Business Continuity Management

Case Study: Additional Information

This is the background to the case study for the BCM-5000 Blended Learning course.  This is the table of content to the multiple part series.
Moh Heng Goh
Business Continuity Management Certified Planner-Specialist-Expert

Additional Information

IC_Morepost_Supplementary InformationBack to Table of ContentAllSafe Bank’s customers are segmented into three groups: consumer, small business, and commercial. Consumers include single or household account holders with Demand Deposit Accounts (DDAs) who utilize branches to deposit and withdraw funds and who desire home mortgage or consumer loans. Small businesses and commercial accounts include companies that are sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations.

Both small businesses and commercial accounts utilize DDA products and transaction services, such as cash management, account reconciliation, and lockbox services. Small businesses are differentiated from commercial accounts by the size of the asset relationship. Small businesses generally are under $1 million, and commercial businesses are over $1 million.

Key customers/users (those that constitute 5 percent or more of customers/users) include:


Customers  Account Holders
Consumer Banking  328, 587 individual or household 
Small Business Customers 2,846 
Commercial Banking Customers 998 (greater than $1 million)

Back to Table of ContentFinancial auditor for current year (from 1 Jan to 31 Dec) : P&L Public Accounting

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