Operational Resilience Series

What is OR Competency Level (CL)?

All training syllabus within BCM Institute has been designed to assist professionals in upgrading their knowledge and skill using the "Know", "Do" and "Manage" Expertise Level.

Concurrently, the Competency Level (CL) is a set of building blocks for BCM Institute's training and certification requirements. Each (discipline) domain has three areas of Body of Knowledge (BoK), and in turn, each BoK area is broken into three distinct levels: Foundation (CL 1), Intermediate (CL 2) and Advanced (CL 3).

Moh Heng Goh
Operational Resilience Certified Planner-Specialist-Expert

Competency Building Blocks

The Competency Level (CL) is a set of building blocks for BCM Institute's training and certification requirements. Each subject domain is broken into three distinct levels: Foundation (CL 1), Intermediate (CL 2) and Advanced (CL 3). The breakdown for each domain is as follows:

  • CL 1 OR, CL 2 OR and CL 3 OR for operational resilience domain;
  • CL 1 ORA, CL 2 ORA and CL 3 ORA for operational resilience audit domain;

The arrangement of the tiers represents the increasing specificity and specialization of the Operational Resilience (OR)', and Operational Resilience Audit (ORA) skills and knowledge content.

BCM Institute Certification and Competency Level Model


Operational Resilience Operational Resilience Audit
CL 3OR: Advanced (Operational Resilience)ORCE

CL 3 OR: Advanced (Operational Resilience) ORCE

CL 3ORA: Advanced (Operational Resilience Audit)ORAE

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CL 2OR: Intermediate (Operational Resilience)ORCS

CL 2 OR: Intermediate (Operational Resilience) ORCS

CL 2ORA: Intermediate (Operational Resilience Audit): ORAS

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CL 1OR: Foundation (Operational Resilience)ORCP

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CL 1ORA: Foundation (Operational Resilience Audit)ORCP

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1. Foundation (CL 1)

You can view the summary of the terms used in OR Body of Knowledge [BoK 1 to 15] during the preparation of the examination here:


Course name You should be reading:
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2. Intermediate (CL 2)

When you are attempting an intermediate-level course, you can view the summary of the terms used in BCM Body of Knowledge  [BoK 1 to 7] during the preparation of the examination here:


Course Code You should be reading:
[BL-OR] [3] What is BL-OR-3 Course? New call-to-action New call-to-action
ORA-300 New call-to-action CL 2New call-to-actionORA


3. Advanced (CL 3) 

You can view the summary of the terms used in BCM Body of Knowledge  [BoK 1 to 7] during the preparation of the examination here:


Course name You should be reading:
[BL-OR] [3-4-5] What is BL-OR-5 Course? New call-to-action New call-to-action New call-to-action
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You are strongly advised to read competency levels based on the course you are attending and attempt the practice exam questions before sitting for the actual exams. 

BCM Institute: Detailed Training Program

This content is strictly for the Institute's training program participants and use only.

Operational Resilience

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As for the Operational Resilience courses, the BCM Body of Knowledge Operational Resilience (BCMBoK Operational Resilience) domain of:

Operational Resilience Audit

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As for the Operational Resilience Audit courses, the BCM Body of Knowledge Operational Resilience (BCMBoK Operational Resilience) domain of:



Learn more about OR-300 [OR-3], ORA-300 [ORA-3], OR-5000 [OR-5] and ORA-5000 [ORA-5]

To learn more about the course, click the buttons below.

Tell Me More About BCM- 8030 BL-OR-3_Tell Me More
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If you have any questions, click to contact us. Email to Sales Team [BCM Institute]

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