Operational Resilience Audit

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ORA: Data Analysis

ORA Planning [3] Data Analysis

Operational Resilience Audit Planning Step

Data Analysis

Detailed Steps for Data AnalysisORA Planning Level Analysis Stage 3

When reviewing collected data, identifying gaps and vulnerabilities, and assessing compliance during an operational resilience audit, it is crucial to conduct a comprehensive analysis.

The following are detailed steps for this process:

  1. Review Collected Data
  2. Identify Critical Business Services and Dependencies
  3. Assess Preparedness
  4. Analyse Response and Recovery Plans
  5. Evaluate Testing and Exercising
  6. Review Governance Framework
  7. Assess Compliance with Regulatory Requirements
  8. Benchmark Against Industry Best Practices
  9. Identify Gaps and Vulnerabilities
  10. Document Findings
  11. Prioritize Findings
  12. Develop Recommendations
  13. Validate Findings and Recommendations

Review Collected Data

  • Examine all collected data thoroughly, including documentation, interview notes, incident reports, testing results, and quantitative data.
  • Ensure that the data is complete, accurate, and reliable.

Identify Critical Business Services and Dependencies

  • Identify and understand the organization's critical business functions and their dependencies.
  • Review the business impact analysis and assess if critical functions have been correctly identified.
  • Identify any gaps or inconsistencies in the understanding of dependencies and interdependencies.

Assess Preparedness

  • Evaluate the organization's level of preparedness to withstand disruptions.
  • Determine if each critical business service has documented and up-to-date response and recovery plans.
  • Review the adequacy and effectiveness of these plans in addressing potential risks and operational disruptions.

Analyse Response and Recovery Plans

  • Evaluate the response and recovery plans in place, considering their alignment with industry best practices and regulatory requirements.
  • Assess if the plans address disruptions and clearly define roles, responsibilities, and communication protocols.
  • Identify any gaps, ambiguities, or missing elements in the plans.

Evaluate Testing and Exercising

  • Assess the organisation's testing and exercising mechanisms for operational resilience.
  • Review the frequency, scope, and realism of the tests and exercises.
  • Evaluate if the tests adequately cover the identified risks and vulnerabilities.
  • Determine if lessons learned from testing exercises are effectively incorporated into the organisation's resilience practices.

Review Governance Framework

  • Evaluate the governance framework and accountability structures related to operational resilience management.
  • Assess if there is clear ownership and accountability for different aspects of resilience.
  • Evaluate decision-making processes, escalation paths, and the involvement of senior management in resilience-related decisions.

Assess Compliance with Regulatory Requirements

  • Review applicable regulatory requirements related to operational resilience. Evaluate if the organization's practices align with these requirements.
  • Identify any gaps or non-compliance issues and note them as areas requiring improvement.

Benchmark against Industry Best Practices

  • Compare the organization's practices with recognized industry best practices for operational resilience.
  • Consider standards, guidelines, and frameworks such as Central Banks’ OR policies, ISO 22301, or industry-specific standards.
  • Identify areas where the organisation falls short of these best practices and note them as improvement opportunities.

Identify Gaps and Vulnerabilities

  • Identify gaps, vulnerabilities, and areas of concern within the operational resilience framework based on the review and analysis.
  • Consider areas where the organization's practices do not meet regulatory requirements or industry best practices.
  • Pay attention to potential single points of failure, dependencies on critical suppliers, or outdated procedures.

Document Findings

  • Document all identified gaps, vulnerabilities, and non-compliance issues.
  • Clearly articulate the root causes and provide supporting evidence from the collected data.
  • Ensure that the findings are objective, specific, and actionable.

Prioritise Findings

  • Prioritize the identified gaps and vulnerabilities based on their potential impact and likelihood.
  • Consider the criticality of the affected functions, the severity of potential disruptions, and the organization's risk appetite.
    • This prioritisation will help focus efforts on addressing the most significant areas of concern first.

Develop Recommendations

  • Based on the identified gaps and vulnerabilities, develop actionable recommendations to enhance operational resilience.
  • Provide clear guidance on addressing the identified issues and improving the organization's practices.
  • Ensure the recommendations are practical, feasible, and aligned with industry standards.

Validate Findings and Recommendations

  • Validate the findings and recommendations with key stakeholders, including senior management and relevant subject matter experts.
  • Incorporate their feedback and ensure the findings and recommendations accurately reflect the organization's operational resilience status.


