObjective

This briefing provides you with an understanding of how you identify our WSQ "course code" and "course name".

Structure of Course

Before we start, it is essential that you know what is the course that you are facilitating.  We seldom use the word "Day 1" or "Day 2" or "Day 3" now except for the brick-and-mortar or onsite training course.  Day 1 will be known as Module 1.  For example, we use the module or WSQ course code "WSQ-BCM-310" and it consists of Session 1 or Session 2.

The reason is that we seldom organize a full-day WSQ training for reason that video conferencing online training tends not to be effective after 4 hours per day. However, we are still having clients who insist on conducting it in one day, in that case, we will accede to their request.

Each WSQ course will have 2 sessions (the equivalent of morning and afternoon sessions).  For the BCM series of WSQ courses, they tend to be one module (or per day) while both the crisis management (CM) and crisis communication (CC) have a 2-day and 3-day course duration.

Each session is expected to run for a maximum of 3 1/2 to 4-hour duration unless you are specifically informed of the change in the duration.  Hence, please note (or check your schedule on your course calendar) which session you will be facilitating.  Note also that SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) expect BCM Institute to conduct an 8-hour training session per day and hence, the 4-hour duration for each session.


These are the acronyms for the course.  So for Business Continuity Management will be "BCM", crisis communication will be "CC".  There is no IT Disaster Recovery and "Audit" in the WSQ series.

Business Continuity Management
  • BCM (Implementation Series)
    • WSQ-BCM-310
    • WSQ-BCM-320
    • WSQ-BCM-330

  • BCM (Implement Training Roadmap)
    • WSQ-BCM-470
Crisis Management
  • CM
    • WSQ-CM-360
    • WSQ-CM-460
Crisis Communication
  • CC
    • WSQ-CC-350
    • WSQ-CM-450

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Review of Training Philosophy Via Blended Learning

Because of the COVID-19 outbreak and the need to continue to train effectively due to the pandemic restriction, BCM Institute has re-engineered its professional development training and certification program to "Blended Learning" or "BL".  As we progress to the new normal, this training approach will continue to be used for Module 1 (eLearning) and Module 2, the Facilitated Online video workshop via ZOOM.

Blended LearningIC_More_BCM Imp_Review o Training Philosophy Via Blended Learning

Blended learning is a known approach to education that combines online educational materials and opportunities for interaction online with traditional place-based classroom methods.

It requires the physical presence (what we call a compulsory "online, blended learning workshop") of both facilitators like yourself and participants who are BCM professionals, with some elements (such as pre-reading and completion of assignments with the support of guidance notes) of participants control over time, place or pace. 

The key is not to have each physical course day converted into a Module.  As you are aware, this approach in training adopted after COVID-19 is ineffective in learning.

Pre-reading: It is essential that "what can be read" should be "read before the start of the course."  The course will focus on the overview of the topics via the PowerPoint slides and sharing experiences and questions from the participants.

Onsite Vs Blended Learning: While participants still attend "brick-and-mortar" or onsite training courses with a facilitator present, blended learning is online facilitated "ZOOM" workshop practices are combined with computer-mediated activities (e-Learning as Module 1) when you are referring to the content and its delivery.

From 2023 onwards, all Module 1 and Module courses of the 5000 and Audit series will still be conducted online.  Module 3 and Module 4 will be conducted onsite in the specific country, namely in the ASEAN countries.

How is BL Conducted?
  • Blended Learning: Need to prepare pre-course work, attend a series of six online workshops and submit assignments.
  • eLearning: Attend Module 1 with eLearning as learning is purely on acquiring the complete set of knowledge.
  • Online workshops range from 2 to 3 hours.
  • Video Conferencing Platform: ZOOM is its base platform unless provided by the client

Course Schedule: There are four RUNs for each course per year.  It is usually scheduled every quarter. For example, January to March is Quarter 1.  Do note that if you are teaching a particular RUN, usually marked at 2A or with the name of the specific client, it is a particular RUN for an in-house class.

  • 1; 2; 3; 4
  • E.g., Quarter 1 [Jan to Mar]; 2, 3; 4
  • The year 2023
  • "H" is for Hybrid, which is M1 and M2 being online and M3 and M3 being onsite
  • "A" is for all online sessions, but the start time is 9 pm (GMT+8).  It is 9 pm in Singapore but 9 am in the US.

Each Module has 2 Sessions: Lastly, for blended learning, there are two sessions for each module.  For example, Module 2 Session 1 or in short, M2-S1 and Module 2 Session 2, which is M2-S2 from Module 2.  It is essential to note the session as an instructor, you are required to download the PowerPoint slides for the specific session.  For onsite training, Module 2 used to be Day 2.

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Notification from BCM Institute's Program Admin Team: Finally, do remember that when there is any notification sent to you from the Program Admin team, there will be a course code, for example, BL-CM-3 RUN 2, and you are teaching in M2-S1.



Introduce Course Name and Code

IC_More_BCM Imp_Intro_Course Name and CodeObjective

This blog provides an understanding of how you identify the "course code" and "course name" of the course you are facilitating.

Day (Onsite) Vs Module (BL) Vs Hybrid

Day: Before we start, you must know what course you are facilitating.  We seldom use the word "Day 1" or "Day 2" now except for the brick-and-mortar or onsite training course. 

Module: The reason is that a 1-day course is now renamed "Module" and because we do not intend to teach for one entire day of online video training.  Each module will have two sessions (the equivalent of morning and afternoon sessions)

Each session is expected to have a maximum of a 3-hour duration unless you are expressly informed of the change in the duration.  Hence, please note (or check your schedule on your course calendar).

Hybrid: Starting in 2023, there will be an online hybrid course for Modules 1 and 2, followed by Onsite Modules 3 and 4.

Types of Course

This is a simple illustration of the entire  Crisis Management course.

[BL-HL-CM-3-4-5] Phases Learning Roadmap  CM-300-CM-400-CM-5000 Crisis Management Course Phase

These are the acronyms for the course.  So for Business Continuity Management will be "B", crisis communication will be "CC", IT Disaster Recovery will be "DR", and "Audit" will be "A."

Crisis Management (CM)

2Phase BL-CM-5 Certification Logo [Cert Outside]When you are teaching the 5000 level course, the course is broken down into "Implementer", which used to be the "300 level" course and "Manager", which is the "400 level" course. The combined course "300 plus 400" will be the "5000 levels" course or the "Expert Implementer."

For our audit instructor, I do not think the Lead Auditor or BCM-8530 is equivalent to a 5000-level course.  The Auditor course, or BCM-8030, is a 300-level course for administrative reasons.

Course Code

[BL-CM-3] What is a CM-300 Blended Learning?CM-3
  1. The original name of the course is CM-300 Crisis Management Implementer
  2. Module 1 and 2
  1. The original name of the course is CM-400 Crisis Management Manager
  2. Modules 3 and 4
[BL-B-5] What is a BCM-5000 Blended Learning Course?CM-5
  1. The original name of the course is CM-5000 Crisis Management Expert Implementer;  It is a combination of CM-300 and CM-400, and they will take only one exam.
  2. Module 1 to 4


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