Crisis Management E-Learning Series
BGBann_Crisis Type_Crisis Management

[CM] [EL] L4: Crisis Management Team

BCM Institute’s Crisis Management E-learning courses cater to busy Crisis Management (CM) professionals and allow participants to obtain the Crisis Management Certified Planner (CMCP) certification at their convenience if taken as a whole package. 

This crisis management training program equips you with the foundational knowledge and practical skills to navigate crisis situations effectively within your organization. The program is divided into two modules. The first module focuses on building a comprehensive understanding of crises. You'll learn to identify various types of crises and their causes, allowing you to anticipate potential threats. Through crisis categorization, you'll gain the ability to analyze situations and formulate targeted responses. The second module dives into building a crisis management team. You'll learn to establish a well-structured team with clearly defined roles and responsibilities. This includes identifying core and non-core team members, setting up a functional command center, and ensuring effective communication channels. By completing this program, you'll be empowered to become a valuable asset in your organization's crisis management efforts.

Azizah Nurdin
Crisis Management Certified Planner-Specialist-Expert

Lesson 4: Establish Crisis Management Team

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This is your chance to dive deep into establishing a crisis management team in Lesson 4 of the CM-200 e-learning module.

This course is specifically designed for senior management and professionals (refer to Who Should Attend? below) who want to understand how to prepare their organisation for any unforeseen event.

This module equips you with the essential skills to establish a robust crisis management (CM) structure and team within your organization. Through interactive exercises and practical guidance, you'll gain the ability to build a team that can effectively respond to any crisis situation.

[CM] e-Learning [4] Crisis Management Team

Importance of Building a Strong CM Team:

A well-structured and coordinated CM team is fundamental to successful crisis management. Here's why understanding how to build such a team is vital:

  • Effective Crisis Response: A team with clearly defined roles can react swiftly and decisively during a crisis. Each member knows their responsibilities, eliminating confusion and delays in critical situations.
  • Streamlined Communication: A well-defined structure fosters clear communication channels within the team and with external stakeholders. This ensures everyone receives accurate and timely information, enabling coordinated decision-making.
  • Enhanced Decision-Making: By bringing together diverse expertise within the core team, you can leverage a wider range of perspectives during crisis decision-making. This leads to more informed and effective solutions.

What will you learn?

This module will help participants set up a crisis management structure and team. At the end of the module, participants would be able to:

  • Determine core and non-core CM team members
  • Identify elements within the command centre structure
  • Assign roles and responsibilities

    Learning Objectives:

    • Identify the types and causes of crises: We'll delve into the various categories of crises, from financial disasters to public relations nightmares. You'll explore the root causes behind these events, enabling you to anticipate potential threats.
    • Group crisis into categories: By classifying crises, we'll establish a framework for understanding their unique characteristics and formulating targeted responses. This will enhance your ability to analyze a crisis situation and determine the most appropriate course of action.
    • Review crisis situations relating to your organization: We'll shift the focus to your specific organization's vulnerabilities. Through case studies and real-world examples, you'll gain practical insights into potential crises relevant to your workplace.
    Flexible Learning at Your Pace
    • Learn on your schedule: Pause and resume the module whenever it suits you.
    • Take detailed notes: Use the built-in electronic notepad to capture key takeaways.
    • Test your knowledge: A short quiz at the end will assess your understanding of the material.
    Who Should Attend

    Senior Management: CXOs, VPs, and other senior leaders responsible for the organisation's overall health and well-being. They must understand crisis management to make strategic decisions and ensure the organization's preparedness.

    Department Heads: Leaders of departments most likely to be involved in a crisis response, such as Public Relations, Operations, Human Resources, Legal, Security, and IT. They must understand their role in the crisis management plan and how their department contributes to the response.

    Business Continuity Professionals: Those involved in developing and implementing business continuity plans would benefit from a deeper understanding of how crisis management planning integrates with their work.

    Risk Managers: Professionals responsible for identifying and mitigating risks would benefit from learning how crisis management planning helps address potential crisis scenarios.

    Other Professionals with Crisis Response Roles: Depending on the organization's structure, this could include safety officers, emergency response personnel, and public information officers.


    More Information About Crisis Management Courses

    To learn more about the course and schedule, click the buttons below for the  CM-300 Crisis Management Implementer [CM-3] and the CM-5000 Crisis Management Expert Implementer [CM-5].

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