By following these detailed steps, reviewing collected data during an operational resilience audit will result in a comprehensive assessment of the organization's resilience capabilities, identifying gaps and vulnerabilities, and compliance with regulatory requirements and industry best practices.

Operational Resilience Audit Planning Steps ORA Planning Level Planning Stage 1 ORA Planning Level Data Collection Stage 2 ORA Planning Level Analysis Stage 3 ORA Planning Level Summarise Findings Stage 4 ORA Planning Level_Reporting Stage 5
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ORA: Audit Reporting

ORA Planning [5] Audit Reporting

Operational Resilience Audit Planning Step

Audit Reporting


Detailed Steps for Audit ReportingORA Planning Level_Reporting Stage 5

When preparing and presenting the audit report during an operational resilience audit, it is crucial to communicate the findings, recommendations, and key insights effectively.

The following are detailed steps for the reporting process:

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Introduction
  3. Audit Objectives and Scope
  4. Methodology
  5. Findings
  6. Compliance Assessment
  7. Recommendations
  8. Risk Assessment
  9. Conclusion
  10. Appendices
  11. Presentation to Senior Management and Stakeholders
  12. Q&A And Discussion

Executive Summary

  • Start the report with an executive summary that provides a concise overview of the audit objectives, methodology, and key findings.
  • Summarise the recommendations and their potential impact on the organisation's operational resilience.
    • This section should capture the attention of senior management and stakeholders, highlighting the significance of the audit findings.

Introduction to Report

  • Provide an introduction to the audit report, including the purpose, scope, and background of the audit.
  • State the objectives of the operational resilience audit and explain why it is crucial for the organisation.
  • Briefly describe the methodology used and any limitations or constraints encountered during the audit process.

Audit Objectives and Scope

  • Detail the specific audit objectives and the scope of the audit. Explain which areas, departments, processes, or systems were covered in the audit.
  • Define the boundaries of the audit and the criteria used to assess the organisation's operational resilience capabilities.


  • Describe the methodology employed during the audit, including the data collection techniques, sampling methods, and analysis approaches used.
  • Explain how the audit team reviewed documentation, conducted interviews, observed processes, analysed data, and assessed compliance with regulatory requirements and industry best practices.
  • Highlight the rigour and comprehensiveness of the audit process.


  • Present the key findings and observations from the audit.
  • Summarise the strengths and weaknesses identified in the organisation's operational resilience framework.
  • Articulate the root causes and potential consequences of the identified weaknesses.
  • Use appropriate charts, graphs, or visuals to enhance understanding and highlight trends or patterns.

Compliance Assessment

  • Evaluate the organisation's compliance with regulatory requirements and industry best practices related to operational resilience.
  • State the specific requirements or standards against which the organisation was assessed.
  • Present the level of compliance achieved and identify any non-compliance or partial compliance areas.
  • Provide supporting evidence and examples to reinforce the compliance assessment.


  • Present actionable recommendations to enhance the organization's operational resilience. Include each recommendation, its rationale, and its potential benefits.
  • Articulate the steps required to implement each recommendation and highlight any dependencies or resource considerations.
  • Align the recommendations with the organisation's strategic goals and industry best practices.

Risk Assessment

  • Conduct a risk assessment to quantify and communicate the potential risks associated with the identified weaknesses and non-compliance issues.
  • Evaluate the impact and likelihood of these risks and prioritize them based on their significance.
  • Present the potential consequences of not addressing these risks and highlight the urgency of implementing the recommended actions.


  • Summarise the key findings, recommendations, and risk assessment concisely and effectively.
  • Emphasise the importance of addressing the identified weaknesses and complying with regulatory requirements to enhance the organisation's operational resilience.
  • Reinforce the benefits and value of investing in resilience capabilities.


  • Include relevant supporting documentation in the appendices, such as audit data collection templates, interview transcripts, incident reports, or compliance checklists.
    • This provides transparency and ensures the report's integrity by allowing stakeholders to review the evidence supporting the findings and recommendations.

Presentation to Senior Management and Stakeholders

  • Prepare a professional presentation to communicate the audit findings, recommendations, and key insights to senior management and stakeholders.
  • Use clear and concise language, visuals, and summaries to convey the main points effectively.
  • Tailor the presentation to the audience, focusing on their concerns and interests.

Q&A and Discussion

  • Facilitate a question-and-answer session and encourage discussions with senior management and stakeholders.
  • Address any concerns or inquiries they may have regarding the findings, recommendations, or the audit process.

