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[CM-3] What is Needed to Complete Module 1 of the CM-5000 Blended Learning [CM-5] Course?

Module 1 of the CM-300 Blended Learning course is an E-learning module focusing on the fundamentals of crisis management. Participants attending the CM-5000 Crisis Management Expert Implementer (Course code: CM-5) will complete the same module

As this module has an assessment requirement, the successful completion of this E-learning module will also result in the participant being awarded the "Crisis Management Certified Planner" or CMCP certification.

Suhana Sunreh

[Back to] What is BL-CM-5?

What Are You Required to Complete for  Module 1 of the Blended Learning Programme?

Module 1: E-Learning

To complete Module 1 of the CM-5000 Blended Learning (BL-CM-5) / CM-300 Blended Learning (BL-CM-3) course, New call-to-actionparticipants are required to attend 8 (eight) E-Learning sub-modules of the CM Implementation process.

Click the button to read about the "Course Content" for Module 1.

E-Learning Modules for Crisis Management Fundamentals

  1. IC_BL-CM-5_Mod1Crisis Management Concepts
  2. Crisis Management Principles, Framework & Policies
  3. Crisis Types & Scenarios
  4. Crisis Management Team
  5. Threats & Crisis Scenarios
  6. Crisis Strategy Development
  7. Crisis Management Plan Implementation
  8. Advanced Level Testing & Exercising

Note that Module 1, the Blended Learning CM-300 course, is also Module 1 (of 4) for participants attending the Blended Learning CM-5000 course [CM-5].

[BL-HL-CM-3-4-5] Phases Learning Roadmap  CM-300-CM-400-CM-5000 Crisis Management Course Phase

The participant is required to spend about 1 hour per E-Learning sub-module


Time Requirement
Module 1 
Eight x One Hour 
(per sub-module or Lesson )


More Information About Crisis Management Courses

To learn more about the course and schedule, click the buttons below for the  CM-300 Crisis Management Implementer [CM-3] and the CM-5000 Crisis Management Expert Implementer [CM-5].

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