Business Continuity Management
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Dr Goh Moh Heng [Speaker] Academic Qualifications

Dr Goh Moh Heng is the President of BCM Institute and has been a thought leader in the business continuity industry for about 32 years (Since 1987). He started developing IT disaster recovery plan since 1987 as the Head of IT. Dr Goh started the first major BCM program for the Ministry of Defence in 1989. Since then, he continues to hold global responsibilities for business continuity and crisis management with international financial institutions. Below is short introduction of his career, credentials and academic qualifications
Rose Lam
Business Continuity Management Certified Planner-Specialist-Expert



Dr Goh Moh Heng

Academic Qualifications

Doctor of Philosophy
University of South Australia, 1999
University of South Australia  
Master in Information Technology
RMIT University, Australia, 1991
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Brandon University, Canada, 1986
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Academic Qualification for Training and Development

Masters in Training and Development
Griffith University, 2014
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Diploma in Adult Learning and Education (DACE)
Institute of Adult Learning, 2016

Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment (ACTA)
Institute of Adult Learning, 2010




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