Engage in constructive dialogue to ensure a shared understanding and commitment to enhancing operational resilience. By following these detailed steps for reporting, the operational resilience audit report can effectively communicate the findings, recommendations, and insights to senior management and stakeholders, driving positive change and improvements in the organisation's resilience capabilities.

Operational Resilience Audit Planning Steps ORA Planning Level Planning Stage 1 ORA Planning Level Data Collection Stage 2 ORA Planning Level Analysis Stage 3 ORA Planning Level Summarise Findings Stage 4 ORA Planning Level_Reporting Stage 5
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ORA: Data Collection

ORA Planning [2] Data Collection

Operational Resilience Audit Planning Step

Data Collection

Detailed Data Collection StepsORA Planning Level Data Collection Stage 2

When collecting data during an operational resilience audit, gathering comprehensive and reliable information to assess the organisation's resilience capabilities is crucial. 

The following are detailed steps for the conduct of data collection:

  1. Review Documentation
  2. Conduct Interviews
  3. Observe Processes and Activities
  4. Data Sampling
  5. Analyse Incident Data
  6. Assess Testing and Exercising
  7. Data Validation
  8. Analyse Quantitative Data
  9. Document Findings
  10. Maintain Confidentiality and Security
  11. Seek Clarification and Additional Information
  12. Review and Validate Data Collection
  13. Review Documentation
  • Examine relevant documentation, such as business impact analyses, risk assessments, incident response plans, business continuity plans, and testing reports. 
  • Evaluate these documents' adequacy, completeness, and effectiveness in addressing operational resilience.

Conduct Interviews

  • Schedule interviews with key personnel responsible for operational resilience, such as business unit managers, IT managers, risk managers, and incident response team members.
  • Prepare a list of interview questions covering various operational resilience aspects, including preparedness, response and recovery, governance, and monitoring.

Observe Processes and Activities

  • Observe critical processes, operations, and activities related to operational resilience. 
    •  This may involve attending meetings, walkthroughs, or simulations. 
  • Take notes and gather information about the organisation's response mechanisms, decision-making processes, and communication strategies during disruptions.

Data Sampling

  • Select a representative sample of incidents, disruptions, or crises the organisation has experienced.
  • Analyse these cases to understand the organisation's response, recovery efforts, and the effectiveness of existing plans and procedures.
  • Ensure the sample includes both successful and unsuccessful responses.

Analyse Incident Data

  • Review incident logs, reports, and incident management databases to identify trends, recurring issues, and lessons learned.
  • Analyse the organisation's ability to detect, respond to, and recover from incidents effectively.
  • Look for patterns and indicators of weaknesses or areas requiring improvement.

Assess Testing and Exercising

  • Review testing plans, reports, and outcomes by evaluating the organisation's testing and exercising mechanisms.
  • Examine the scope, frequency, and realism of the exercises conducted.
  • Assess the effectiveness of these activities in identifying vulnerabilities, validating response plans, and improving resilience capabilities.

Data Validation

  • Cross-reference and validate the data collected from various sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.
  • Seek supporting evidence, such as documented procedures, incident reports, or system logs, to verify the information gathered during interviews or observations.

Analyse Quantitative Data

  • Analyse quantitative data related to operational resilience, such as key performance indicators (KPIs), metrics, or benchmarks.
  • Assess trends, performance levels, and deviations from targets to identify areas of concern or improvement opportunities.

Document Findings

  • Record all relevant findings, observations, and insights from the data collection process.
  • Document gaps, weaknesses, or non-compliance with regulatory requirements or industry best practices.
  • Include supporting evidence and examples to strengthen the audit findings.

Maintain Confidentiality and Security

  • Ensure that all data collected and analysed during the audit process are kept confidential and stored securely.
  • Adhere to data protection and privacy policies to safeguard sensitive information.

Seek Clarification and Additional Information

  • Request additional information, clarification, or validation from stakeholders or subject matter experts to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the organisation's operational resilience practices.

Review and Validate Data Collection

  • Review the collected data and validate its accuracy and completeness.
  • Verify that all relevant aspects of operational resilience have been adequately addressed and documented.


By following these detailed steps for data collection, the operational resilience audit can gather reliable and comprehensive information, enabling a thorough assessment of the organisation's resilience capabilities.

