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[Audit] Trends and Best Practices in Business Continuity Management Audits (2024)

The business landscape is turbulent, and organisations must be prepared to weather storms. This is where Business Continuity Management (BCM) comes in, ensuring operations continue despite disruptions.

But how do we ensure our BCM plans are genuinely robust and adaptable? The answer lies in effective auditing; the good news is that the field is evolving rapidly. Buckle up as we navigate the key trends and best practices for BCM audits in 2024.

Dr Goh Moh Heng will present the trends and best practices during the 2024 Inaugural BCM Institute webinar.

Moh Heng Goh
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Trends and Best Practices in Business Continuity Management Audits (2024)

New call-to-actionThe business landscape is turbulent, and organisations must be prepared to weather storms.  Be it a natural disaster, regional conflicts war or even climate change, the environment continues to evolve rapidly.

This is where Business Continuity Management (BCM) comes in, ensuring operations continue despite disruptions.

But how do we ensure our BCM plans are genuinely robust and adaptable?

The answer lies in effective auditing; the good news is that the field is evolving rapidly. Buckle up as we navigate the key trends and best practices for BCM audits in 2024

Emerging Trends

From Recovery to Resilience

The focus is shifting from simply bouncing back after disruptions to building resilient systems that can withstand and adapt to diverse challenges.

This includes diversification of supplier networks, cloud adoption, and a culture of preparedness.

Automation & AI

Technology is revolutionising BCM audits.

Automation streamlines processes like risk identification, scenario planning, and recovery exercises.

AI-powered tools analyse vast data sets to predict disruptions and automate mitigation strategies, enhancing speed and efficiency.

Cybersecurity as Cornerstone

With ever-evolving cyber threats, integrating cyber resilience into BCM plans is crucial.

This involves data protection, robust security measures, and ensuring critical systems and processes can rapidly recover from cyberattacks.

Climate Change Preparedness

As climate events become more frequent and intense, BCM plans must consider climate risks.

This includes incorporating climate-related scenarios into risk assessments, developing mitigation strategies, and ensuring infrastructure resilience.

Remote Workforce Continuity

The shift to remote work necessitates new BCM plans that support a dispersed workforce while maintaining productivity and security.

This includes testing collaboration tools, data access protocols, and remote incident response procedures.

Best Practices for Success

Align with Regulatory Requirements

New call-to-actionStay up-to-date with evolving regulations and industry standards for BCM audits.

This ensures your plan meets compliance requirements and demonstrates best practices.

Scenario-Based Testing

Move beyond theoretical exercises and conduct realistic simulations of various disruption scenarios.

This helps identify weaknesses and refine your response plans.

Third-Party Risk Management

New call-to-actionProactively assess and manage the resilience of your third-party vendors.

Their vulnerabilities could impact your operations, so include them in your BCM scope.

Continuous Improvement & Learning

Do not just audit, learn and improve.

Regularly analyse audit findings, implement corrective actions, and share learnings across the organization.

Collaboration & Communication

Ensure open communication and collaboration between all stakeholders involved in BCM, from leadership to frontline employees.

Summing Up ...

BCM audits are not just about ticking boxes but about building a resilience culture.

By embracing these trends and best practices, you can confidently navigate the ever-changing landscape, ensuring your organisation thrives despite the waves of change.


Trends and Best Practices for 2024
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 More Information About Blended Learning Auditing BCMS Courses

BCM Institute offers two levels of BCM auditing courses: BL-A-3 Blended Learning BCM-8030 ISO22301 BCMS Auditor and the BL-A-5 Blended Learning ISO22301 BCMS Lead Auditor.


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