[DR-5] What is a DRP-5000 IT Disaster Recovery Expert Implementer Course?

As we have already exit the COVID-19 outbreak, participants at BCM Institute are asking, "Should I return to attend the "brick-and-mortar" Disaster Recovery (DR) onsite course [DRP-5000] or continue with the 100% blended learning [BL-DR-5] online course?"

What are the differences between blended learning and hybrid learning courses? What is the course content? How is the module conducted? What I should know before enrolling on the course?

You are now viewing an advanced level IT disaster recovery course that starts you to be grounded on IT Disaster Recovery fundamentals before understanding the disaster recovery concepts and the IT DR planning processes to develop and implement the IT DR plan.  Finally, you will be expected to have a detailed understanding of what encompasses the continuous maintenance or upgrading of your IT DR Programme.

Moh Heng Goh

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IT DR Expert Implementer Landing PageOverview of DRP-5000 [BL & HL] IT Disaster Recovery Course

As we begin our learning journey to return to the "new normal", BCM Institute will start its Hybrid Learning [HL] course beginning the last quarter of 2022. It will continue offering all its certification courses with a Blended Learning [BL] approach for modules 1 and 2.

Participants will have the option to continue Modules 3 and 4 as online BL courses or attend a two-day onsite face-to-face workshop.

This protracted time frame for Modules 1 and 2 allows one to understand the concepts taught in digestible bite sizes with targeted online interactions.

Care and consideration have been taken to ensure that the content and syllabus of Modules 3 and 4 are of the same standard and rigour as those of our on-site classes.


Here is a quick overview of the course, divided into modules 1 to 4. The learning roadmap below explains Modules 1 to 4 and their relationship to the 300-400-5000-level courses offered. Modules 1 and 2 will be blended even if you attend the hybrid learning [HL].  

Module Content and Requirement

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New call-to-actionThe chart shows how the modules (1 to 4) are packaged to form the courses you may be interested in attending.

Below is a snapshot of what you can expect from the programme.  Each module's syllabus or "Course Content" and the delivery or "Course Requirement" have been carefully crafted to ensure that the outcome matches each day of the DRP-5000 IT Disaster Recovery Expert Implementer competency level.

[Back to] What is BL-DR-5?

Click the icon to learn more about the "Course Content" of each module and what you can expect or "Course Requirement" as a participant for this course throughout the four modules.  When you are in any of the articles and would like to return to this page, click the "Back To: What is Blended Learning DRP-5000?" button on each page.


Module (Day) Course Content Course Requirement
IC_BL-DR-3_Mod1 [BL-DR-3] [M1] Module 1 of DRP-5000 IT DR Expert Implementer [BL-DR-5] BL-DR-5 M1 Course Requirement IT DRP-5000
IC_BL-DR-3_Mod2 BL-DR-2 M4 Course Content IT DRP-5000 BL-DR-5 M2 Course Requirement IT DRP-5000
IC_BL-DR-3_Mod3 BL-DR-5 M3 Course Content IT DRP-5000 BL-DR-5 M3 Course Requirement IT DRP-5000
IC_BL-DR-3_Mod4 BL-DR-5 M4 Course Content IT DRP-5000 BL-DR-5 M4 Course Requirement IT DRP-5000

Breakdown of the Time Spent

Module Mode of Study Sessions Mandatory & Fixed Timing (Hours)
IC_BL-DR-3_Mod1 E-learning/ Self Study and Self-pace Eight e-learning modules -

Facilitated Online Workshop (3 Hours Self Study & Assignment + 6 Hours Schedule Online Classes)

Two online sessions 6 (3-hour x 2 separate sessions)
Total Hours Blended Learning [BL] Module 1 and 2 Note that participants attending Hybrid Learning [HL] will attend the same BL Module 1 and Module 2
11 6
IC_BL-DR-3_Mod3 Web Training and Discussion Workshop (2 Hours Self Study + 6 Hours Schedule Online Classes) Two online sessions 6 (3-hour x 2 separate sessions)
IC_BL-DR-3_Mod4 Web Training and Discussion Workshop (2 Hours Self Study + 6 Hours Schedule Online Classes) Two online sessions 6 (3-hour x 2 separate sessions)
Total Hours Blended Learning [BL] Modules 3 and 4  Four 3-hour online sessions 18

Alternatively, Module 3 & 4 can also be conducted on-site:

IC_HL-DR-5_Module 3 [HL] Onsite face-to-face Workshop 1-day onsite 8
IC_HL-DR-5_Module 4

[HL] Onsite face-to-face Workshop

1-day onsite 8
Total Hours

Hybrid Learning [HL] Day 3 and Day 4

2-day onsite 16
DRCE Disaster Recovery Certified Expert certification

DRCE Qualifying Examination for Disaster Recovery Certified Expert (after BL-DR-5 course)

- 3 and 1/2 hour
DRCS Disaster Recovery Certified Specialist certification DRCS Qualifying Examination for Disaster Recovery Certified Specialist (after BL-DR-3 course) - 2 and 1/2 hour


What are the Differences and Concerns?

Hybrid vs Blended Learning IT DR: The primary concern with blended learning is that it will be another direct conversion to eLearning training over video channels.  The entire process is designed so that the content will provide the same outcome.

Click the icon on the right to learn more about the difference between Blended and Hybrid Learning, which is offered by BCM Institute.

Instructors: The instructors delivering the modules remain the same as those who deliver the on-site training. You will learn from more than three instructors who manage IT DR programmes in their organisations. 

International Participation: Another significant change will be the participation of more international delegates compared to the traditional majority of Asian participants. Participants will be expected to discuss and work as teams from different parts of the world. The richness in sharing has always been the strength of our courses.

Readings: More pre-readings should be expected, as the objective is to ensure that knowledge that could be acquired via reading is done outside the training session. More time is allocated to sharing experiences from the participants and facilitators.

More Information About IT DR Blended Learning

BCM Institute offers the BL-DR-3 Blended Learning DR-300 IT Disaster Recovery Implementer and the BL-DR-5 Blended Learning DR-5000 IT Disaster Recovery Expert Implementer.

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FAQ DRP-300 BL-DR-3 IT Disaster Recovery Implementer Please feel free to send us a note if you have any of these questionsEmail to Sales Team [BCM Institute] FAQ [BL-DR] [5]  DRP-5000


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The following section applied to Singaporean and Singapore permanent residents eligible for funding. 

Click the button to find out more about the funding.


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SkillsFuture Credit Claim [New Initiative starting April 2020]

For claiming of SkillsFuture Credit (additional funding for Singaporeans), click the "SkillsFuture Credit Claimable" button to find out more from SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG).


Tell Us About Your Learning Experience After Completing the OR-5000 Course


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