If you are reading this article, you are probably a Business Continuity Management (BCM) Manager or Organization BCM Coordinator, or you could be holding other functional roles such as Security, Facility, Corporate Planning or Health and Safety. If this is correct, being competent at your current role is not sufficient but having a clear distinction and understanding of the concept of CM versus BCM versus your current functional roles.
One of the options is to attend a comprehensive Crisis Management (CM) course taught by expert CM practitioners and also be certified as one when you complete the course.
In BCM Institute, we have three levels of competencies and they are "Know-Do-Manage". As an appointed organization level CM Coordinator, you will need to be as the "Manage" level of competency. With this in mind, the Organization CM Coordinator can start to plot the different training routes to choose from depending on his/her requirement, schedule and certification needs.
Other Core Skill sets
Once you have competed the CM training, then, you should continue to upgrade your competency to include business continuity management, crisis communication. Another core skill is to be able to review and audit a BCM program. The auditing skill set will also apply to the review of crisis management and crisis communication plans. For those who are required to work with the IT team and have a strong IT background, the attendance of the IT disaster planning course will definitely be a good selection.
Certification Versus Competency-based Training
If you are not a Singaporean or a Singapore Permanent Resident (PR), you may want to ignore this section BCM Institute is awarded as an Authorised Training Organisation (ATO) status for the "Competency-based Courses" and Approved Training Centre for its certification course. However, they are only available in Singapore.
Certification Courses | Competency-based Courses |
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If you are asking the differences between Certification versus Competency-based training courses, you may want to read "What is Certification Versus Competency-based Courses?"
Funding from the Singapore Government
There is two funding for training of CM in Singapore by two separate government agencies. Once is IMDA and the other is SkillFuture Singapore (SSG).
Read more about the fundng for:
- DRP-5000 CM Expert Implementer Course [Know-Do-Manage]
For Singaporeans who would like to receive funding, you may want to consider achieving a professional certification led by senior practicing professionals, you can find out more by attending the:
Disaster Recovery Expert Implementer (Course Code: CM-5000) [Click for Funding]
Contact Us
Contact the BCM Institute team for more information @ Info@bcm-institute.org