
What is BCMPedia and Course Website?

Moh Heng Goh on Sep 5, 2021 12:49:42 PM Instructor Briefing



IC_More_BCM Imp_What is BCMPedia

BCM Institute has developed its online dictionary since 2007. It served as a wiki portal for a better understanding of BCM terminology. Besides a dictionary, it is also a one-stop shop to assist participants in completing its template. New call-to-action


There are guidance notes built-in BCMPedia for participants to refer to when they need help.

  • Guidance notes to templates
  • Body of knowledge 1 to 7


This is BCM Institute's main website served as:

  • Course Description - exact offering for the product
  • A list of the types of certification courses offered

New call-to-action

Business Continuity Management Crisis Management Crisis Communication
ISO22301 Audit IT Disaster Recovery  
WSQ Business Continuity Management WSQ Crisis Management WSQ Crisis Communication


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View Course Requirement

Moh Heng Goh on Sep 5, 2021 12:46:39 PM Instructor Briefing

Before you start the course, this is the page that you have been sent to view the content of the course that you are facilitating. All the modules are made available in this blog.

eCampus Access to Course RequirementIC_More_BCM Imp_View Course Requirement

You should be in the Module [1] that you are facilitating.  Select on the lower left-hand panel to select "Course Information [2]"

Scroll downward on this page to view the Course Requirement [3] buttons.

There is an alternate way of accessing this page which is to read all the modules on the page "What is BCM-8530 Blended Learning?" or its equivalent page for the respective product. 

Course Requirement

When the participants are attending each module of the course, there are various questions asked with regards to their expectations and crime commitment.  There are questions on offline and onsite time commitment.  This blog will attempt to answer most of their questions.

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View List of Course Participants

Moh Heng Goh on Sep 5, 2021 12:33:54 PM Instructor Briefing


IC_More_BCM Imp_View List of Course Participants

As an instructor and if you are teaching during the next two weeks, you have to view the participants' list by accessing the module [1] in  eCampus and clicking the left panel for "Participants [2]."

Select the dropdown "Search Keywords" [3] as it is the name of your course e.g. Group: BL-CM-4 R3.

You can see the display on the list of students in the class [3] and also you as an instructor [4].

Once the registration is confirmed, the nominal roll will be sent to you from Program Admin.  The reason for this access is for your early enquiry on the profile of the students e.g. company they worked for and the countries they are residing.

Back To TOC Overview of Instructor Briefing Contact the program admin team if you have any questions. Email to Program Admin Team [BCM Institute]

Login to eCampus

Moh Heng Goh on Sep 4, 2021 11:17:26 PM Instructor Briefing

IC_More_BCM Imp_Login to eCampusWhen you are notified to teach, BCM Institute's Program Admin team will send you your user id and password.  

You should have access (user id and password issued to you) to one module of the course in eCampus that you will be facilitating from the Program Admin team.

eCampus Login Page

Log into the link in the email, and you will be landing on this page.

  • [1] Userid
  • [2] Password
  • [3] Login

Access to Module 1 for the BL-A-5

If you are attempting Module 1 [1] of the BCM-8530 ISO22301 BCMS Lead Implementer or course code BL-A-5, this is the view.

Access to eCampus as a "Teacher": Do note that you are assigned "Teacher" or "Facilitator" privilege, which means you can see all the links that have the word "Hidden from Student" and not vice versa for the "Student."   Please contact us immediately if you cannot view the entire content.

Access to Modules 2 to 4

To select the Module that you are facilitating, click Module 2 [2]; Module 3 [3] or Module 4 [4].

Back To TOC Overview of Instructor Briefing Contact the program admin team if you have any questions. Email to Program Admin Team [BCM Institute]


View Guidance Notes

Moh Heng Goh on Sep 4, 2021 10:53:40 PM Instructor Briefing

IC_More_BCM Imp_View Guidance NotesRemember, during the previous Instructor's Briefing (IB) on BCMPedia, it was highlighted that when the participants are completing the templates; namely the risk assessment, business impact analysis, business continuity strategy and plan development, there is a supporting guidance note to help them complete the templates before they attend our course.

BCM Planning MethodologyThese guidance notes are usually used to support Module 2 for completing the respective templates.  Note that the names of the notes are similar to the BCM Planning methodology, and there is a slight change in the naming convention for CM, CC and IT DR.

eCampus Links to Guidance Notes

Based on the view on eCampus (as shown below), the top left-hand corner [1] will be the Module of the course.  Stroll downward, and you can click on the specific "Session" [2] you teach. Then, look for the header with "Guidance Notes" [3].

This is an example of a guidance note for the RAR module of the CM course.  The Risk Analysis and Review or RAR in BL-B-5 Module 2 is changed to Crisis Risk Assessment when displayed in the BL-CM-5 Module 2. However, it is still a risk analysis, except in crisis management, and it identifies threat scenarios.

Guidance Notes

Note that the specific hyperlinks (URL) for the specific course are available on the eCampus.  This is an example of the guidance notes for CM module 2.

The Guidance Notes are housed in the BCMPedia portal because all the terms mentioned in the templates can be found and are hyperlinked in BCMPedia.


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