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What is BCMPedia and Course Website?

BCM Institute had developed its own online dictionary since 2007. It served as a portal for a better understanding of BCM terminology.  The website provides the exact offering for the product
Moh Heng Goh



IC_More_BCM Imp_What is BCMPedia

BCM Institute has developed its online dictionary since 2007. It served as a wiki portal for a better understanding of BCM terminology. Besides a dictionary, it is also a one-stop shop to assist participants in completing its template. New call-to-action


There are guidance notes built-in BCMPedia for participants to refer to when they need help.

  • Guidance notes to templates
  • Body of knowledge 1 to 7


This is BCM Institute's main website served as:

  • Course Description - exact offering for the product
  • A list of the types of certification courses offered

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Business Continuity Management Crisis Management Crisis Communication
ISO22301 Audit IT Disaster Recovery  
WSQ Business Continuity Management WSQ Crisis Management WSQ Crisis Communication


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