Operational Resilience Audit Planning Steps ORA Planning Level Planning Stage 1 ORA Planning Level Data Collection Stage 2 ORA Planning Level Analysis Stage 3 ORA Planning Level Summarise Findings Stage 4 ORA Planning Level_Reporting Stage 5
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ORA: Audit Planning

ORA Planning [1] Audit Planning

Operational Resilience Audit Planning Step

Audit Planning



Preparation for AuditORA Planning Level Planning Stage 1

When conducting audit planning during an operational resilience audit, it is essential to ensure thorough preparation to achieve the audit objectives effectively.

The following are detailed steps for the conduct of audit planning:

  1. Define Audit Objectives
  2. Determine Audit Scope
  3. Identify the Audit Team and Assign Roles
  4. Conduct Preliminary Research
  5. Develop an Audit Plan
  6. Conduct Risk Assessment
  7. Plan Data Collection Methods
  8. Establish Communication Channels
  9. Develop an Audit Schedule
  10. Conduct Entrance Meeting
  11. Prepare Audit Documentation
  12. Obtain Necessary Permissions and Access
  13. Finalise Audit Plan

Define Audit Objectives

  • Establish the specific objectives of the operational resilience audit.
  • Outline what the audit aims to achieve. This includes identifying the key areas to be assessed, such as:
    • The effectiveness of operational resilience measures
    • Identify vulnerabilities
    • Ensure compliance with established standards
    • Preparedness, response and recovery plans
    • Prepare testing mechanisms
    • Provide governance and monitoring/reporting

Determine Audit Scope

  • Define the boundaries and extent of the audit.
  • Identify the departments, processes, systems, or locations included in the audit.
  • Consider any regulatory requirements, industry standards, or internal policies that should be considered.

Identify the Audit Team and Assign Roles

  • Assemble an audit team comprising individuals with relevant expertise and knowledge in operational resilience.
  • Assign specific roles and responsibilities to team members, including an audit lead, subject matter experts, and support staff.

Conduct Preliminary Research

  • Gather background information about the organisation's operational resilience framework, previous audits, incident reports, and relevant policies and procedures.
    • This research will provide a foundation for understanding the organisation's context and identify potential focus areas.

Develop an Audit Plan

  • Create a comprehensive audit plan that outlines the approach, timelines, and resources required.
    • The plan should include specific audit procedures, sampling methodologies, data collection methods, and analysis techniques.
  • Ensure that the plan aligns with the audit objectives and scope.

Conduct Risk Assessment

  • Perform a risk assessment to identify and prioritise areas of potential concern within the operational resilience framework.
    • This assessment helps determine which areas require more in-depth scrutiny and guides the allocation of audit resources accordingly.

Plan Data Collection Methods

  • Determine the appropriate methods for collecting relevant data during the audit.
    • This may involve document reviews, interviews with key personnel, observation of processes, or analysis of incident records.
  • Develop data collection templates or checklists to guide the audit team.

Establish Communication Channels

  • Set up communication channels with key stakeholders, including senior management, process owners, and relevant staff members.
  • Communicate the purpose and scope of the audit, expected timelines, and the level of cooperation required from stakeholders.

Develop an Audit Schedule

  • Create a detailed schedule that outlines the timing and duration of audit activities.
  • Consider the availability of key personnel and any potential disruptions to operations.
  • Allow sufficient time for on-site visits, interviews, and data analysis.

Conduct Entrance Meeting

Arrange an entrance meeting with key stakeholders to:

  • Introduce the audit team formally
  • Discuss the audit objectives, scope, and expectations and address any questions or concerns.
    • This meeting helps establish a collaborative and transparent approach to the audit.

Prepare Audit Documentation

  • Develop standardised templates or tools to consistently document audit procedures, findings, and recommendations.
  • Ensure the documentation aligns with regulatory requirements, industry standards, and internal audit protocols.

Obtain Necessary Permissions and Access

  • Ensure that the audit team has the required permissions, access rights, and security clearances to perform the audit effectively.
  • Coordinate with relevant departments or IT personnel to obtain necessary access to systems, databases, and facilities.

Finalise Audit Plan

  • Review and finalise the audit plan based on any additional insights or feedback received during the preliminary stages of audit planning.
  • Obtain approval from relevant stakeholders before proceeding with the execution of the audit.

Following these detailed steps for audit planning, the operational resilience audit can be conducted systematically and efficiently, setting the stage for a comprehensive assessment of the organisation's resilience capabilities.


