Action Steps
This blog illustrates the typical sections of a Crisis Communication Plan. The action steps include: Pre-crisis; During crisis; and Post-crisis
Pre-Crisis |
This "Pre-crisis" section outlines the policies on roles and responsibilities for Crisis Communication and risks reduction and control.
Prior to Crisis
This section outlines the policies on roles and responsibilities for Crisis Communication and risks reduction and control.
Warning and Alert
This section outlines the alert and warning systems used in the organisation.
Crisis Command and Coordination
This section outlines the command, control and communication requirement for the crisis. It includes the crisis structure, the Command Centre and the notification of the teams and relevant agencies.
Crisis Resolution
This section is a set of procedures to handle the crisis events. As each incident may be different, a dedicated team will be assigned to manage the specific crisis.
Recovery and Resumption
This section focuses on the recovery, resumption and restoration steps to be undertaken during a crisis.
Action steps prior to delivering key message may include:
- Identify key information to deliver.
- Assess the situation to determine facts.
- Determine appropriate response and action.
- Create plan of action for internal and external communications.
- Develop detailed and factual messages that reflect the status of the crisis, organisation’s response and proactive steps to resolve the situation.
- Prepare talking points and provide a script for the receptionist receiving incoming calls.
- Craft press release, the web and/or voicemail updates as needed.
- Assess what resources are necessary to handle the crisis (such as cell-phone availability, press conference needs, on-location resources – signs, lectern, and visuals).
- Assign message delivery roles to appropriate stakeholders within the organisation.
During Crisis |
This "During crisis" section outlines the policies on roles and responsibilities for Crisis Communication and risks reduction and control.
Crisis Command and Coordination
This section outlines the command, control and communication requirement for the crisis. It includes the crisis structure, the Command Centre and the notification of the teams and relevant agencies.
Crisis Resolution
This section is a set of procedures to handle the crisis events. As each incident may be different, a dedicated team will be assigned to manage the specific crisis.
Recover and Resumption
This section focuses on the recovery, resumption and restoration steps to be undertaken during a crisis.
During the crisis, your focus is to deal with the situation, gather accurate information and communicate quickly.
Bring the situation under control
- Before you do anything else, ensure the safety and well-being of everyone involved.
- Always protect people first and property seco
- Call emergency professionals if they are needed.
Analyse the situation and gather information
- Ensure issues relating to safety and security precautions had been undertaken.
- Get the facts from informed sources before responding to inquiries.
- Consider legal, ethical and organisational ramifications.
- Do not blow the issue out of proportion or allow others to do so. If the media contact you before you have had a chance to assess the situation and decide on a response, let them know when you expect to have more information - and honor your deadline.
- Nothing is more likely to make the situation worse than an irritated reporter who has been left dangling with no information.
Determine Answers
You will need to find answers to some fundamental questions including:
- What happened?
- When did it happen?
- Where did it happen?
- How many people are involved?
- Where are those people now?
- How dangerous is the situation?
- What happens next?
Keep internal public informed
- In addition to working with the media, a good Crisis Communication Plan allows for communication with members of the organisatio
- If the situation warrants, call a staff and/or volunteer meeting and provide appropriate information on the circumstances and the organisation's positio
- Alternatively, your plan may call for the use of a fax or telephone tree syste
- The best policy, if possible, is to release information to people in the organisation before, or at least at the same time, it is released to news media.
Communicate with the Media
- In general, it is good policy to release information about the situation as quickly as possible.
- Comments should be of a general nature until all the facts are in, but then it is far better to get the full story out as soon as possible.
- Return calls first to radio and television stations, then to newspapers.
- Reporters provide few surprises in a crisis situation
After Crisis |
This "Post-crisis" section deals with the return home requirement. It deals with the closure of the crisis with the relevant agencies and also the post-mortem evaluation.
Action steps for delivering key messages to public during crisis may include:
- Make telephone calls to critical internal audiences, including employees and legislators.
- Begin media and other external audience outreach, use press release if appropriate.
- Update web site and organisation phone mail.
- Evaluate message effectiveness as the situation progresses.
- Implement methods for updating key audiences with ongoing information.
- Distribute post-Crisis Communication
Goh, M. H. (2015). A Manager's Guide to Implementing Your IT Crisis Communication Plan. Business Continuity Management Specialist Series. Singapore: GMH Pte Ltd.
Extracted from "Chapter 16: Action Step: Before,
During, and After Crisis"
More Information About Crisis Communication Blended Learning
To know more about our blended learning program and when the next course is scheduled, feel free to contact our friendly course consultant colleagues via They are the BL-CC-3 Blended Learning CC-300 Crisis Communication Implementer and the BL-CC-5 Blended Learning CC-5000 Crisis Communication Expert Implementer.
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