Operational Resilience Audit

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[ORA-5] Module (Day) 4 of ORA-5000 Operational Resilience Audit Expert

[ORA-5] Module (Day) 4 of ORA-5000 Operational Resilience Audit Expert


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Operational Resilience Expert Auditor (ORA-5000) Training Roadmap [Module 4]

ORA Learning Roadmap Know-Do-Manage

Description of Module [Day] 4 Course 

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Module 4 focuses on the crucial steps in executing and finalising an operational resilience (OR) audit, equipping participants with the following skills.

Summarise Findings and Categorise Impact
  • Extract key insights from diverse data sources.
    Group findings based on severity, risk level, and potential impact.
  • Develop clear and actionable recommendations for stakeholders.
Prepare a Final Audit Report
  • Craft a comprehensive and well-structured document.
  • Include an executive summary highlighting key findings and conclusions.
  • Present methodology, evidence, and detailed recommendations.
  • Effectively communicate the report to diverse audiences.
Navigate Audit Challenges and Ensure Stakeholder Engagement
  • Identify potential hurdles and roadblocks throughout the process.
  • Develop strategies to overcome challenges and maintain progress.
  • Proactively anticipate stakeholder concerns and address them effectively.
  • Foster open communication and collaboration throughout the audit.

Detailed Course Content


Summarise Findings from the Data Collected [Summarise Findings]
  • Compile a concise summary of audit findings.
  • Categorize findings based on their nature and impact.
  • Provide clear and actionable insights to stakeholders.
Prepare a Final Audit Report [Audit Reporting]
  • Develop a comprehensive and well-structured final audit report.
  • Include an executive summary, methodology, findings, and recommendations.
  • Communicate the report to relevant stakeholders and seek feedback.
Understand and Anticipate Challenges of Executing and Finalising the OR Audit [Audit Challenges]
  • Identify potential obstacles and challenges in the audit process.
  • Develop strategies to address and overcome challenges.
  • Ensure effective communication with stakeholders throughout the audit.


Course Content for ORA-5000

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More Information About Blended Learning Operational Resilience Audit (ORA) Courses

BCM Institute offers two levels of OR auditing courses: ORA-3 or ORA-300 Operational Resilience Audit Specialist and the ORA-5 or ORA-5000 Operational Resilience Audit Expert.

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Table of Content: Operational Resilience Audit Questionnaires

Table of Content: Operational Resilience Audit Questionnaires

Bann_Managers Guide Book_Audit_

Detailed Operational Resilience Audit Questionnaires

This list of OR Questionnaires is intended to guide Auditors in developing their Standardized Audit Program. Refer to OR Questionnaires.



Identify Critical Business Services

Map Processes and Resources

Set Impact Tolerance

Conduct Scenario Testing

Improve Lesson Learnt







BCM Audit Questionnaires




BC Roles And Responsibilities




Project Management




Risk Analysis and Review




Business Impact Analysis




Business Continuity Strategy




Plan Development




Testing And Exercising




Program Management: Training and Awareness




Program Management: Maintenance




Crisis Management


Click the icon to access the respective “BCM Audit Questionnaires” questions.

Table of Content



C10 C11
BC Roles and Responsibilities Project Management Risk Analysis and Review
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C12 C13 C14
Business Impact Analysis Business Continuity Strategy Plan Development
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C15 C16 C17
 Testing and Exercising Program Management: Training and Awareness Program Management: Maintenane
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Crisis Management     
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Book Series   BCMPedia



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Do You Want to Attend a Comprehensive BCM Audit course remotely? Better still be certified?

Book Certification Course
A Manager’s Guide to Auditing & Reviewing Your Business Continuity Management Program [BL-3-Catalog] What Specialist Level Blended Learning Courses that are Available? [BL-5-Catalog] What Expert Level Blended Learning Courses that are Available?

Reference Guide

Goh, M. H. (2010). A Manager's Guide to Auditing and Reviewing Your Business Continuity Management Program. Business Continuity Management Specialist Series (1st ed., p. 192). Singapore: GMH Pte Ltd.

Extracted from "Chapters 9 to 13"

Note: This version is the 2nd Edition being updated in 2021. The numeric in the square bracket {C##] is the cross-referencing of the actual chapters in the 2010 Edition.

Find out more about Blended Learning BCM-8530 [BL-A-5] & BCM-8030 [BL-A-3]

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