Crisis Management Series
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Playbook: Threats Against People

These are the action steps that an Incident Management Team should consider implementing measures when there is a threat against its staff members and customers.
Moh Heng Goh
Crisis Management Certified Planner-Specialist-Expert

Action Steps for Threats Against People

The Incident Management Team should consider implementing the following measures when there is a threat against its staff members and customers.

  • New call-to-actionReport the threats to the appropriate law enforcement agencies and seek their advice and assistance.
  • Remind all staff to be extra vigilant and report all suspicious or unusual incidents.
  • Issue personal security guidelines to staff under threat
  • Prepare confidential personal files for staff considered to be at risk
  • Confirm that contact lists for emergency services are available and up-to-date
  • Ensure that fire extinguishers are tested and available within buildings
  • Confirm that instructions for dealing with fires and bomb threats, including building evacuation procedures, are current, are understood, and have been tested
  • Prepare and issue a press release if ABC COMPANY LIMITED STAFF is attacked
  • Use additional guards on ABC COMPANY LIMITED premises and residences of those under threat and increase external patrols
  • Ensure that guards have an immediate point of contact day and night so that they can report incidents and obtain help immediately
  • Ensure that at night, all external doors/windows to premises and residences are locked and that guards have access lists
  • Check where grills or shutters are fitted, keep them closed and locked
  • Consider improving the security of residences by providing intruder and attack alarms
  • Check vehicles entering ABC COMPANY LIMITED and residences for under-vehicle vehicle booby-traps and other explosive devices
  • Check all vehicles for booby traps and explosive devices when they have been left unattended
  • New call-to-actionCheck all mail for explosive devices
  • Check handbags, briefcases and packages carried by all visitors into organisation premises for weapons and explosive devices.
  • Consider ballistic vests for staff who have received specific threats
  • Obtain policy protection or provide bodyguards.


More Information About Crisis Management Courses

To learn more about the course and schedule, click the buttons below for the  CM-300 Crisis Management Implementer [CM-3] and the CM-5000 Crisis Management Expert Implementer [CM-5].

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