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Download PowerPoint Slides

When you log into eCampus, proceed to access "Course Information" for the specific module you are assigned to teach.

Proceed to the "Instructors' Toolkit" section and download the PowerPoint slides (Instructor's Copy) to be presented for your lesson. Note that there are sessions one and session two in each module.

Note that there are different PowerPoint slides for both Session 1 and Session 2.  In some instances, no PowerPoint slides will be used when the session is purely a case study or presentation assignment.

Moh Heng Goh

IC_More_BCM Imp_Download Powerpoint SlidesWelcome back. This is the "Instructor Briefing" or "IB" series you are reading.  This session focus on the "Download the PowerPoint slides (Instructor's Copy)" for a specific module within the course.

In the "Course Information" section of the module, click on the session(s) that you are assigned to teach. proceed to download your lesson's PowerPoint slides (Instructor's Copy).  Note that there are two sessions and two sets of different slides.

Download Updated Slides

Do note that the slides are regularly updated. Hence, you are required to download the set of PowerPointslide before each lesson as the eCampus version is also the latest copy even if you have taught previously.  These slides are compiled as a "handbook" individual module to be downloaded by the participants.

Download Your Session Only

Please note that only the downloaded slides for session 1 are to be presented by the instructor during session one only. This is likewise for slides downloaded for session 2. At times, there may not be slides for Session 2 as it is an exercise using a case study and workbook for onsite training and pre-coursework for blended learning. The difference is that there is more time to discuss and share during the blended learning session while the participants present their assignments.

Session 1

This is the step to download your presentation slides

  • [1] Proceed to your Module
  • [2] Select "Course Information"
  • [3] Select "Session 1" [M#-S1] or "Session 2" [M#-S2] and proceed to download PowerPoint slides

Session 2

Download Files

Open PowerPoint Slides

Click the read-only button to access the instructor's PowerPoint slides.


Back To TOC Overview of Instructor Briefing Contact the program admin team if you have any questions. Email to Program Admin Team [BCM Institute]

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