Crisis Communication Planning Methodology Series
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[CC] [PM] CC Plan Development - Putting Your Strategy into Action

Phase 5 of the Crisis Communication Planning Methodology focuses on translating your crisis communication strategy into a practical action plan. This chapter guides you through transforming your overarching goals (established in Phase 4) into a detailed roadmap for navigating any potential crisis.

The cornerstone of your plan involves linking your identified crisis scenarios (from Phase 2) with specific communication actions. For each scenario, define clear "activation criteria" that trigger the communication plan. For instance, a data breach plan might activate upon exceeding a specific threshold of compromised information.

The chapter also emphasizes assigning clear communication roles and responsibilities. This includes designating spokespersons for internal and external communication and identifying teams responsible for crafting and disseminating messages tailored to specific audiences.

To ensure a coordinated response, your plan should outline the communication channels you'll utilize for each target audience during different crisis scenarios. This might involve press releases for media, social media updates for customers, and internal emails for employees. You can ensure targeted communication that resonates with each group by linking these channels to the key messages developed earlier. The chapter also explores the importance of establishing a communication timeline and allocating resources for each scenario.

Finally, develop pre-drafted templates and communication guidelines to facilitate a swift and efficient response. These might include press release templates, social media communication guidelines, and internal communication templates. With a well-developed crisis communication plan, you've equipped your organization to navigate any crisis with a clear and coordinated communication strategy. 

Moh Heng Goh
Crisis Communication Certified Planner-Specialist-Expert

Phase 5: CC Plan Development

Putting Your Strategy into Action

Your crisis communication strategy provides the roadmap but needs a detailed journey plan. This chapter explores Phase 5 of the "Seven Phases of Crisis Communication Planning Methodology": Crisis Communication Plan Development.

Here, we'll guide you through translating your strategy into a comprehensive action plan that outlines specific communication steps for different crisis scenarios.


What Exactly is Crisis Communication Plan Development?


From CC Strategy to Action Plan

New call-to-actionBuilding on the foundation laid in Phase 4, we now transform your crisis communication strategy into a practical action plan. This plan will guide you during a crisis, ensuring a coordinated and efficient communication response. Here's what your plan should include:

  • Crisis Scenarios and Activation Criteria. List each potential crisis scenario identified in Phase 2. Define clear activation criteria that trigger the communication plan for each scenario. For example, the activation criteria for a data breach might involve exceeding a specific threshold of compromised data.

  • Communication Responsibilities. Assign clear communication roles and responsibilities for each crisis scenario. This includes designating spokespersons for internal and external communication and identifying teams responsible for crafting and disseminating messages.

  • Communication Channels and Messages. Outline the specific communication channels you will utilize for each target audience during different crisis scenarios. Link these channels to the key messages you developed in Phase 4, ensuring targeted communication for each group.

  • Communication Timeline. Develop a communication timeline for each crisis scenario. This timeline should outline the timeframe for issuing initial statements, subsequent updates, and recovery messages.

  • Resource Allocation. Identify the resources required to implement your communication plan for each scenario. This might include budget allocation for press conferences or additional staff to manage social media communication.

  • Approval Process. Establish a straightforward approval process for all crisis communication materials, such as press releases and social media posts. This will ensure consistency with your core messaging principles and minimize the risk of inaccurate or misleading information being disseminated.

Developing Templates and Guidelines

Consider developing pre-drafted templates and communication guidelines to facilitate a swift and efficient response. Here are some examples:

  • Press Release Templates. Create pre-formatted press release templates that can be easily adapted to crisis scenarios.
  • Social Media Guidelines. Develop social media communication guidelines outlining best practices for crisis communication on various platforms.
  • Internal Communication Templates. Craft templates for internal communication messages to employees, such as company-wide emails or internal website announcements.

With these templates and guidelines, your team can save valuable time during a crisis and ensure consistent messaging across all communication channels.

A well-developed crisis communication plan empowers your organization to respond swiftly and effectively to any crisis scenario. This chapter has equipped you with the tools to translate your crisis communication strategy into a detailed action plan, ensuring a coordinated and efficient communication response.

By outlining specific communication steps, assigning clear roles, and developing templates, you've created a roadmap for navigating any crisis with clarity and control.

Summing Up ...


New call-to-actionHaving established your crisis communication strategy in Phase 4, this chapter focused on Phase 5: Crisis Communication Plan Development.

Here, we will guide you through translating that strategy into a practical action plan - your roadmap for navigating any potential crisis.

This plan ensures a coordinated and efficient communication response by linking your identified crisis scenarios to specific communication actions. You've defined activation criteria for each scenario, assigned clear communication roles, and outlined the communication channels and messages tailored for each target audience. A communication timeline and resource allocation plan further ensure a smooth response.

By incorporating pre-drafted templates and communication guidelines, your team can react swiftly and consistently during a crisis. With this comprehensive action plan, you've laid the groundwork for the next crucial phase: CC Testing and Training (Phase 6).

This chapter will guide you through simulating real-world scenarios to identify areas for improvement and ensure your team is fully prepared to execute the plan effectively during a crisis.


Crisis Communication Planning Methodology
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More Information About CC-5000 [CC-5] or CC-300 [CC-3]

CCCE Crisis Communication Certified Expert Certification (Size 75)

CCCS Crisis Communication Certified Specialist Certification (Size 100)CC-300 Crisis Communication Implementer [CC-3] course and the CC-5 or CC-5000 Crisis Communication Expert Implementer [CC-5] course.

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