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Module (Day) 1 of CM-5000 Crisis Management Expert Implementer [CM-5]

Below is the detailed course curriculum and assessment/ examination objective for Module 1 (of the 4 Modules) of the CM-5000 Blended Learning course. Module 1 is a self-paced eLearning course.


It details how each of the course's four modules would allow the participants to understand the CM concepts and their implementation systematically.   


You will also be sitting for the Qualifying Crisis Management Certified Planner (CMCP) examination, and this certificate is to be awarded upon completion of the two (CM-300) or four (CM-5000) modules of the course.

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CM-5000 Crisis Management Expert Implementer Training Roadmap [Module 1]

Learning Roadmap_CM

Description of Day [Module] 1 Course 

BL-CM-5 M1 Course Requirement CM-5000 You will be introduced to ISO 22361 (previously BS 11200), the international standard for Crisis Management.

You will learn the differences between crisis management and related disciplines, such as risk management and business continuity management, which will be explained and supplemented with examples.

Note that this module (1) is now only available as an eLearning module.

IC_BL-CM-5_Mod1This lesson introduces the students to the fundamental principles of crisis management and guides them to develop an appropriate implementation framework for their organisation.

This includes creating a crisis management policy and statement that sets the direction for all crisis-related activities in the organisation. The participant is then taken on a step-by-step crisis management planning process walkthrough.

This module also touches on the taxonomy of crises and details the differences in how they have been identified and their causes. Understanding crisis types helps participants group crises or types into systems that can be more easily managed at different phases of the crisis.


Lesson Topic Description
New call-to-action Understand Key CM Concepts  
  • Introduce CM concepts
  • Explain terminologies and concepts
  • Understand the difference between crisis, crisis management, and crisis management planning.
New call-to-action Walkthrough CM Planning Methodology 
  • Introduce the component of the CM planning process 
  • Establish the objectives, tasks and deliverables for each phase
  • Elaborate the elements and success factors for completing each phase
[CM] e-Learning [3] Crisis Types & Scenarios Identify the Types of Crisis
  • Identify the types and causes of crises
  • Group crisis into categories
  • Review crisis situations relating to your
[CM] e-Learning [4] Crisis Management Team Establish CM Team and Structure
  • Determine core and non-core CM team members
  • Identify elements within the command centre
  • Assign roles and responsibilities
[CM] e-Learning [5] Threats and Crisis Scenarios Recognize Threats and Crisis Scenarios
  • Understand risk management terminologies
  • Identify and determine risk likelihood, impact
    rating and levels
  • Determine the risk treatments for the crisis
  • Relate content to ISO 31000 Risk Management -
    Principles and Guidelines
[CM] e-Learning [6] Crisis Strategy Development Develop CM Strategy Development
  • Identify the various strategies to respond to the types of crisis scenario
New call-to-action Implement CM Plan
  • Learn the structure and principle of a CM Plan
  • Determine the detailed content of a typical CM Plan
[CM] e-Learning [8] Advanced Level Testing and Exercising Design CM Testing & Exercising
  • Identify the types of CM tests and exercises to be conducted
  • Learn the design of  a test and exercise

The title of each eLearning module is:

  • Crisis Management Concepts
  • Crisis Management Principles, Framework & Policies
  • Crisis Types & Scenarios
  • Crisis Management Team
  • Threats & Crisis Scenarios
  • Crisis Strategy Development
  • Crisis Management Plan Implementation
  • Advanced Level Testing & Exercising


  • Be able to understand the CM Framework and Planning Methodology.
  • To establish the CM Team and Structure.

[BL-HL-CM-3-4-5] Phases Learning Roadmap  CM-300-CM-400-CM-5000 Crisis Management Course Phase

Government Funding
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The section applied to Singaporeans and permanent residents eligible for SkillsFuture Singapore funding.

Malaysians also qualify for HRD Corp funding from the Malaysian government.

Click the icons to find out more about the funding.

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SkillsFuture Singapore Credit Claim [New Initiative starting April 2020] Additional Funding

singapore_flagTo claim SkillsFuture Credit (additional funding for Singaporeans), click the "SkillsFuture Credit Claimable" button to learn more about SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG).


Click on the buttons below to read more about course content from other days. 

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More Information About Crisis Management Course

To learn more about the course and schedule, click the buttons below for the  CM-300 Crisis Management Implementer [CM-3] and the CM-5000 Crisis Management Expert Implementer [CM-5].

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Please feel free to send us a note if you have any questions.

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Banner [BL-5-Catalog] What Expert Level Blended Learning Courses that are Available? [BL-3-Catalog] What Specialist Level Blended Learning Courses that are Available?


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