Crisis Management Training-led Implementation Series
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[TL] [2] [CRA] Running the Crisis Scenario Risk Assessment

This series is part [2] of the reading for participants embarking on a "Training-led CM Implementation" with experienced CM professionals facilitating and reviewing your initial submission. 

The organisation can use this approach to update, develop, implement and finalise its CM program for an organisation. 

This starts the Crisis (Scenario) Risk Assessment or CRA phase.

Kenneth Yap
Crisis Management Certified Planner-Specialist-Expert

Running the Crisis (Scenario) Risk Assessment

New call-to-actionAt this stage, the appointed CM Program Lead is about to attend the first CM workshop organised in-house.

This "Crisis Scenario Risk Assessment" or "CRA" phase [the second phase of the CM planning methodology] involved the "Running a crisis scenario risk assessment" training, which entails the following steps.

CM Training Led Banner_Running the Crisis (Scenario) Risk Assessment


1. Supplementary Readings

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Participants will receive regular emails that direct them to BCM Institute's Learning Management System (LMS) or eCampus. There, they can view content similar to what they are reading now.

It contains bite-size pre-reading information on risk analysis and review.

This is done to introduce them to the fundamental concepts ahead of the three more 3-hour workshops, helping participants optimise their time at the workshops.

What should participants do "Before" the Online Workshop?

Participants are to:

  1. Read the supplementary pre-reading materials before the workshop
  2. Completed the two E-Learning Modules, "Overview of CM" and "Crisis Risk Assessment (CRA)".  This is done in Module 1.
  3. Download the softcopy Crisis Scenario Risk Assessment or CRA templates from the eCampus
  4. Start filling in their CRA templates downloaded from

    eCampus, with the assistance of the guidance notes

  5. Highlight the content you are unsure about being asked about during the coming workshop.

2.  Facilitated Workshop 


BL-B-3 Run2 ZOOM - Copy (2)

A workshop will be conducted to guide participants in identifying, analysing and evaluating their risks or crisis scenarios.

The facilitator will also use this time to explain the more complex concepts of risk. A set of templates facilitates this process.

Participants will be put through an E-Learning program for the online workshop one to two weeks before the start of the online workshop.  

The e-learning modules were completed in Module 1.  This will be the first of the eight online sessions or the two-module online course. Click the icon to learn more about the e-learning module's content.

New call-to-action New call-to-action [CM] e-Learning [3] Crisis Types & Scenarios [CM] e-Learning [5] Threats and Crisis Scenarios

Before the online workshop session, this will give them the necessary information and context to understand some key concepts involved in Crisis Scenario Risk Assessment (CRA).

It is important to note that the workshop is a 1-time group event.  Hence, participants must lock this event in their calendars. No repeat workshop will be conducted for absent participants, and there is a possibility that BCM Institute will not pass the participant if he/she is not present during the class.

Summary of what participants should do "During" and "After" the workshop?

Participants (CM Program Lead or CM Program Team Members) are required to:

During Workshop
  1. Attend the workshop and clarify any queries during the class as the facilitator walks through the template sequentially during the seminar.
After Workshop
  1. Amend and submit your CRA templates via the eCampus submission link
  2. Review and finalise your template based on the comments written on your returned submission email by the Facilitator
  3. Rename your file as Version 2.0 or V 2.0 and submit the finalised "reviewed" CAR template submission via upload to BCM Institute's eCampus portal
  4. Submit within two working days after the workshop
  5. All submitted CAR templates from all the participants will be batched to the CM Program Lead for final consolidation and reporting

3. Consultation with Project Team Leader [Online]

Subject to Prior Agreement. After the workshop, participants will have two working days (after completion) to complete and submit the templates via the eCampus portal.  

The consolidated submission will be batched to the appointed CM Program Lead, who will consolidate the templates and develop the first draft of the report.

ZOOMOptional: The CM Program Lead will have a complimentary one-hour consultation session with the facilitator to review the compiled templates/ report. This session is subject to the initial conditions and class size as agreed upon during the project's start.

New call-to-actionCM Program Lead need to do "Before" the consultation session:
  1. Get the "CAR report to management" template from the facilitator.  This is optional.
  2. Get all CM Program Team Members to submit their completed CAR template after attending the instructor's online session. The CM Program Team Members must edit their CAR template after the online workshop session.
  3. Before the consultation session, comments will be emailed to the designated facilitator.
  4. New call-to-actionAttend the consultation session at the appointed time (on Zoom)
  5. Process the templates from all CM Program Team Members and write a report for submission to the organisation's management.
  6. Re-edit the compiled CRA report and prepare to present the revised CRA report for management presentation.

New call-to-actionThe strength of this program is the continuity of CM knowledge should the officer responsible for CM be replaced.

back to TOC Training Led Crisis Management ImplementationIf you are attending a public course, this course is similar to the previous session for the CM-300 (Course code).

Once this session is completed, the CM Program Team Members are ready to attend the next "Crisis Management Strategy" workshop in Module 2 Session 2.

CM Project Planning

If you have not read the first two articles regarding how this project started, clicking icons [1A] and [1B] may help you understand how a typical project starts. Ignore if you have completed the CM-420 course.

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Starting the CM Project Developing CM Structure and Framework
Training of New Coordinators

If you have a new CM Program Team Member and need CM knowledge, your colleague can attend a similar public course, CM-300 (Course code).

Training-led CM Implementation Roadmap

CM-300 Crisis Management Implementer


Module 1

Module 2

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Module 2
Session 1 Session 2
Overview of CM Project/ Program Crisis Management Strategy
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Crisis Scenario Risk Assessment CM Plan Development
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