BG Bann_Instructor Big

View Course Requirement

Before you start the course, this is the page that you have been sent to view the requirement for the specific course module/ session that you are facilitating.  You should be reading the "Course Content" as this is what is expected from the participants during each module.
Moh Heng Goh

Before you start the course, this is the page that you have been sent to view the content of the course that you are facilitating. All the modules are made available in this blog.

eCampus Access to Course RequirementIC_More_BCM Imp_View Course Requirement

You should be in the Module [1] that you are facilitating.  Select on the lower left-hand panel to select "Course Information [2]"

Scroll downward on this page to view the Course Requirement [3] buttons.

There is an alternate way of accessing this page which is to read all the modules on the page "What is BCM-8530 Blended Learning?" or its equivalent page for the respective product. 

Course Requirement

When the participants are attending each module of the course, there are various questions asked with regards to their expectations and crime commitment.  There are questions on offline and onsite time commitment.  This blog will attempt to answer most of their questions.

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