WSQ CM Ai Gen 3

[WSQ-BCM-310-320-330] Course Schedule 2024

This is the schedule for the WSQ Business Continuity Management or BCM Course courses for the year 2024.  These competency-based courses are funded by the Singapore (SSG) and Malaysia (HRD Corp) government for their citizens.

Please note that you are requested to follow the schedule per the notification sent to you via BCM Institute's Program Management team.

Suhana Sunreh


This is the Run of the WSQ Business Continuity Management (BCM) course for 2024. The Singapore and Malaysian governments fund these competency-based courses for theirNew call-to-action citizens.

For those completing the WSQ BCM series, you are required to complete WSQ-BCM-310, WSQ-BCM-320 and WSQ-BCM-330.

The detailed "course content" and "course schedule" are appended below. The class is starting from 9 AM to 12 PM (GMT+8).



Year & Run [BCM-310-320-330] Run 1
IC_WSQ-BCM-310-320-330_Run 1


WSQ-BCM-310_CTA Run 1

WSQ-BCM-320_CTA Run 1

WSQ-BCM-330_CTA Run 1
Start date 15 Feb 2024 29 Feb 2024 14 Mar 2024
End date 22 Feb 2024 7 Mar 2024 21 Mar 2024
Assessment 22 Mar 2024 22 Mar 2024 22 Mar 2024

Year & Run [BCM-310-320-330] Run 2
IC_WSQ-BCM-310-320-330_Run 2


WSQ-BCM-310_CTA Run 2

WSQ-BCM-320_CTA Run 2

WSQ-BCM-330_CTA Run 2
Start Date 21 May 2024 4 Jun 2024 18 Jun 2024
End Date 28 May 2024 11 Jun 2024 25 Jun 2024
Assessment 28 Jun 2024 28 Jun 2024 28 Jun 2024

Year & Run [BCM-310-320-330] Run 3
IC_WSQ-BCM-310-320-330_Run 3


WSQ-BCM-310_CTA Run 3

WSQ-BCM-320_CTA Run 3

WSQ-BCM-330_CTA Run 3
Course date 6 Aug 2024 20 Aug 2024 3 Sep 2024
End Date 13 Aug 2024 27 Aug 2024 10 Sep 2024
Assessment 13 Sep 2024 13 Sep 2024 13 Sep 2024  

Year & Run [BCM-310-320-330] Run 4
IC_WSQ-BCM-310-320-330_Run 4


WSQ-BCM-310_CTA Run 4

WSQ-BCM-320_CTA Run 4

WSQ-BCM-330_CTA Run 4
Course date 6 Nov 2024 20 Nov 2024 4 Dec 2024
End Date 13 Nov 2024 27 Nov 2024 11 Dec 2024
Assessment 13 Dec 2024 13 Dec 2024 13 Dec 2024  

WSQ Course Offerings

Business Continuity Management New call-to-action New call-to-action New call-to-action
  WSQ-BCM-310 WSQ-BCM-320 WSQ-BCM-330

Business Continuity Management


[WSQ-BCM-410] Course Overview New call-to-action  
WSQ-BCM-410 WSQ-BCM-470  

Crisis Management

New call-to-action [WSQ-CM-460] Course Overview: Executing And  Managing Crisis Management Plan  
  WSQ-CM-360 WSQ-CM-460  
Crisis Communication New call-to-action [WSQ-CM-460] Course Overview: Executing And  Managing Crisis Management Plan  
  WSQ-CC-350 WSQ-CC-450  
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