Crisis Management Training-led Implementation Series
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[TL] [4] [CMS] Evaluating the CM Strategy

This series is part [4] of the reading for participants embarking on a "Training-led CM Implementation" with experienced CM professionals facilitating and reviewing the initial submission. 

The organisation can use this approach to update, develop, implement and finalise its CM program. 

This is the next phase after the Business Impact Analysis phase, the Crisis Management Strategy or CMS phase. 

This session focuses on developing crisis management strategies to continue your critical business functions/ operations while managing the crisis. Given the COVID-19 experience, remote working and managing the crisis has become a preferred strategy over traditional operating at alternate sites.

Moh Heng Goh
Crisis Management Certified Planner-Specialist-Expert

Evaluating the Crisis Management Strategy

New call-to-actionYou would have completed your Crisis Scenario Risk Assessment (CRA) and consulted your BCM Team on the critical business functions derived from the BCM's business impact analysis (BIA) exercise. 

At this stage, we are about to start the second on-site day, Module 2, of the in-house CM workshop.

This first 1/2-day session of Module 2 of CM-300 will focus on the Crisis Management Strategy or CMS phase. 

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This is the reading for CM Progam Lead and CM Program Team Members  (the participants) embarking on CM training-led implementation training. 

It is supplemented by support from experienced CM professionals to develop, implement, and finalise an organisation's CM program.

CM Training Led Banner_Evaluating the CM Strategy

Once the CRA and BIA requirements-gathering phases are completed, we will have sufficient information to formulate CM strategies (CMS), which are the precursors of the crisis management plan.

The process of conducting the CMS phase in a "Training-led CM Implementation" is as follows:

1. Supplementary Readings


  1. New call-to-actionBefore the workshop starts, participants will receive emails containing bite-size information (in the form of blogs) on the concepts and implementation of the CM strategies.

  2. Doing so aims to introduce participants to the fundamental concepts of CMS ahead of the workshop.

  3. Participants are strongly encouraged to read the short articles. This will help them optimise their time at the CMS workshop by giving them a basic understanding of "what is CMS?" before they start the workshop.

What should participants do "Before" the workshop?

Participants are encouraged to:

  1. Read through the supplementary material and try to write down any questions they may have on CMS.
  2. Recall the completed e-learning module "Crisis Management Strategy" as part of Module 1
  3. Download the CM Strategy template from the eCampus Portal
  4. Complete the CM Strategy templates with the help of the "Guidance Notes" before attending the online workshop

2.  Facilitated Workshop


ZOOM Screenshot MTE 26 Nov 2020 COVID-19  (2)An [Online or Onsite] workshop is conducted to guide participants or the CM Program Team Members in using the findings from the Crisis Scenario Risk Assessment (CRA) and the business impact analysis phase (derived from the BCM Team) to develop strategies.

The latest CM Strategy templates with guidance notes facilitate the formulation of the CM strategy. 

Participants should be advised that because the workshop is a 1-time group event, it is essential that participants lock this event in their calendars. No repeat workshop will be conducted for absent participants.

What should participants do "After" the workshop?

Participants are encouraged to:

  1. Complete their CM Strategy templates with their organisation information based on the learning after the online workshop, if possible, in consultation with the head of the business and support units.
  2. Review of the content of submission via email by the Facilitator as an assignment
  3. Submit the finalized "reviewed" CM Strategy template submission via upload to BCM Institute's eCampus portal.
  4. Sent all submitted CM Strategy from all the participants to the CM Program Lead for final reporting
E-Learning Module
The e-learning module will be "Crisis Management  Strategy Development".  This will be the fourth of the eight sessions for the "Training-led CM Implementation" 2-day online course. Click the icon to learn more about the eLearning module's content. [CM] e-Learning [6] Crisis Strategy Development

3. Consultation with CM Program Lead [Online]

New call-to-actionAfter the online workshop, participants will have a designated period to complete and submit the templates to their appointed CM Program Lead, who will consolidate the templates and send the first draft of the report to the facilitator.

ZOOMOptional: The CM Program Lead will have a complimentary one-hour consultation session with the facilitator to review the compiled templates/ report. This session is subject to the initial conditions and class size as agreed upon during the project's start.

What Preparation does the CM Program Lead need to do before the consultation session:
  1. Get the CM Strategy report template to be presented to the management from the facilitator
  2. New call-to-actionGet all CM Program Team Members to submit their completed CM Strategy template after attending the instructor's online session. After the online workshop session, the CM Program Team Members must edit their CM Strategy template.
  3. Before the consultation session, comments will be emailed to the designated facilitator.
  4. Attend the consultation session at the appointed time (on Zoom)
  5. Process the templates from all CM Program Team Members and write a report for submission to the organisation's management.
  6. New call-to-actionRe-edit the compiled CM Strategy report and prepare to present the revised CM Strategy report for management presentation.

back to TOC Training Led Crisis Management ImplementationOnce you have completed this session, you are ready to attend the "CM Plan Development" workshop in the afternoon.

Training-led CM Implementation Roadmap

CM-300 Crisis Management Implementer


Module 1

Module 2

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Module 2
Session 1 Session 2
Overview of CM Project/ Program Crisis Management Strategy
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Crisis Scenario Risk Assessment CM Plan Development
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