
Download and Upload Assignment

Moh Heng Goh on Sep 4, 2021 4:07:47 PM Instructor Briefing

Welcome back. This is the "Instructor Briefing" or "IB" series you are reading.  This session focus on the "Download the assignment" template for a specific module within the course.

Download Assignment TemplateIC_More_BCM Imp_Download and Upload Assignment

Proceed to the module [1] that you are facilitating.  Go to the specific session [2] whereby you can click [3] the link for "... Assignment: Download Template and Upload ..." links to download the latest templates.


Do note that the students will be uploading their assignments via this link.

Upload Assignment

The participants will use this link [3] to upload their assignments.  The deadline is usually two to three calendar days after the completion of the session.

The Program Admin team will inform you to go back to this link to review the assignment submitted by the participants. 

Download and Present Templates

Please download the templates in your notebook in MS Word, Excel or PowerPoint before the class starts.

Back To TOC Overview of Instructor Briefing Contact the program admin team if you have any questions. Email to Program Admin Team [BCM Institute]


Download PowerPoint Slides

Moh Heng Goh on Sep 4, 2021 12:47:17 PM Instructor Briefing

IC_More_BCM Imp_Download Powerpoint SlidesWelcome back. This is the "Instructor Briefing" or "IB" series you are reading.  This session focus on the "Download the PowerPoint slides (Instructor's Copy)" for a specific module within the course.

In the "Course Information" section of the module, click on the session(s) that you are assigned to teach. proceed to download your lesson's PowerPoint slides (Instructor's Copy).  Note that there are two sessions and two sets of different slides.

Download Updated Slides

Do note that the slides are regularly updated. Hence, you are required to download the set of PowerPointslide before each lesson as the eCampus version is also the latest copy even if you have taught previously.  These slides are compiled as a "handbook" individual module to be downloaded by the participants.

Download Your Session Only

Please note that only the downloaded slides for session 1 are to be presented by the instructor during session one only. This is likewise for slides downloaded for session 2. At times, there may not be slides for Session 2 as it is an exercise using a case study and workbook for onsite training and pre-coursework for blended learning. The difference is that there is more time to discuss and share during the blended learning session while the participants present their assignments.

Session 1

This is the step to download your presentation slides

  • [1] Proceed to your Module
  • [2] Select "Course Information"
  • [3] Select "Session 1" [M#-S1] or "Session 2" [M#-S2] and proceed to download PowerPoint slides

Session 2

Download Files

Open PowerPoint Slides

Click the read-only button to access the instructor's PowerPoint slides.


Back To TOC Overview of Instructor Briefing Contact the program admin team if you have any questions. Email to Program Admin Team [BCM Institute]

View Course Information in eCampus

Moh Heng Goh on Sep 4, 2021 12:24:54 PM Instructor Briefing

IC_More_BCM Imp_View Course Information in eCampusWelcome back. This is the "Instructor Briefing" or "IB" series you are reading.  This session focuses on the "Course Information" for a specific module within the course.

When you are in the module that you are facilitating, look at the top left-hand corner box [1], proceed to click "Course Information" or [2] for your module on the lower left-hand side panel in eCampus.

You now have access to the [3] Course Information for the Module of the product.

What is Course Information?

  • Introduce the entire course to the participants and instructors [Light blue background]
  • Provide an outline of the module by sessions
  • Provide a detailed set of lessons for both sessions 1 and 2
  • Introduce Course Content
  • Introduce Course Requirement
  • Introduce Course Schedule
  • Download the Presentation Slides for session one and session two separately.
  • Introduce product certification requirements for specialist and expert levels.

Notes on the respective bullet points will be further elaborated as you continue this IB series.


Back To TOC Overview of Instructor Briefing Contact the program admin team if you have any questions. Email to Program Admin Team [BCM Institute]


View Pre-reading Material

Moh Heng Goh on Sep 4, 2021 12:05:56 PM Instructor Briefing

IC_More_BCM Imp_View Pre-reading MaterialWhy Introduce Pre-reading?

This is the major change in BCM Institute's program during the transition to the new blended learning format. In traditional onsite training, you as a facilitator will need to "teach" the theory but with the pre-reading, the compulsory "face-to-face" online session becomes a session to focus on good practices, asking of questions by the participants, contextualization of the concepts for the participants and learning from the sharing of experience by the instructor.

Hence, when you are teaching, note that the participants had read some of the articles in depth.  You will still need to cover the content as per the Powerpoint slides and focus on the latest development and sharing of the experiences.

Access to Pre-reading Material

Below is an example of you facilitating and accessing [1] Module 2 of BL-CM-3 in eCampus.  You will go to the specific session ( 1 or 2) that you are facilitating to view the pre-reading material by clicking [2] on the left-hand side panel.

On the screen [3], you will be able to view the "Pre-reading" for the specific lesson. 


Mandatory and Optional Pre-readings

Note that the pre-reading will change over time as new pre-readings are being inserted.  You may see "Optional Pre-reading" in some modules as these readings are useful and are of interest to the enthusiastic participants who are eager to learn more.

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View Course Schedule

Moh Heng Goh on Sep 4, 2021 11:44:34 AM Instructor Briefing

Introduction to Course Schedule

IC_More_BCM Imp_View Course Schedule

There are four public runs (RUNs) for each product (type of courses) e.g. CM-5000 is a product for crisis management.  If you run an in-house RUN, the organisation's name will be inserted into the RUN, and a unique schedule will be created.


RUN is the entire 5000-level course start and end date for the entire RUN and each module, starting from Module 1 to Module 4. 

  • Schedule quarterly
  • Provide detailed and exact dates of the start and end date of the module.
  • Do note that the "Compulsory Attendance" of the online workshop is highlighted in red as it is the date and time of your facilitation.
Schedule for Exam
  • Mark the date for your exam for your class: Specist exam after Module 2 and Expert exam after Module 4.

Access to Course Schedule

Once you have access to the eCampus module, a "Course Schedule" will be found in the "Course Information" section.  You should be able to see all the RUNs for the year as you are already in the specific product (Type of course).

Alternatively, you can click the yearly schedule for the specific type of course that you are facilitating [view button below this page]. 

Once you have reached the type of course e.g. Crisis Management, proceed to click on the "RUN" you are facilitating.

View by RUN

To view your course schedule, for example, if you are instructing in RUN 3 Module 3, proceed to click the icon Run Three [3]. You will be directed to the detailed course schedule.

View by Module

You should view the yearly schedule now (See the diagram above).  Proceed to click the RUN, and the diagram (below) is an individual sample schedule shown at the Module level.

In each module, you will see the exact dates of the program for that specific module and its two sessions (View diagram below). Note that the text in red is your facilitation dates.

Course Schedule by Product


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Back To TOC Overview of Instructor Briefing Please speak to the Program Admin team if you have a problem accessing the course schedule.  Contact the program admin team if you have any questions. Email to Program Admin Team [BCM Institute]
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