Operational Resilience Audit Planning Steps ORA Planning Level Planning Stage 1 ORA Planning Level Data Collection Stage 2 ORA Planning Level Analysis Stage 3 ORA Planning Level Summarise Findings Stage 4 ORA Planning Level_Reporting Stage 5



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[ORA-5] What is an ORA-5000 Operational Resilience Expert Auditor Course?

[ORA-5] What is an ORA-5000 Operational Resilience Expert Auditor Course?

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Overview of ORA-5000 Operational Resilience Expert Auditor [ORA-5] Course

While professionals generally still prefer to attend an onsite classroom-based course with a facilitator or instructor being present, (electronic) online video face-to-face workshop practices are fast gaining momentum as a participant prefer to acquire the learning over some time.  The other preference is reducing travelling as remote work or attending courses in the office is becoming the norm.

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The roadmap above is a snapshot of what you can expect from the programme. It is divided into the respective modules 1 to 4.  Find each module's syllabus by clicking the four [Course Content] buttons.  The content has been carefully crafted to ensure that your participation and outcome match each day of the ORA-5000 OR Audit Expert competency level. 

Click any of the four buttons [Course Requirement] to learn more about your participation and involvement in this course.

The course fee is SGD 3,850 for 100% online and SGD 4,150 for online + onsite, payable before the class starts. 



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Breakdown of the Time Spent

Module Mode of Study Flexible (Hours) Mandatory & Fixed Timing (Hours)
New call-to-action Online Self-pace eLearning (Eight 1-Hour Self Pace eLearning Classes) 1 8 (1-hour self-pace eLearning sessions)
[BL-ORA] [3] M2 What is ORA-300?

Facilitated Online Workshop (1 Hour Self-Reading + 6 Hours Scheduled Online Classes)

1 6 (3-hour x 2 separate sessions)
New call-to-action Online Training and Discussion Workshop (2 Hours Reading/ Assignment + 3-Hour Schedule Online Classes) 2 6 (3-hour x 2 separate sessions)
[BL-ORA] [4] [5] M4 What is ORA-5000? Online Training and Discussion Workshop (2 Hours Self Reading/ Assignment + 3 Hours Schedule Online Classes) 2 6 (3-hour x 2 separate sessions)
  Total Hours 6 24



Attempt Qualifying Examination

Question Duration
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Operational Resilience Audit Expert (ORAE) after ORA-5 course

100 2 and 1/2 hours
Operational Resilience Audit Specialist (ORAS) Certification Operational Resilience Audit Specialist (ORAS) after ORA-3 course 100 Completed during the Module 1 eLearning Module
ORCP Operational Resilience Certified Planner Certification Operational Resilience Certified Planner (ORCP) after ORA-2 course 50 1 and 1/2 hours

Operational Resilience Audit for Financial Institutions

Post-COVID-19, various regulatory developments have impacted the financial services industry, such as refining the management of disruptions, increasing interconnectedness and third-party/ outsourcing dependencies and dependencies on IT.  This emphasises that operational resilience will remain a significant concern for the board, regulators, policymakers, investors and customers.

The challenge is organizations' approaches to dealing with differing regulations globally. In terms of resilience structure, organizations have looked at their governance frameworks and ensured they are fit for purpose. They utilise stress and scenario testing to assess their capabilities, which is more than their existing business continuity and crisis management programs.

What are the Differences and Concerns?

Hybrid vs Blended Learning OR Audit

Click the icon on the right to learn more about the difference between Blended Learning and Hybrid Learning offered by BCM Institute.

The entire process is redesigned with pre-reading (at your own time and pace) and preparatory work (rather than one hour doing the work in class) supported by proprietary guidance notes. In fact, after several cohorts, the content from those who had attended our other advanced-level courses highlights a better way to provide the same outcome.

Instructors: Note that instructors delivering the modules will remain the same as those providing the onsite training.  At BCM Institute, most instructors still practise BCM and risk management professionals (in this case, operational resilience and operational risk) with a minimum of 12 years of direct BCM experience as they hold regional or global resilience responsibilities.

International Participation: Another significant change will be the participation of more international delegates compared to the traditional majority of Asian participants.  Be expected to discuss and work as teams from around the world.

New call-to-actionBe expected to have more pre-readings as the objective is to ensure that knowledge that could be acquired via reading should be done outside the training session.  More time is allocated to sharing experiences between the participants and facilitators.

Schedule for Courses: This is the schedule and dates for the start of the next course.  Click "ORA-5000 Course Calendar" to learn more about the "RUNs" for the year.

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