Many times, newly appointed or experienced Business Continuity (BC), Crisis Management (CM), Crisis Communication (CC), IT Disaster Recovery (DR), Operational Resilience (OR), and BCM Audit professionals will ask themselves what the most appropriate level of training is needed for them.
To answer this question, BCM Institute has designed its training syllabus for all of its courses to assist professionals in upgrading their competency using the Know, Do and Manage Expertise Level.
These three levels apply to the respective areas within the business continuity management or BCM domain. The BCM discipline or domain includes these six areas: [1] BCM Audit, [2] Business Continuity (BC), [3] Crisis Management (CC), [4] Crisis Communication (CC), [5] IT Disaster Recovery (DR) and [6] Operational Resilience (OR)
At this stage, our courses provide participants with the fundamental focus on grounding the theoretical BCM knowledge one needs as a general BCM team member.
You could be senior management or a member of the BCM team. Participating at this stage would expose one to general BCM terms. In the business continuity domain, the understanding of terms such as Business Impact Analysis (BIA), Minimum Business Continuity Objective (MBCO), and Recovery Time Objectives (RTO) is critical, as how they relate to a deeper understanding of BCM.
In all domains, they will be taught the seven-phase BCM implementation or the three-phase OR implementation process and overall testing and exercise concepts. These phases apply to the CM, CC, DR and OR domains.
Word of Advice. If you are a beginner in any of the areas of interest and want to have a complete set of knowledge, you may want to attempt the advanced level, except you may not have the necessary experience to apply for the advanced level certification. The certification from BCM Institute can be acquired while you gain the necessary experience as there is no requirement to re-sit for the course and qualifying examination again.
Course Type
Examples of "Know level" courses offered by the institute are usually the "200" level or "Planner" level courses such as BCM-200, CM-200, CC-200, DRP-200 and OR-200.
"Know level" courses are most suited for general staff, staff performing BCM at the business unit level and organization BCM coordinators attempting to understand the intricacies of the BCM implementation at the business level. It is a general training and awareness course.
Attending "Know level" courses alone is unsuitable for new business unit BCM coordinators or organization BCM coordinators. This professional will need to have both the "Know" and "Do" levels of training.
These intermediate-level courses would take participants one step further than the essential theoretical knowledge taught at the "Do" stage. It would equip participants with hands-on training to implement a BCM (BC, CM, CC, DR or OR) plan.
Using generic BCM templates, learn how to input relevant data and ways to obtain them to ensure a working BCM plan. At this stage, participants could make sense of the theory taught on day 1.
At the DO stage, participants must be competent in implementing and updating their business unit and/or organization BCM plans.
Course Type
Examples of "Do" level" courses offered by the institute are usually the "300" level or "Implementer" level courses such as BCM-300, CM-300, CC-300, DRP-300 and OR-300. The first day of an implementer course incorporates the content of the planner (200) group of courses.
"Know-Do" level" courses are most suited for business unit coordinators tasked with updating their BCM plans.
At this level, participants would delve deeper into managing a BCM plan with the support of senior managers. Implementation strategies for both business units and organizations will also be shared. Cross-functional responsibilities would be explored, and advanced testing and exercising methods would be taught. Participants would be exposed to strategic management skills to manage their plans across various roles. Participants who complete the MANAGE level of courses are expected to gain leadership and middle to senior management competencies.
Course Type
Examples of "Manage" level" courses offered by the institute are usually the "400" level or "Manager" level courses such as BCM-400, CM-400, CC-400, DRP-400 and OR-400.
"Manage" level" courses are most suited for mature business unit coordinators looking to upgrade their competencies and new and experienced organization BCM coordinators.
"Manage level" courses are not suitable for general staff, supporting staff of business unit/organization BCM coordinators.
Final Reading
Read more on how the body of knowledge is integrated with the detailed explanation in BCMPedia for Competency Level and Expertise Level.
We hope it helps you discover the right course for you. But if you are still unsure of your choices, look out for "What's The Best Course for Me?"
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