Crisis Management Series
CM Ai Gen_with Cert Logo 27

CM Plan Components

These are the typical sections of a comprehensive crisis management plan.  It provides an overview of what should be included in this content.
Steve Sobak
Crisis Management Certified Planner-Specialist-Expert

Section of CM Plan

These are the typical sections of a comprehensive CM plan:

  • IC_CM_CM Plan Components

    CM Policy
  • Plan Administration
  • Pre-crisis
    • Communication Policy
    • Finance, Legal, and Administration
    • Warning and Alert section
  • During-crisis
    • Crisis Command and Coordination
    • Crisis Resolution
    • Recovery Management
  • Post-crisis
    • Aftermath management
  • Checklist

CM Policy

This section outlines the organization's policies for crisis management.

Communication Policy

This section outlines the organization's policies for information management. It includes how information is exchanged, how media is managed, and how to inform and deal with inquiries from internal and external groups.

Finance, Legal, IT and Administration

This section outlines the specialist support, such as finance and legal, during a crisis.

Plan Administration

This section outlines who is designated to design and maintain the CM plan. It includes reviewing the plan, audit procedures, training, and exercise activities.


This section outlines the policies on roles and responsibilities for CM and risk reduction and control.

Warning and Alert

This section outlines the alert and warning systems used in the organization.

During Crisis

Crisis Command and Coordination

This section outlines the command, control and communication requirements for the crisis. It includes the crisis structure, the command centre and the notification of the teams and relevant agencies.

Crisis Resolution

This section provides procedures for handling crisis events. As each incident may differ, a dedicated team will be assigned to manage the crisis.

Recover and Resumption

This section focuses on the steps to recover, resumption, and restore during a crisis.


Post-crisis Management

This section deals with the return home requirement, the closure of the crisis with the relevant agencies, and the post-mortem evaluation.


This section holds the checklists for the entire CM plan. These include equipment, procedures, contacts, logistics, supply, and related action lists.


A Manager’s Guide to Implementing Your Crisis Management Plan


Goh, M. H. (2016). A Manager’s Guide to Implement Your Crisis Management Plan. Business Continuity Management Specialist Series (1st ed., p. 192). Singapore: GMH Pte Ltd.

Extracted from Appendix 5: CM Plan Component



More Information About Crisis Management Blended/ Hybrid Learning Courses

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