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BCM Institute Blog

Business Continuity Management Certified Planner-Specialist-Expert
Moh Heng Goh
PgM 19: What is Advanced BCM Exercising & Testing?
This article gives an overview of the testing and exercising process. It..
Moh Heng Goh
PgM 20: What is BCM Audit?
Why Audit?
BC planning is similar to any other business activity that is..
Moh Heng Goh
PgM 6: Stage 3 – BCM Maintenance Support Tools

Determine BC Tools Selection Process

Many organizations use the basic word..

Moh Heng Goh
PgM 7: What is BCM Training & Awareness?

What is Training & Awareness?

The successful embedding of a BC management..

Moh Heng Goh
PgM 15: Frequency of Training

Training Program Implementation

When it comes to training program..


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