
BCM Institute Blog

Moh Heng Goh
WHO Global Pandemic Framework

1.1 WHO Stage (Inter-pandemic)

The Inter-pandemic phases of the WHO’s..

Steve Sobak
Pandemic BC Execution Stage 5 & 6: Restoration-Return

Stage 3 & 4: Restore-Return (WHO Stage: Transition)

The restoration-return..

Moh Heng Goh
1.2 Pandemic BC Execution Stage 1: Reduction [Part 2]

1.8 Inculcate Personal Hygiene


Moh Heng Goh
2.1 Pandemic BC Execution Stage 2: Response [Part 1]

WHO Stage: Alert

The WHO will trigger the Alert for a country affected by the..

Steve Sobak
3. Pandemic BC Execution Stage 3 & 4: Recovery-Resumption

WHO Stage: Pandemic-Transition Phase

The pandemic phase for the country is when..


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