Operational Resilience Series

[OR] [Exam] Attempting the ORCP Examination

All training syllabus within BCM Institute has been designed to assist professionals in upgrading their knowledge and skill using the "Know", "Do" and "Manage" Expertise Level. Concurrently, the Competency Level (CL) is a set of building blocks for BCM Institute's training and certification requirement. Each (discipline) domain has seven areas of Body of Knowledge (BoK) and in turn, each BoK area is broken into three distinct levels: Foundation (CL 1), Intermediate (CL 2) and Advanced (CL 3).
Suhana Sunreh
Operational Resilience Certified Planner-Specialist-Expert

Blog Under Contruction

Instructions to Candidate Attending Operational Resilience Planner Course OR-200 Attempting the ORCP Examination

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Candidates sitting for the ORCP qualifying examination are strongly advised to be versed with the terminologies found in CL 1 OR.


Read CL 1 OR

When attempting the Operational Resilience Auditor or OR-200 examination, you can view Competency Level 1 for the OR Body of Knowledge [OR BoK 1 to 3] as part of your preparation for the examination.


Examination Course You Should Review Competency Level Certification
50 Questions

One and a half hours

75% passing mark
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Learn more about OR-300 [OR-3], ORA-300 [ORA-3], OR-5000 [OR-5] and ORA-5000 [ORA-5]

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