Crisis Management Cybersecurity Response Series
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[CM] Incident Response Plan for Cybersecurity Ransomware Attack

The playbook provides a comprehensive overview of the crucial steps involved in developing a detailed incident response plan specifically tailored to address ransomware attacks within the broader context of a crisis management plan.

By outlining a systematic approach, the content of this blog equips organisations with the necessary tools and strategies to mitigate the impact of ransomware attacks effectively and ensure swift recovery.

From initial detection and containment to recovery and post-incident analysis, each phase of the incident response plan is meticulously laid out, guiding organisations through the complexities of managing cyber threats with precision and agility.

Moh Heng Goh
Crisis Management Certified Planner-Specialist-Expert

Incident Response Plan for Cybersecurity Ransomware Attack

The blog provides a comprehensive overview of the crucial steps involved in developing a detailed incident response plan specifically tailored to address ransomware attacks within the broader context of a crisis management plan.

A ransomware attackBy outlining a systematic approach, the content of this blog equips organisations with the necessary tools and strategies to mitigate the impact of ransomware attacks effectively and ensure swift recovery.

From initial detection and containment to recovery and post-incident analysis, each phase of the incident response plan is meticulously laid out, guiding organisations through the complexities of managing cyber threats with precision and agility.

Furthermore, the article emphasises the importance of proactive measures such as regular backups, employee training, and robust security protocols in mitigating the risk of ransomware attacks.

Organisations can streamline coordination and communication by integrating incident response procedures into the broader crisis management framework, enabling a cohesive and efficient response to cyber incidents.

Ultimately, by implementing a detailed incident response plan for cybersecurity ransomware attacks, organisations can enhance their resilience and readiness to combat evolving cyber threats, safeguard their critical assets, and maintain operational continuity in the face of adversity.

Outline of Ransomware Attacks Incident Response Plan

The Incident Response Plan (IRP) for Ransomware Attacks outlines specific procedures for identifying, responding to, and recovering from a ransomware incident.

This plan aims to minimise the attack's impact, safeguard sensitive data, and ensure a coordinated and effective response.

Activation and Notification
  • Define criteria for activating the incident response team specifically for a ransomware attack.
  • Establish clear communication channels for immediate notification within the organisation.
Incident Categorisation
  • Categorize the ransomware incident based on severity, potential data compromise, and operational impact.
  • Differentiate between various ransomware attacks, such as encryption-focused or data exfiltration-based attacks.
Incident Response Team (IRT)
  • Form an Incident Response Team with specialized roles, including a Ransomware Incident Coordinator, IT Security Specialists, Forensic Analysts, Legal Advisors, Communications Coordinators, and System Administrators.
Communication Protocols
  • Designate a spokesperson specifically for ransomware incidents.
  • Establish communication protocols for internal and external stakeholders, ensuring precise and timely updates.
Initial Assessment
  • Conduct a rapid assessment to identify the type of ransomware, affected systems, and potential compromise of sensitive data.
  • Determine the scope and extent of the ransomware attack.
Containment and Eradication
  • Implement immediate measures to contain the spread of the ransomware.
  • Identify and eradicate the ransomware from affected systems while preserving evidence for forensic analysis.
Ransom Negotiation (if applicable)
  • Evaluate the feasibility and legal implications of ransom payment.
  • Establish communication channels with law enforcement if considering ransom negotiation.
Forensic Analysis
  • Engage forensic experts to analyze the ransomware incident thoroughly.
    Identify the entry point, attack vectors, and methods the attackers use.
Data Recovery and System Restoration
  • Develop a data recovery plan to restore encrypted or compromised data.
  • Prioritize critical systems for restoration to minimize downtime and operational impact.
Stakeholder Communication
  • Develop a communication plan tailored explicitly for ransomware incidents.
  • Communicate the organization's response efforts, impact assessment, and mitigation strategies to internal and external stakeholders.
Legal and Regulatory Compliance
  • Collaborate with legal advisors to address legal and regulatory requirements related to the ransomware incident.
  • Ensure compliance with data breach notification laws and other relevant regulations.
Continuous Monitoring
  • Implement continuous monitoring to detect any reoccurrence or new ransomware threats.
  • Enhance monitoring of affected systems and implement additional security controls.
Lessons Learned
  • Conduct a comprehensive post-incident review to identify lessons explicitly learned for ransomware incidents.
  • Based on the review, document processes, technologies, and training improvements.
Documentation and Reporting
  • Maintain detailed documentation of the ransomware incident, response actions, and outcomes.
  • Prepare incident reports for regulatory bodies, stakeholders, and internal use.
Employee Support
  • Provide support services for employees affected by the ransomware incident.
  • Offer training and awareness programs to prevent future ransomware incidents and reinforce cybersecurity best practices.
Review and Approval
  • The Ransomware Incident Response Plan will be reviewed and updated annually.
  • Approval for any revisions or updates will be obtained from the Crisis Management Steering Committee.
  • All employees are responsible for familiarizing themselves with this plan and participating in relevant ransomware incident response training and drills.
  • The Incident Response Team will ensure the effective implementation of this plan throughout the organisation.


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Goh, M. H. (2016). A Manager’s Guide to Implement Your Crisis Management Plan. Business Continuity Management Specialist Series (1st ed., p. 192). Singapore: GMH Pte Ltd.



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