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View Course Content

This is one of the blogs that you should be viewing before you start facilitating your assigned course.  This course schedule page is sent to the participants.  It is essential that you view the content of the course that you are facilitating.  Think of it as the syllabus for the specific module.
Moh Heng Goh

IC_More_BCM Imp_View Course ContentBefore you start the course, this is the page that you have been sent to view the content of the course that you are facilitating. All the modules are made available in this blog.

All five products have one of these pages.  Click one of the buttons below to view the master page.  

[Back to] What is BL-B-5? [Back to] What is BL-CM-5? [Back to] What is BL-CC-5? [Back to] What is BL-DR-5? [Back to] What is BL-A-5?

This is a sample page for the Business Continuity Management certification course.

Scroll downward on this page to view the course content button.

Click the button "Course Content" for the module that you are facilitating.  Below is the page that you will be viewing.

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