Crisis Management Series
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[CM] Crisis Lifecycle Vs CM Planning Methodology

This blog clarifies the distinction between crisis lifecycle and crisis management planning methodology, two crucial aspects of crisis preparedness. The crisis lifecycle describes the natural stages of a crisis, from the simmering pre-crisis phase to the learning and improvement stage after resolution. Understanding this lifecycle helps organizations anticipate potential challenges at different points.

In contrast, the crisis management planning methodology provides a structured approach to building a crisis management program.  Think of it as a roadmap for taking concrete steps in preparation and response.  This methodology involves distinct phases, such as risk assessment, plan development, and testing. Organizations can ensure a comprehensive and coordinated response to unforeseen events by implementing a crisis management planning methodology.

The key takeaway is that both concepts are essential. The crisis lifecycle provides a framework for understanding the overall flow of a crisis. In contrast, the crisis management planning methodology equips organizations with the tools to prepare for and respond effectively at each stage. This combined knowledge empowers organizations to anticipate crisis scenarios, develop tailored response plans, conduct realistic simulations, and continuously improve their preparedness throughout the crisis lifecycle.

Moh Heng Goh
Crisis Management Certified Planner-Specialist-Expert

Crisis Lifecycle vs Crisis Management Planning Methodology: A Comparison

CM Crisis Lifecycle vs CM Planning MethodologyOften, people ask me this question when embarking on their crisis management journey: What is the difference between a crisis lifecycle and a crisis management planning methodology?

While both concepts are crucial for crisis preparedness, they serve distinct purposes.

The reply is that it lies in their scope and purpose.  This is a simple comparison of the differences.

  Crisis Management
Feature Crisis Lifecycle Crisis Management Planning Methodology
Focus Describes the natural stages a crisis typically goes through  Provides a structured approach to prepare for and respond to crises
Purpose  Helps understand the evolution of a crisis and its impact  Guides the development of a crisis management program and response strategy
 Limited direct action focuses on understanding the crisis flow  Provides a roadmap for taking concrete steps in preparation and response.
 Example A natural disaster might unfold pre-crisis, during-crisis (event and recovery stages) and post-crisis  A methodology helps develop an implementation plan for different stakeholders during a crisis
 Analogy Think of it as the natural history of a disease. It describes the different phases of the illness, helping doctors understand its progression. This is like a treatment plan for the disease. It outlines the steps to take for diagnosis, treatment, and recovery
Stages Crisis Stages: Pre-Crisis Crisis Stages: During Crisis Crisis Stages: Post Crisis New call-to-action


Summing Up ...

Key Takeaways is that the crisis lifecycle helps you understand the overall flow of a crisis.
The crisis management planning methodology equips you with tools to prepare for and respond to a crisis at each stage of its lifecycle.

By understanding both concepts, organizations can:

  • Anticipate potential crisis scenarios based on the lifecycle stages.
  • Develop a crisis management plan that addresses each stage effectively.
  • Conduct crisis exercises that simulate different stages of the lifecycle.
  • Continuously improve their crisis preparedness throughout the lifecycle.


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Goh, M. H. (2016). A Manager’s Guide to Implement Your Crisis Management Plan. Business Continuity Management Specialist Series (1st ed., p. 192). Singapore: GMH Pte Ltd.



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