BCM Audit Series

BCM Institute Blog

BCMS Audit Certified Planner-Specialist-Expert
Moh Heng Goh
Structure and Content of a BCM Audit Report

Structure of BCM Audit Report Content

This is a summary of the report contents...

Moh Heng Goh
What is Required During the Closing Meeting?

The Closing Meeting

The Closing or Exit Meeting is scheduled between the..

Moh Heng Goh
Assessing and Writing of Non-conformity

Assess Non-conformity

When assessing for non-conformity, these are the..

Moh Heng Goh
Category of Non-conformity

Category for Non-conformity (NC)

A non-conformity is serious in nature. It is..

Moh Heng Goh
Audit Objective, Scope and Criteria

Determine Audit Objectives

An Audit Objective is the defined purpose or aim of..


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