
[BL-CC-5] What is Needed to Complete Module 4 of the CC-5000 Blended Learning Course?

After completing the E-learning of Module 1 and the intermediate online hands-on course of Module 2 (Course code: BL-CC-3), participants continuing with the Blended Learning CC-5000 (Course code: BL-CC-5), would have proceeded and completed the blended learning Module 3 which focus on the competency needed and to establish the CC structure to manage the crisis communication event: pre; during and post-crisis affecting your organisation.

Module 4 is the last part of the course which allows the participants to simulate the engagement of management and to elevate the organisation CC programme.  Similar to Module 2, Module 4 is a hand-on session which focuses on the design and development of a series of initial, intermediate and advanced level CC testing, exercising and conducting simulation for the organisation.

Suhana Sunreh

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What Are You Required to Complete for  Module 4 of the Blended Learning Programme?


Module 4: Web Training and Discussion Workshop

BL_CC-5000_Module4To complete Module 4 of the CC-5000 Blended Learning (BL-CC-5) course, participants are required to attend two 1- pre-reading and assignment with another two 2-hour of Facilitated Online workshops

Sequence of Module 4

The two 1/2 day for Module 4, each consists the following:

  1. Pre-reading and assignment [Maximum of one hour]

  2. Attend Facilitated Online Workshop 
    [Maximum of two hour]

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 [1] Pre-reading



A Manager’s Guide to Implementing Your Crisis Communications PlanPre-readings assigned are 2 blog articles and 2 chapters of the Manager's Guide to Crisis Communication Plan.

Participants are recommended to complete them before the session as it serves as  'bite-sized' background information, allowing participants to familiarize themselves with the concepts to be discussed.  It would also assist participants in the completion of their assignment in the following  2 hour online session.

Time Requirement
Module 4 [S1] & [S2]
Two 1-Hour Pre-reading [Total of 2 hours]
[2] Attend Facilitated Online Training

All participants of the Blended Learning CC-5000 course are to attend two 2-hour sessions.


Bann_BL-CC-5_Mod4S1_Prepare_Attend The first 2-hour workshop session would need them to be part of a facilitated online training session. Facilitated by an industry practitioner and armed with the pre-reading knowledge and assignment, this session would need participants to design and develop a organisation-wide training and awareness program and also the three to five year exercise program.
Bann_BL-CC-5_Mod4S2_Prepare_Attend This would be followed by second 2-hour session on a different day where participants would be able to discuss on the design and development of the intermediate and advanced level testing and share how to coordinate and manage a crisis simulation.

Both sessions are compulsory and runs at the pre-determined online schedule. There would not be a repeat or substitute session for anyone who missed it.


Time Requirement Module 4 [S1] & [S2] Two 2-Hour sessions [Total of 4 hours]

At the end of each session, you are required to submit the completed report to the Facilitator.  

Module 4 Session 1
  1. Organisation-wide training and awareness program
  2. Organisation-wide CC testing program
Module 4 Session 2
  1. Design profile for CC integrated exercise
  2. Design profile for CC Simulation exercise with test scripts

Submit your completed template to the facilitator within 2 days after the Facilitated Online session.  Do note that you should have completed the assignment to complete this course.

Find out more about Blended Learning CC-5000 [BL-CC-5]


  [BL-CC-5] View Schedule New call-to-action New call-to-action  

If you would like to continue to know more about your crisis communication learning journey, click on the button below.


Please feel free to send us a note if you have any of these questions to




New call-to-actionFunding for CC-5000 Course from CITREP+

The next section applied to Singaporean and Singapore permanent residents who are eligible for IMDA's CITREP funding.  Note that funding will only be available in Oct 2021.

Click "CITREP+" button to find out more about the funding


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SkillsFuture Credit Claim

[New Initiative starting April 2020]

For claiming of SkillsFuture Credit (additional funding for Singaporeans), click "SkillsFuture Credit Claimable" button to find out more from SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG).



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